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2012 Developing and Developed Nations and Poverty Lesson Date your papers: Tuesday, Sept 11, 2012 Wednesday, Sept 12, 2012: Odd Block Thursday, Sept 13,

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Presentation on theme: "2012 Developing and Developed Nations and Poverty Lesson Date your papers: Tuesday, Sept 11, 2012 Wednesday, Sept 12, 2012: Odd Block Thursday, Sept 13,"— Presentation transcript:

1 2012 Developing and Developed Nations and Poverty Lesson Date your papers: Tuesday, Sept 11, 2012 Wednesday, Sept 12, 2012: Odd Block Thursday, Sept 13, 2012: Even Block Friday, Sept 14, 2012 Tuesday, Sept 18, 2012

2 Essential and Guiding Questions: 1.How does geography affect the population of a country/region? 2.How does the population of a country/region affect other countries/regions? 3.How does human activity affect the environment? 4. How does the physical environment affect the political, social and economic relations of differing cultures? 5.How do natural resources impact the development of a culture/civilization? 6. How can a variety of maps be used to gain information? 7. What factors impact international trade? 8.How does the physical environment affect the development of political, economic, and social systems? 9. In what ways do humans try to change the environment to fit their needs?

3 Tuesday, September 11, 2012 Quiet Question: Type One Prompt---Read “If the world were 100 people?” and answer the FIRST question and then choose ONE from the other two writing prompts. Required: (Comprehension) Select ONE of the categories from the above and illustrate or diagram the information. Option One: (Analysis) Compare the above information to the demographics of the Great Valley community. What are the similarities and differences? What might be the reasons for them? OR Option Two: (Synthesis) What do you think the numbers will be like in 2020 based upon the patterns of the above numbers and explain why you believe this?

4 Tuesday, September 11, 2012 Pair-Share: Turn to your partner next to you and share and discuss your prompts. Do not just pass them to your partner to read silently or read aloud what you wrote to them. But summarize and explain. Partners should pose questions for elaboration or play devil’s advocate. Then you and your partner are to answer the following: What are the implications of these statistics on the globalization….economics, political, etc? Why?

5 Tuesday, September 11, 2012 Class: Have pairs share their views on the implications and create a class list on the Smartboard. Use to introduce the purpose and importance of the course---Eastern World in relation to the implications

6 Class List of Ideas for Globalization

7 Class Ideas for Globalization




11 ****Change to Typed Lesson Plan*** Tuesday, September 11, 2012---Homework in Preparation for Group Project Later Groups: Using the Jigsaw Method, you will be assigned a part of Chapter 32: Changing Global Patterns to read in the textbook, take notes on, and then teach to your group members. Challenges of a New Century: a)Technological Revolution pages 1038-1041 and Environmental Crises pages 1041-1042 b)Poverty and Civil Strife pages 1043-1044, Political and Social Challenges page 1045, and Challenges of Terrorism pages 1046-1047 New Global Communities: c)The United Nations pages 1048-1049 and Transnational Organizations page 1053 and photocopied reading on “United Nations” d)Population and Migration page 1050 and Globalization pages 1051-1052 and photocopied reading “Report of the National Intelligence Council’s 2020 Project”. This is the homework for this week!

12 Homework Directions Directions: You will be assigned letter A, B, C or D within your group. You will read and take notes in the provided graphic organizer. On Friday, you will break back into your groups and then have the class period to cover all four sections so everyone has a completed graphic organizer. If you do not complete your part, you will not be part of the group teaching and sharing. You will be responsible for doing all of the reading on your own and getting all the notes on your own. Your actions have consequences for you and your group members.

13 Chunking of Reading Homework Tuesday Night: Read the first section of the reading and take notes in the graphic organizer. Wednesday Night: Read the second section of the reading and take notes in the graphic organizer. Thursday Night: Read the third section of the reading and take notes in the graphic organizer. Or if there is no third section, re-read and double- check your notes. Be ready to present on Friday! This is a one-shot chance at the points. Worth 40 points!

14 Block Days: Wednesday, September 13---ODD and Thursday, September 12---Even, 2012 Class: Ms. Barben is going to do a Powerpoint on Developing and Developed Nations and the Poverty Cycle. You are to use the Interactive Notebook Method in response to the provided teacher notes. You must use a minimum of THREE different methods on the Left Side throughout the notes. You must highlight, star, and add information to the Right Side throughout the notes. You must complete the Lecture Activities Ms. Barben has created within the Powerpoint on the Left Side throughout the notes.

15 Left Side of the Notebook: *Paraphrase or clarify items *Enter a drawing, photo, sketch, or magazine picture that illustrates the concept, ideas, or facts *Pose questions about the information *Form and express an opinion *Predict outcomes or next steps *Create a metaphor that captures the essence of the information/issue *Formulate and record a contradictory perspective *Write a reflection on the information or experience *Find a quote that connects to the concept; record it and explain your rationale *Make connections between the information/text and your own life, another text, and/or the world *Create a mind map that captures the main topic and key concepts and supportive detail *Create an acronym that will help you to remember the information covered *Make connections to the content/processes of other courses *Sketch a political cartoon expressing a historical viewpoint or your views on the historical concepts. *Record important primary source quotes that capture the essence of the historical idea. *Do the activities Ms. Barben has built into her powerpoints. *Write out questions that the content has raised for you to ask Ms. Barben *Brainstorms *Venn Diagrams *Flowcharts *Metaphors or analogies *Top ten lists *SOAL---sum of all learned at the end Right Side of the Notebook Teacher directed: *notes on a mini-lesson * notes on a lecture *notes on a hands on learning lab *notes on an assigned reading *notes/story map on a video *notes/story map on a read aloud *notes from a small group or large group discussion *collaborative group process *a copied excerpt of a text *notes and assignments from an Internet Web Quest *notes on an historical reenactment *notes from a fieldtrip *Worksheet/or textbook assignment copied or glued into the notebook *You highlight key terms, dates, events. *Add historical information to provided teacher notes. *Use underlining and stars.

16 Friday, September 14, 2012 Class: Ms. Barben is going to finish her Interactive Notebook Lecture. Rest of Class: You will work in your Jigsaw Groups teaching your group members the material and notes from your assigned Homework Reading Section.

17 Tuesday, September 18, 2012 Groups: You will have a half hour to finish up your Jigsaw Share. You MUST FINISH in this time. Homework: You have a choice between TWO options: Option One: Update Billy Joel’s song “We Didn’t Start The Fire.” Using the song as a model, you are going to write an UPDATED VERSION following the same style. But your content will cover everything that has happened in the last twelve years with the start of the twenty-first century. Directions: It must be typed, spell-checked, and grammar-checked. It should be the same length and number of lines of the original song. You may use the original chorus. The grade sheet will be forthcoming. Worth 100 Points. You must address the following events from the jigsaw notes in your Updated “We didn’t start the fire”: – What is the technological revolution and examples? – What are the environmental crises? – What are the causes of poverty and civil strife and examples? – What are the political and social challenges and examples? – What are the challenges of terrorism and examples? – What is the United Nations and its various roles? – What are the population and global migration trends? – What is globalization and examples? – What are Transnational Organizations and examples?

18 2012 Rewrite of We Didn’t Start The Fire Song Option One HomeworkDue: Student’s Name:Period: 1._________It was turned in on time. For each day late, it is 10% off the value_________________. 2._________Using the song as a model, the student wrote an UPDATED VERSION following the same style. But your content will cover everything that has happened in the last twelve years with the start of the twenty-first century. Worth 85 Points Content to be covered: Be sure to EITHER define, give examples, causes, or effects for EACH of the identified areas. DO NOT DO ALL FOR EACH IDENTIFIED AREA. Technological Revolution in Communication, Transportation, and Space---5 points Technological Revolution in Weapons of Mass Destruction---5 points Technological Revolution in Heath Care and Health Crises---5 points Technological Revolution in Agriculture---5 points Environmental Crisis-Ecology, Deforestation, and Chemical Wastes and Disasters---5 points Environmental Crisis-Sustainable Development---5 points Poverty-Global Economy---5 points Poverty-Gap between Rich and Poor and World Hunger---5 points Civil Strife-Civil War and Ethnic Conflict---5 points Political and Social Challenges-Human Rights and Equality for Women---5 points Political and Social Challenges-New Democracies---5 points Political Challenges-Modern Terrorism---5 Points Political Challenges-Impact of 9/11 and Islamic Militants---5 Points New Global Communities-United Nations---5 Points Population and Migration-Population Trends and Global Migration---5 Points Globalization---5 Points Global Economic Organizations and Transnational Organizations---5 Points

19 3._________It was the same length and number of lines of the original song.---10 Points 4._________The student used the original chorus or customized the original chorus.---Bonus Points for Original Chorus of 5 Points 5.__________It was typed, spell-checked, and grammar-checked.---5 Points Total----/100 Points Comments:

20 Tuesday, September 18, 2012 Option Two: Create a Metaphorical Representation on the Changing Global Patterns and Issue Challenges of a New Century. A Metaphorical Representation is when you use a metaphor, simile, or analogy to compare a more abstract concept you are learning in school to something in real life that you have a strong understanding of. You have a choice between using a Simile, a Metaphor, or an Analogy for this homework assignment.

21 Tuesday, September 18, 2012 2012 Changing Global Patterns Metaphorical Representation Grade Sheet: ________1. The assignment was turned in on time. For each day late, it is 10% off the grade._________ ________2. The assignment was: done neatly, in color, on a blank piece of paper, and the paragraphs were typed, spell-checked, and grammar-checked. Watch for capitalization errors! The assignment reflected good effort and thought. Worth 10 Points. ________3. The student created a Metaphorical Representation on the defining characteristics and issues of the twenty-first century examining the positives and negative aspects. The changing global pattern and challenges of the twenty-first century is like…” It must be written at either the top or bottom of the metaphorical representation. Worth 5 Points. You can come up with an original metaphor, simile, or analogy for a bonus of 5 points. Or you can use one of the following: – The balance of good and evil in the world. – The struggle between heaven and hell. – The flip of a coin….depending on heads or tails…whether you win or lose. – The differences between a much-needed rain and a monsoon.

22 Tuesday, September 18, 2012 ________4. Under the chosen metaphor, simile, or analogy, the student illustrated a scene that supported the literary comparison: The student incorporated specific historical information into the drawing using key terms and words. The student incorporated specific historical information into the drawing using historical images from the computer and also hand-drawn. You must include the positives and negatives within the art portion. The concepts you must address include: – What is the technological revolution and examples? – What are the environmental crises? – What are the causes of poverty and civil strife and examples? – What are the political and social challenges and examples? – What are the challenges of terrorism and examples? – What is the United Nations and its various roles? – What are the population and global migration trends? – What is globalization and examples? – What are Transnational Organizations and examples? Do this in color and on a blank piece of paper. Worth 50 Points. ________5. On the back of the Metaphorical Representation, the student wrote TWO typed, well-developed paragraphs. In the paragraphs, the student: Explained the literary comparison using referring to the specific historical elements in the illustration and explaining their relationships to your literary comparison. Used specifics from your notes. Did not write vague or general statements. Do not keep repeating the same information or point to make it appear longer. Provided analysis of the supportive illustration as well. Each paragraph was a minimum of four well-developed sentences. Worth 50 Points Comments:/100 Points

23 Tuesday, September 18, 2012 The Developing vs Developed Nations Lesson Plan Homework is due on Thursday, September 27, 2012.

24 Chunking of Homework Tuesday, Sept 18: Song Option: – Select the key events and concepts for each of the required areas from your notes to include in the song. – Read over and familiarize yourself with the original song. Metaphorical Representation Option: – Select or create your metaphor. – Select the key events and concepts for each of the required areas from your notes. – Decide which will be included as historical images in your visual and which will be included as words and terms.

25 Chunking of Homework Wednesday, Sept 19: Song Option: – Put together the first grouping of ideas that belong in the first part of the song modeled after – Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnnie Ray South Pacific, Walter Winchell, Joe DiMaggio Joe McCarthy, Richard Nixon, Studebaker, television North Korea, South Korea, Marilyn Monroe Rosenbergs, H-bomb, Sugar Ray, Panmunjom Brando, "The King and I" and "The Catcher in the Rye" Eisenhower, vaccine, England's got a new queen Marciano, Liberace, Santayana goodbye – Use original chorus or customize it for bonus points

26 Chunking of Homework Wednesday, Sept 19: Metaphorical Representation Option: – Sketch out a rough draft of your visual part of the project and double-check you are meeting the content requirements.

27 Chunking of Homework Thursday, Sept 20: Song Option: – Do second grouping for the song modeled after – Joseph Stalin, Malenkov, Nasser aand Prokofiev Rockefeller, Campanella, Communist Bloc Roy hn, Juan Peron, Toscanini, dacron Dien Bien Phu falls, "Rock Around the Clock" Einstein, James Dean, Brooklyn's got a winning team Davy Crockett, Peter Pan, Elvis Presley, Disneyland Bardot, Budapest, Alabama, Krushchev Princess Grace, "Peyton Place", trouble in the Suez :

28 Chunking of Homework Thursday, Sept 20: Metaphorical Representation Option: – Do a pre-write for your writing part of the project. – Make sure you are meeting the requirements, have explanations, and examples

29 Chunking of Homework Friday, Sept 21 and Weekend: Song Option: – Do third and fourth grouping of concepts modeled after – Little Rock, Pasternak, Mickey Mantle, Kerouac Sputnik, Chou En-Lai, "Bridge on the River Kwai" Lebanon, Charlse de Gaulle, California baseball Starkweather, homicide, children of thalidomide Buddy Holly, "Ben Hur", space monkey, Mafia Hula hoops, Castro, Edsel is a no-go U-2, Syngman Rhee, payola and Kennedy Chubby Checker, "Psycho", Belgians in the Congo – Hemingway, Eichmann, "Stranger in a Strange Land" Dylan, Berlin, Bay of Pigs invasion "Lawrence of Arabia", British Beatlemania Ole Miss, John Glenn, Liston beats Patterson Pope Paul, Malcolm X, British politician sex JFK, blown away, what else do I have to say

30 Chunking of Homework Friday, Sept 21 and Weekend: Metaphorical Representation Option: – Do the good draft of the art part of the project. – Make sure it is neat and done in color. – Make sure the illustration supports the metaphor, simile, or analogy.

31 Chunking of Homework Monday, Sept 24: Song Option: – Do the last group of events modeled after – Birth control, Ho Chi Minh, Richard Nixon back again Moonshot, Woodsto/ck/, Watergate, punk rock Begin, Reagan, Palestine, terror on the airline Ayatollah's in Iran, Russians in Afghanistan "Wheel of Fortune", Sally Ride, heavy metal, suicide Foreign debts, homeless vets, AIDS, crack, Bernie Goetz Hypodermics on the shores, China's under martial law Rock and roller cola wars, I can't take it anymore

32 Chunking of Homework Monday, Sept 24: Metaphorical Representation Option: – Typed up your written part of the project. – Make sure you are fully explaining each part of the illustration…why each aspect was chosen and what this change was about using specifics from your notes.

33 Chunking of Homework Tuesday, Sept 25 and Wednesday, Sept 26: Both Options: – Edit your work against the provided checklist on the grade sheet. – Make any necessary corrections. – Print up to turn in on Thursday, Sept 27.

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