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Welcome to New Board Member Orientation February 10, 2010.

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1 Welcome to New Board Member Orientation February 10, 2010

2 1999 Received Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) Covering Kids three-year initiative grant to implement Medicaid and SCHIP outreach and enrollment activities through statewide and local coalitions in order to reduce the number of uninsured children Our History 2002 Received RWJF’s Covering Kids & Families 4-year initiative grant to continue to the CK work and to address simplification and coordination barriers to coverage for children and adults while building sustainable efforts that would endure beyond the funding period


4 Our History 2006 RWJF grant ended - received Strategic Planning Grant; Plan to establish a Not-for-Profit 501(c)(3) corporation to sustain CKF of Indiana 2007 Developed Organizational Strategic Plan and Direction; Hired New Staff to Increase Organizational Capacity; Developed New Logo and Image; Strengthened Statewide Partnerships; Expanded Local Coalitions

5 C oalition building among health centers, providers, practitioners, faith-based organizations, schools, state agencies, and funders throughout Indiana; Our Mission: To achieve our vision that all Hoosier children and families have health care coverage, Covering Kids and Families of Indiana actively engages in a CARE model, focusing on: A dvocacy to reduce barriers and increase access, availability, and affordability; R esource building among our partners to increase access to health care; and E ducation that effectively responds to health disparities and positively influences public policy. Our Vision, Mission and Plans for the Future... Our Vision: All Hoosier children and families have health care coverage.

6 Our Vision, Mission and Plans for the Future... Our Strategic Direction has a Dual Focus: Outreach, enrollment, and retention Policy and/or advocacy for health care coverage access and expansion Five primary critical issues for CKF-IN emerged: 1)The shifting public health policy environment 2)CKF-IN’s organizational capacity 3)Alignment of CKF-IN’s financial resources with its chosen strategic direction 4)The need to formalize the organizational structure 5)The need to establish and leverage key partners

7 Our Program Goals: To become the state’s recognized expert and strongest voice on health coverage issues To become the state’s strongest resource for facilitating health coverage enrollment To create a statewide and local advocacy network through expanded partnerships Our Vision, Mission and Plans for the Future...

8 Our Management Goals: To achieve stable funding aligned with strategic direction needs To align staff and organizational structure to better meet programmatic needs Our Vision, Mission and Plans for the Future...

9 Covering Kids & Families of Indiana Organizational Chart Executive Committee Central Indiana Pam Humes Lake County Lisa Adediran Cass/ Fulton/Miami Counties Elaine Zeider Delaware County Cheree Cox Northeast Indiana Paige Wilkins Finance Charlotte MacBeth Schools Joanne Martin; John Hill Local Coalitions Carl Ellison Governance Toni Estep; Jerry King Coalitions Standing Committees Marketing & Communications Scott Tingwald; Lisa Duda Board of Directors Health & Hospital Corp. of Marion Co. Hospital & Health Center Brian Tabor; Hoagland Elliott Public Policy Allison Wharry LaPorte County Cara Logan Revised January 2010 Madison County Jamesey Thomas Development Angela Holloway; Nancy Jewell Early Childhood Need Co-Chairs

10 Board Structure, Roles and Responsibilities: Welcome to the CKF-IN Board of Directors Governance Policies “The job of the board is to make certain contributions that lead the organization toward the desired performance and assure that it occurs. The board’s specific contributions are unique to its trusteeship role and necessary for proper governance and management.” By-laws “Duties and responsibilities of the board shall include the establishing of policy for the corporation; the hiring of an Executive Director for the implementation of policies and day-to-day management of corporation operations; electing officers and members of the board; and providing for an exact reporting of the income and expenses of the organization, pursuant to generally accepted accounting principals.” Currently 32 Members – Rotating 3-year terms

11 Board Structure, Roles and Responsibilities: Welcome to the CKF-IN Board of Directors Meeting Format – Consent Agenda “Consent agenda will include all of the business items that require formal board approval but do not require a board discussion before taking a vote.” CKF-IN Staff Roles Executive Director Deputy Director Director of Enrollment Assistance Program Coordinator for Coordinated School Health Programs 9 Active Working Committees 7 Local Coalitions serving 21 Counties Meets Quarterly – Attendance Policy “The Governance Committee shall annually review Board attendance and confirm the ability to serve of any Board member who has missed more than two meetings within a twelve-month period.” Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Forms – Signed annually

12 Working Together Through The Committees Executive Committee Finance Charlotte MacBeth Schools Joanne Martin; John Hill Local Coalitions Carl Ellison Governance Toni Estep; Jerry King Standing Committees Marketing & Communications Scott Tingwald; Lisa Duda Board of Directors Hospital & Health Center Brian Tabor; Hoagland Elliott Public Policy Allison Wharry Development Angela Holloway; Nancy Jewell Early Childhood Need Co-Chairs Indiana School Health Network

13 Special Initiatives Through TheCommittees - - - believes that every student in Indiana can be healthy and academically successful, achieve his/her potential, and have enhanced life-long well-being. - - - is a statewide membership coalition and clearinghouse that engages and convenes key stakeholders around school health initiatives. - - - Visit Health Coverage Handbook: Hospital Edition Hospital Service Product Line Health Coverage Handbook: Health Center Edition

14 Working Together: Committees and Local Coalitions Annual Work Plan Goals: Goal 1 : Reduce the number of uninsured children and families who are eligible for Medicaid or State Child Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) coverage, but remain uninsured. Goal 2 : Build commitment and capacity to sustain the work of CKF through a focused plan on strengthening coalitions and increasing partnerships. Goal 3 : Ensure long-term sustainability and viability through the development of a funding plan, including a mix of federal and state funds, corporate donations, foundation dollars and private contributions. Goal 4 : Strengthen the organization infrastructure including board development, committee structure, and planning activities.

15 Working Together: Committees and Local Coalitions Annual Work Plan Review Process: Board Committees and Local Coalitions develop strategies to address the Work Plan Goals based upon input from partners, lessons learned and promising practices Local Coalitions provide annual work plans to CKF-IN as part of their contractual agreements. These are also shared with the Board Committees. CKF-IN Staff provides information and suggestions for committees and local coalitions to consider to strengthen work plans to achieve desired measurable outcomes Board Committees also provide feedback on the local coalition work plans to the CKF-IN staff that is shared with the local coalition directors for inclusion into the Local Coalition Work Plans

16 Working Together: Meet the Local Coalitions Central Indiana Pam Humes Lake County Lisa Adediran Cass/ Fulton/Miami Counties Elaine Zeider Delaware County Cheree Cox Northeast Indiana Paige Wilkins LaPorte County Cara Logan Local Coalitions Reach Out to 21 Counties: Central Indiana serves 8 counties: Boone, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Jackson, Marion, Morgan, and Shelby Northeast Indiana serves 6 counties: Allen, De Kalb, Lagrange, Noble, Steuben, and Whitley Madison County Jamesey Thomas Additional Partners Around the State in 7 counties

17 Working Together: Meet the Local Coalitions Benefits, Services and Responsibilities Benefits and Services for CKF-IN Local Coalitions: Access to information – policy, enrollment data, promising practices, etc. Access to resources – financial, marketing materials, etc. Access to technical assistance – expertise on coalition building, training and enrollment assistance Access to statewide partnerships Responsibilities of CKF-IN Local Coalitions: Support CKF-IN Vision and Mission Develop effective community outreach programs and strategies Develop, implement and monitor annual work plans Participate in quarterly coalition meetings

18 Working Together: Meet the Local Coalitions Benefits, Services and Responsibilities Responsibilities of the Lead Agency for a CKF-IN Local Coalition: Identify local staff to maintain and expand effective partnerships to strengthen local coalition capacity Recruit local coalition partners - hold quarterly coalition meetings Receive training from DFR to provide HHW and HIP enrollment assistance Convene local enrollment center coordinators meeting on at least a monthly basis. Meet contractual obligations - submit programmatic and financial reports

19 Welcome to the Family! “Advocating Health Coverage for All”

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