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Event Model Descriptions and Assessment Peter Montgomery Tom Duerr 8 January 2012.

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1 Event Model Descriptions and Assessment Peter Montgomery Tom Duerr 8 January 2012

2 Outline Event value objectives · test Event design parameters Models and value assessment 2

3 Event Objectives General objective: Maximize Event utility to the aerospace community · Share challenges and discuss potential solutions · Disseminate knowledge · Network “360” · Mentor the next generation · Provide integrated context across specialties and domains · Enable AIAA member benefits and services that are not self-supporting (e.g., STEM, Professional Education, Public Policy) 3

4 Event Objectives (cont’d) Specific assessed objective: Maximize satisfaction of Event participants · Professionals · Corporate and government representatives · AIAA volunteer organizers 4

5 Specific Objectives: Value Attribute Decomposition Value AttributeDefinition PROFESSIONAL MEMBERS Technical content (sessions, papers) Quantity and quality of papers presented per conference Keynote speakers and plenary sessions Seniority/authority of speakers Special sessions (i.e., panel discussions) Quantity and quality of panels, distinction of invited panelists, current relevance of topics ExhibitsMatch with technical topics and attendee interests Event locations/destinations Availability of transportation (to destination and mass transit at destination), entertainment, tours, family activities, cost of hotel/food 5

6 Specific Objectives: Value Attribute Decomposition Value AttributeDefinition PROFESSIONAL MEMBERS (cont’d) Social/networking events with other attendees Quantity and quality of networking opportunities Mix of attendeesStudents to senior professionals, researchers to program managers Relevance to my professional life Growth potential into new areas; event relevance as a whole to attendee; attendee’s ease of "selling" need to attend; right mixture of above attributes that are applicable to my job Parallelism vs conference length Balance no. of parallel sessions against conference length; 3-4 days preferred i.a.w. survey 6

7 Specific Objectives: Value Attribute Decomposition Value AttributeDefinition CORPORATE/GOVERNMENT MEMBERS Conduct businessOpportunities to meet privately to buy or sell Meet customersOpportunities to meet privately with customers Network with peersOpportunities to meet socially with peers from industry 7

8 Specific Objectives: Value Attribute Decomposition Value AttributeDefinition TC/PC MEMBERS Control over contentCall for papers, no. of paper and panel sessions, quality Control over venueTime of year, region, city, hotel Identification with conference Sense of community among peers; recognition for contributions to conference; recognition at awards; working group level social/networking opportunities 8 15 value attributes derived from member survey and voiced concerns

9 Event Design Parameters Organization · Duration · Parallel sessions Content · Technical scope · Special sessions · Plenary speakers · Exhibits Venue Social · Awards · Meals · Receptions 9 Event “models” integrate all design parameters to maximize objectives

10 Alternative Event Models Assessed to Date NameDescription Current Current portfolio with minor change, e.g., some co-location Consolidated Current larger events (ASM, Fluids, JPC, Space, GNC, SDM) with Aviation and Defense as centers of gravity for consolidating smaller conferences Augment with systems development/integration elements Integrated Comprehensive, domain-focused events providing integrated content ~4 events spread over the year: R&D, Aviation, Space, and Defense Unified Multi-domain, unified events split along R&D and SEIT One big event for R&D (winter) and one for SEIT/programs (summer) and a smaller Defense conference 10

11 Alternative Event Models Assessed to Date NameDescription QuarterlyQuarterly conferences, each one with the same scope Semi- annual Two big conferences, each with each with the same scope, plus a classified conference AnnualOne annual convention with a series of smaller regional conferences 11 Eliminated by inspection as inferior to one or more other alternatives

12 Model Assessment Quad Chart Template Issues Most significant problems with event model Benefits Primary potential gains with the event model Description Principal features of event model 12 Value Assessment “Current” reference score = 0 Professional Corporate / Government Organizers Scores relative to “Current” which is assigned “zero” Score evaluated for each value attribute Score ranges from “strongly supports” (+2) to “strongly opposes” (-2) the value attribute Column colors denote stakeholder groups

13 Assessment: “Consolidated” Event Model Issues Continued internal competition for keynote and panel speakers, exhibitors Limited leverage to grow appeal to currently underserved industry segments Potentially higher venue costs per event Benefits Easy migration path from current portfolio Somewhat improved professional and corporate satisfaction Potential reduction in portfolio costs due to fewer conferences Description Current larger events (ASM, Fluids, JPC, Space, GNC, SSDM) with Aviation and Defense as centers of gravity for consolidating smaller conferences Augment with systems development/integration elements 13

14 Structure and Notional Schedule: Consolidated JanFebMarAprMay… ASMDefense Strat/Tac Missiles WSE SSDM Adaptive Struct. NDA Gossamer MDO Fluids AMT/GT AA ASE Flow Cont Fluid Dynamics PDL Thermophysics Aeroacoustics ICES 14 Anchor for Annual Gala to be determined

15 Structure and Notional Schedule: Consolidated …JunJulAugSepGFY Q1 15 JPC IECEC Hypersonics Space ICSSC CASE Aviation ATIO LT Air Balloons Pwrd Lift ADS AC noise GNC AFM M&S Astrodyn InfoTech CASE Survey shows 1 st qtr of gov’t FY poor time for many members Alternate years Consolidated model offers flexibility for packaging and scheduling the Event portfolio

16 Assessment: Consolidated Event Model Description Current larger events (ASM, Fluids, JPC, Space, GNC, SSDM) with Aviation and Defense as centers of gravity for consolidating smaller conferences Augment with systems development/integration elements 16 Value Assessment Professional Corporate / Government Organizers “Current” reference score = 0

17 Assessment: “Integrated” Event Model Issues Must manage to avoid conflicting, parallel sessions Higher cost for larger venues Benefits The “must attend” events in each domain Excellent draw for VIPs and exhibitors Growth potential within each Event without need for new conferences Description Comprehensive, domain-focused Events providing integrated content ~4 Events spread over the year: R&D, Aviation, Space, and Defense 17

18 Structure and Notional Schedule: Integrated JanFebMarAprMay… 18 Anchor for Annual Gala to be determined R&D Event SSDM Adaptive Struct. NDA Gossamer MDO InfoTech AMT/GT AA ASE JPC IECEC Hypersonics Flow Cont Fluid Dynamics PDL Thermophysics Aeroacoustics ICES Defense Strat/Tac Missiles WSE

19 Structure and Notional Schedule: Integrated …MayJunJulAugSepGFY Q1 19 Survey shows 1 st qtr of gov’t FY poor time for many members Alternate years Space ICSSC CASE Aviation ATIO LT Air Balloons Pwrd Lift ADS AC noise GNC AFM M&S Astrodyn CASE Integrated model provides flagship Events spread over the year

20 Assessment: Integrated Event Model 20 Value Assessment Professional Members Corporate / Government Organizers “Current” reference score = 0

21 Assessment: “Unified” Event Model Issues Potentially excessive duration and parallelism Potentially too few opportunities for member interactions Exhibitor uncertainty over target market Lack of control by TCs/PCs over venue Benefits The “must attend” AIAA events Potential for more creative social and networking activities Content growth and flexibility Description Multi-domain, unified events split along R&D and SEIT One big event for R&D (winter) and one for SEIT/programs (summer) and a smaller Defense conference 21

22 22 Structure and Notional Schedule: Unified Aerospace Technology & Science Meeting Aerospace Systems Meeting Space ICSSC ATIO LT Air Balloons Pwrd Lift ADS Anchor for Annual Gala JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepGFY Q1 Survey shows 1 st qtr of gov’t FY poor time for many members Defense Strat/Tac Missiles WSE ASM SSDM Adaptive Struct. NDA Gossamer MDO InfoTech AMT/GT AA ASE JPC IECEC Hypersonics Flow Cont Fluid Dynamics PDL ThermoPhysics Aeroacoustics ICES Unified model maximizes return on investment for participants AC noise GNC AFM M&S Astrodyn CASE

23 Assessment: Unified Event Model 23 Value Assessment Professional Members Corporate / Government Organizers “Current” reference score = 0

24 Assessment: Value Comparison 24 Professional Members Corp / Gov’t Organizers All Event models assessed to improve Professional Member and Corp / Gov’t satisfaction over Current portfolio Integrated Model provided greatest Professional and Corp / Gov’t benefit with limited risk to Organizer satisfaction Organizer satisfaction identified as principal transformation issue

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