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A Pilot Study of Knowledge Acquisition of Embedded System Methods Presented by: Simon L. Winberg Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Cape.

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Presentation on theme: "A Pilot Study of Knowledge Acquisition of Embedded System Methods Presented by: Simon L. Winberg Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Cape."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Pilot Study of Knowledge Acquisition of Embedded System Methods Presented by: Simon L. Winberg Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Cape Town Self-directed learning of engineering methods to improve laboratory practice

2 2 Outline Objective: improving laboratory practice Terminology Laboratory practice: problems identified Pilot Study Results Conclusion Future work

3 3 Context Electrical engineering education Electronic and Computer engineers Learning to develop embedded systems

4 4 Embedded System Examples Computers that control… –Microwave oven –Dishwasher –Digital alarm clock –Cell phone Definition: An embedded system is a computer built into a larger system for the purpose of monitoring and controlling the system.

5 5 Electronic & Computer Engineers Electronic & Computer Engineering stream –Electrical engineering (EE) Analogue & digital circuits, circuit components, signals and systems, communication, VHDL, etc. –Computer Science (CS) Programming, operating systems, software engineering, algorithms, networks, etc. “Embedded engineer” one of career paths Embedded Systems EEE3074W –Elective course, EE and CS prerequisites

6 6 High-level Objectives Improvement of laboratory practice Aims: –Formulate own development methods –Self-guided students –Broader exposure to development difficulties –Memorable learning experience –Reduced demand for assistance

7 7 Hardware Components (processors, memory, sensors, actuators) Connections to rest of system (feeds from/to sensors/actuators) COMPONENTSTOOLS Software Components: (Embedded operating system, drivers, code modules, etc) Software tools Hardware/lab tools

8 8 Laboratory Practice Students learn to use development tools and electronic components, shown how these are used to piece together an embedded system.

9 9 Traditional Lab Approach One set of tools & components Students are guided through use of these, usually using step-by-step tutorials

10 10 Problems in Real Projects Huge variety of tools and components Time to lean tools and components Specialized tools/components Tool/component obsolescence … etc Different embedded systems Different components Different tools Different methods

11 11 Strategy Guide students to formulate own development methods Replace / supplement aspects of the traditional tutorial approach

12 12 First Attempt: Simplify Fix choice of tools Limit choice of components

13 13 Question What learning problems are encountered? How much time does it take? Impact on tutors, lab approach: –Need understanding of methodology –Expressing methods –Assessment –Experimental process, etc Many issues… what is the most important aspect to focus on as a first attempt?

14 14 Pilot Study Each student developed embedded system Objective: –Types of knowledge learned –How long to learn each type –Most certain / uncertain types of learning –Easier to learn components or tools? From results, adjust lab structure: –Decide learning tasks to focus on –Remove steps describing methods to follow –Replace with steps for learning methods

15 15 Types of Knowledge* Productive Non- Productive Data Knowledge Process Knowledge Innovation Knowledge Learning tool used to develop product Learning tool we decided not to use Read datasheet of component used in product Read datasheet of component not used Testing components later replaced Testing components in final product * Allee, V. 1997. The Knowledge Evolution. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann.

16 16 Results Non-ProductiveProductive TOTAL60%40% Data Knowledge75%25% Process K.75%25% Innovative K.50% 100% - Data and process least certain - Dead-end more often in learning data and process knowledge Dead- Ends 38% 47% 15% 100%

17 17 Learning Tool vs. Component Lean ToolLean Component AVG Time0.34 h ±0.49 0.59 h ±0.99 MAX Time2.7 h5.8 h TOTAL59 h38 h - Takes longer to learn how to use components - Student learning tool first, then component more effective

18 18 Conclusions Proposed restructuring of lab practice: –Guide learning of components Sections of datasheet, reading strategy –Students take care of learning tools Experiment with menus, tutors demonstrate tools –Start with tool, then learn component* –Guiding students in learning data and process knowledge –Let innovation take care of itself * Not always possible

19 19 Future Work Apply recommendations in labs –Test in first lab session Assess result on 4 th year projects –Compare performance of students having gone through old pracs to new pracs Expected to be an on-going, iterative process Investigate ways to address other aspects: –Choosing tools/components –Changing tools/components mid-way

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