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Prof.dr.Boris Cizelj, Director Slovenian Business & Research Association, Brussels - SBRA “ Integrated Information System “Slovenia Your Cooperation Partner.

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Presentation on theme: "Prof.dr.Boris Cizelj, Director Slovenian Business & Research Association, Brussels - SBRA “ Integrated Information System “Slovenia Your Cooperation Partner."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prof.dr.Boris Cizelj, Director Slovenian Business & Research Association, Brussels - SBRA “ Integrated Information System “Slovenia Your Cooperation Partner (SYCP)” Your Companion in Discovering Slovenia

2 Part I Development of the SYCP System

3 WHY SYCP? Visibility: Specific Problem of Slovenia Broader function of SYCP: Supporting establishment of European Identity In early nineties, except neighbours, Europeans at large knew little about Slovenia (limited and modest promotion, changing logos and symbols, no selection of distinguishing features); Basic country attributes: small, advanced, most Westernized part of ex- Yugoslavia; Central European, Slavic - with strong Austrian and Italian influence, strategically positioned at multiple crossroads (language, religion, logistics); In terms of business and RTD – tradition of European partnership; In function of developed European links many data bases existed, but most of them rather general, or very specific, sectoral (e.g.: SICRIS).

4 Iniciative and genesis of the Project The need to fill the gap felt first at Ministry for Science & Technology – NCP dr. Aleš Gnamuš (2000) – in view of participation in FP6 Evolution: –Good collaboration between MST and SBRA; –Gradual involvement of other stakeholders (Chamber of Commerce & Industry, STO, Chamber of SME & Craft; –Excellent collaboration with IZUM; later commissioned to company Triglif (Open Code – Weblegant CMS System).

5 Key Project Partnerships General Coordination SBRA, chair Task Force, partly funding dr. Aleš Gnamuš (MST) – Chief Editor ARRS – liaison with Government, partly funding

6 SYCP Task Force – Partnership Structure SBRA & MST Ministries Public Institutions NGO’sCompanies Government institutions

7 2001 Slovenia: Find Your R&D Partner (12.000 kom CD) Slovenia Your R&D and Business Partner (15.000 kom CD) Slovenia Your Cooperation Partner – SYCP (20.000 kom DVD) 3 Stages of SYCP Project’s Output 2002 2006

8 Conditions for Success: “National Project” leading to full collaboration of all relevant institutions and resources (human and financial) necessary for such a complex undertaking; Secure motivation for the above partners through joint ownership of the System; Coordinating and funding role to be undertaken by a well accepted institution/person with adequate experience and credibility; Persuade owners of relevant portals and data bases to contribute their systems as a component of the Project; Secure updating of the System with active collaboration of all partners; Secure links to/from all relevant information systems and portals; Organize best possible presentation and dissemination of the contents of the System – including promotional material, such as CDs / DVDs at home and abroad.

9 Critical factors to make SYCP-type systems a key instrument of promotion of the country through modern presentation of its potential and capacities:  Permanent updating of information;  On-going development of the design, structure of contents, and technical features (search engines) of the System;  Successful promotion of the System in the country and abroad.

10 Part II Presentation of the contents of the SYCP System

11 SYCP System -- General Structure “Discover Slovenia” “Policy / Institutional Framework” “Targeted Active Partner Search” “Integrated Services and Multimedia”

12 4 modules and their shares in the SYCP system

13 ”Discover Slovenia” – (1) The Module is divided into 4 levels: - Introducing Slovenia: Slovenia in Brief, General Information on the country incl. Slovenian History, National Insignia, Facts, Figures, Embassies & Consulates; - Slovenia on Hand: Slovenia on Hand with extended municipality info and city guides on the main Cities in Slovenia, The Countryside and Health Resorts; - Geographical Regions: offers some cartographic information with geographical regionalisation of Slovenia, info on regional development, criteria, structure and organisation, regional policies, facts & figures and general info on regional centres; - Slovenia Area-by-Area - Virtual Guide through Slovenia: illustrate the cultural and natural diversity that Slovenia has to offer. Virtual ‘site-seeing’ tour features 180 interesting sites in Slovenia that are of historic, archaeological, architectural or social importance on the maps of regions and by alphabetical order displayed by several hundred photos, panoramic views, maps and descriptions of locations.

14 ”Discover Slovenia” – (2)

15 Policy / Institutional Framework – (1) General overview of Policy / Institutional Framework within 27+1 thematic Activity Areas: »Agriculture & Food«»Biodiversity« »Craft& Entrepreneurship« »Culture & Art« »Economy & Finance« »Education« »Employment & Social Security« »Energy« »Environment« »Foreign Affairs« »Forestry« »Health« »Heritage« »Information Society« »Investment - FDI« »Judiciary« »Manufacturing & Business »Media« »Public Administration »Public Safety« »Regional Development« »RTD & Innovation« »Services« »Spatial Planning« »Sport & Recreation« »Tourism« »Transport« + Horizontal Chapter: »Slovenia in the EU«

16 I st level: “Main Info” Multimedia Responsible body Organisation chart Policy overview Milestones International cooperation Main documents Benchmarking Slovenia Basic indicators Contact persons Useful links + Institutional Info 2 nd level: “Main Institutions” Areas of Activity Organisation chart Overview Milestones International cooperation Strengths & Potentials Main documents Basic indicators Contact persons Useful links Policy / Institutional Framework – (2) Each of the (27+1) Thematic Activity Areas are divided into 2 levels; Menus identical for all Activity Areas; Mutual internal links established among institutions in the Policy Institutional Framework and Partner-search mechanisms; 400 Key institutions presented, sometimes in more Activity Areas - divided into 4 categories: »Governmental«, »Other Public«, »Corporate« & »NGOs«.

17 Policy / Institutional Framework – (3)

18 Targeted Active Partner Search – (1) The list of Slovenian National Contact Points for International Co-operation in 27 sector-specific Activity Areas. Four specially tailored targeted Partner Search Mechanisms for stimulation of economic co-operation, based on established international classifications such as FP6, FP7 (under construction), CORDIS, CERIF, NACE, etc. 1) “Business & Investment” 2) “Craft” 1) & 2) integrate 20 different databases with relevant economic institutions in Slovenia, adjusted with selected information and search modes to Slovenian offer as well as to the foreign users’ needs and established navigation. 3) “Regional Authorities” (under construction) – will integrate 2 databases and enable partner-search for European structural and cohesion investment programmes, covering regional and local communities.

19 Targeted Active Partner Search – (2) 4) “RTD Partner Search” – key feature of the system, covering Framework Programmes (FP6 & FP7), CORDIS, CERIF and NACE classifications + classification of Slovenian Research Agency which were upgraded/updated and searching mechanism adjusted to the simultaneous search of additional info from the following 5 databases: -SICRIS info about SIovenian research organisations / groups within research institutions and innovative/development oriented companies; -Patents database of the Slovenian Patent Office (in preparation also links to patent database of the European Patent Office); -“Credit Rating” - financial status of all companies with official data from the National Payment Authority AJPES; -Information on shares/securities at Ljubljana Stock Exchange; -SLOExport - Information on the exporters of technology and services.

20 Targeted Active Partner Search – (3)

21 ”Integrated Services and Multimedia” – (1) “Visitor’s info” - links with information on main characteristics of Slovenia (»Visitor's Guide«), personal/business contacts (»Contacts«), tourist info (»Tourist Info«) including culinary, culture & leisure time, arrival to Slovenia (»Travelling/Arrival«), hotel services and reservations (»Accommodation«) and links to the information used for longer stay in Slovenia (»Real Estate«). “Daily News” - information integrated into SYCP through the exchange protocol with the Slovenian Press Agency (STA) through the Government Office for Communication (UVI).

22 ”Integrated Services and Multimedia” – (2) “Multimedia” -- offers overview of all multimedia content integrated into the SYCP system, i.e. about 100 videos about the country, its politics, institutions, activities and people; -- tune into »Radio Slovenia International« - English/German language programme -- selection of quality Slovenian music in the chapter “Listening Loft”, with selection among 3 different genres of traditional music (“Jazz-Combo”, “Symphonic” or “A Capella Choir” performances) and 3 genres of authorial music (“Jazz-Combo”, “Serious music” or “Contemporary music”).

23 Integrated Services & Multimedia – (3)

24 DVD + Poster “Slovenia Your Cooperation Partner” Kindly invited to exploit this tool productively and make good benefit from it !

25 SYCP Project Task Force - Leading Institutions: Slovenian Research Agency (SRA) Slovenian Business & Research Association (SBRA) Ministry of Higher Education, Science & Technology (MHEST) Thank you very much for your attention ! Thank you very much for your attention ! Visit the System at:

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