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This presentation of Midwest Church Extension’s Strategy for Church Planting was recorded during a concentrated weekend of training involving participants.

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Presentation on theme: "This presentation of Midwest Church Extension’s Strategy for Church Planting was recorded during a concentrated weekend of training involving participants."— Presentation transcript:


2 This presentation of Midwest Church Extension’s Strategy for Church Planting was recorded during a concentrated weekend of training involving participants from Tyndale Theological Seminary. It is being made available in this format in the hopes that it will help familiarize you with the principles and processes followed by MCE in its ministry. We hope as well that it may encourage others to develop their own approach. If you find something here that will help in that process, please feel free to use it … to the glory of God!

3 Established January, 2004

4 A Vision for the Future

5 Planting Today For a Harvest Tomorrow

6 A Vision for the Future Planning Today For a Community Tomorrow

7 Meet MCESP M idwest C hurch E xtension S trategic P lanning A process to help ensure organizational efficiency and effectiveness Relates everything that MCE does, from the Executive Director to the individual church planter, to the strategic … “MCEnd”

8 MCWhat? “The permeation of every identifiable Midwestern community with the hope of the Gospel through the biblical ministry of reproductive IFCA International churches.” MCEnd!


10 Survey Identification of population centers Metropolitan communities Micropolitan communities

11 Survey Identification of population centers Metropolitan communities Micropolitan communities Antepolitan communities

12 Survey Identification of population centers Metropolitan communities Micropolitan communities Antepolitan communities Isopolitan communities Example

13 Survey Identification of population centers Metropolitan communities Micropolitan communities Antepolitan communities Isopolitan communities Demographics Example

14 Survey Identification of population centers Metropolitan communities Micropolitan communities Antepolitan communities Isopolitan communities Demographics Historical Context Example

15 Survey Identification of population centers Metropolitan communities Micropolitan communities Antepolitan communities Isopolitan communities Demographics Historical Context Spiritual Context Example


17 Alliances EXPLORING/FORMING ALLIANCES - with IFCA International entities willing to partner with MCE to accomplish our objectives? What sort of support and to what degree will such alliances contribute to MCE’s efforts? Direct – On site Indirect – From a Distance


19 Viability Assessment PRIORITIZING TARGETS While research will help to identify certain objective considerations in this process, there will always be some degree of subjectivity inherent in each situation. The objective elements would include: Un-churched population Degree of Gospel witness and ministry Potential for networking Presence of a "core group" "Macedonian Call" Other Divine Direction Objective Factors Subjective Factors Priority Target


21 Enlistment RECRUITING THE MINISTRY FORCE Planting team support Prayer Personnel Finances Other


23 Mobilization MOBILIZING THE MINISTRY FORCE Review, assign, place, and coordinate On site plant personnel Alliance Resources MCE Resources


25 Engagement The MCE Planting Team Strategy: 4 Phases Initiate the Plant Develop the Plant Complete the Plant Prepare for the next Plant

26 Initiate the Plant Develop the Plant Complete the Plant Prepare for the next Plant 4 Phases of Engagement

27 Initiate the Plant Begin worship services Begin outreach Begin discipleship 4 Phases of Engagement

28 Develop the Plant Building Budget Board Body Life 4 Phases of Engagement

29 Complete the Plant Self-Sustaining Self-Perpetuating Self-Governing 4 Phases of Engagement



32 Q&A

33 Is there an ideal target number for the size of the group before moving from a home Bible study to public church status?

34 What sort of facilities would you recommend for use when moving to the public forum?

35 How do you deal with the challenge of the need for multiple rooms for Sunday School ministry etc.?

36 What are the best ways for advertising a new church plant?

37 Midwest Church Extension PO Box 337 Remington IN 47944

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