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CHAPTER 1 Basic Concepts of Strategic Management

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1 CHAPTER 1 Basic Concepts of Strategic Management

2 The “strategos” in Athens was an elected general.
What is Strategy ? … The concept of strategy is ancient and originated in the study of success in war. The word strategy comes from the Greek ‘stratos’ (army) and ‘agein’ (to lead). The “strategos” in Athens was an elected general. Prentice Hall, Inc. © 2006 Prentice Hall 2006

3 “Strategy is knowing the business you propose to carry out”.
What is Strategy ? … “Strategy is knowing the business you propose to carry out”. Xenophon (ancient Greece) This definition stresses that strategy requires; A knowledge of the business, An intention of the future, An orientation towards action. This definition also emphasizes the link between leadership and strategy formulation. Xenophon saw strategy as a direct responsibility of those in charge, not as a spectator sport. Prentice Hall, Inc. © 2006 Prentice Hall 2006

1. THE DESIGN SCHOOL “Strategy Formation as a Process of Conception” 2. THE PLANNING SCHOOL “Strategy Formation as a Formal Process” 3. THE POSITIONING SCHOOL “Strategy Formation as an Analytical Process” 4. THE ENTREPRENEURIAL SCHOOL “Strategy Formation as a Visionary Process” 5. THE COGNITIVE SCHOOL “Strategy Formation as a Mental Process” 6. THE LEARNING SCHOOL “Strategy Formation as an Emergent Process” 7. THE POWER SCHOOL “Strategy Formation as a Process of Negotiation” 8. THE CULTURAL SCHOOL “Strategy Formation as a Collective Process” 9. THE ENVIRONMENTAL SCHOOL “Strategy Formation as a Reactive Process” 10. THE CONFIGURATION SCHOOL “Strategy Formation as a Process of Transformation” Prentice Hall, Inc. © 2006 Prentice Hall 2006

5 Mintzberg's 5 Ps for Strategy
Strategic Management Defined Mintzberg's 5 Ps for Strategy Plan Pattern Position Perspective. Ploy Prentice Hall, Inc. © 2006 Prentice Hall 2006

6 Set of managerial decisions and actions that determines
Strategic Management Defined Set of managerial decisions and actions that determines the long-run performance of a firm. It includes : Environmental scanning (both external and internal : SWOT) Strategy formulation Strategy implementation Evaluation and control Prentice Hall, Inc. © 2006 Prentice Hall 2006

7 5 Elements of Good Strategy
Hambrick and Fredrickson – Good Strategy 5 Elements of Good Strategy Arenas ( Where will we be active ?) Vehicles (How we will get there ?) Differentiators (How will we win in the marketplace ?) Staging (What will be our speed and sequence of moves ?) Economic logic (How will we make money ?) (How will we obtain our resources ?) Prentice Hall, Inc. © 2006 Prentice Hall 2006

8 Clearer sense of strategic vision
Basic Concepts of Strategic Management Highly Rated Benefits Clearer sense of strategic vision Sharper focus on strategic importance Improved understanding of changing environment Prentice Hall, Inc. © 2006 Prentice Hall 2006

9 Highly Rated Benefits (Mintzberg) Strategy sets direction
Basic Concepts of Strategic Management Highly Rated Benefits (Mintzberg) Strategy sets direction Strategy focuses effort Strategy defines the organization Strategy provides consistency Prentice Hall, Inc. © 2006 Prentice Hall 2006

10 Strategy includes : Environmental scanning
Strategic Management Defined Strategy includes : Environmental scanning (both external and internal : SWOT) Strategy formulation Strategy implementation Evaluation and control Prentice Hall, Inc. © 2006 Prentice Hall 2006

11 Basic Elements of the Strategic Management Process
Basic Concepts of Strategic Management Basic Elements of the Strategic Management Process Prentice Hall, Inc. © 2006 Prentice Hall 2006

12 Strengths – Weaknesses Opportunities - Threats
Environmental Scanning SWOT Analysis Strengths – Weaknesses Opportunities - Threats Monitoring, evaluation, and disseminating information from external and internal environments –to key people in the firm Prentice Hall, Inc. © 2006 Prentice Hall 2006

13 Globalization Electronic Commerce
Basic Concepts of Strategic Management Globalization Internationalization of markets and corporations Global (worldwide) markets rather than national markets Electronic Commerce Use of the Internet to conduct business transactions Basis for competition on a more strategic level rather than traditional focus on product features and costs Prentice Hall, Inc. © 2006 Prentice Hall 2006

14 Electronic Commerce -- Trends Forcing company transformation
Basic Concepts of Strategic Management Electronic Commerce -- Trends Forcing company transformation Market access & branding changing – disintermediation of traditional distribution channels Balance of power shift to consumer Competition changing Prentice Hall, Inc. © 2006 Prentice Hall 2006

15 Environmental Variables
Basic Concepts of Strategic Management Environmental Variables Prentice Hall, Inc. © 2006 Prentice Hall 2006

16 Organization “fit” with environment Theory of population ecology
Organizational Adaptation Organization “fit” with environment Theory of population ecology (Inertia prevents from changing) Institution theory (Change by imitating) Strategic choice perspective (They have the power to reshape) Organizational learning theory (Organization adjust defensively) Prentice Hall, Inc. © 2006 Prentice Hall 2006

Strategy Formulation Environment is not static, it is dynamic. If you do not fail to adjust, no strategic plan will save you from failure. HERE COMES THE LEARNING ORGANIZATION Prentice Hall, Inc. © 2006 Prentice Hall 2006

18 Learning Organizations
An organization skilled at creating, acquiring, and transferring knowledge and at modifying its behavior to reflect new knowledge and insights Prentice Hall, Inc. © 2006 Prentice Hall 2006

19 Systematic problem solving New approach experimentation
Learning Organizations 4 Chief Activities Systematic problem solving New approach experimentation Learning from experiences Intra-organization knowledge transfer Prentice Hall, Inc. © 2006 Prentice Hall 2006

20 IT IS THE PLANNING (that counts)
Organizational Adaptation Strategic flexibility Demands long-term commitment to development of critical resources Demands firm become a learning organization IT IS NOT THE PLAN IT IS THE PLANNING (that counts) Prentice Hall, Inc. © 2006 Prentice Hall 2006

21 Strategy Formulation Development of long-range plans for effective management of opportunities and threats in light of corporate strengths and weaknesses Prentice Hall, Inc. © 2006 Prentice Hall 2006

22 Purpose/reason for organization Promotes shared expectations
Strategy Formulation Mission Statement Purpose/reason for organization Promotes shared expectations Communicates public image Who we are; what we do; what we aspire to Prentice Hall, Inc. © 2006 Prentice Hall 2006

23 “ We shall build good ships here – at a profit if we can
Strategy Formulation Mission Statement “ We shall build good ships here – at a profit if we can – at a loss if we must but always good ships …” Newport Ships Building 1886 Prentice Hall, Inc. © 2006 Prentice Hall 2006

24 Not Always a Formal Process
Basic Concepts of Strategic Management Not Always a Formal Process Where is the organization now? (not where do we hope it is) If no changes are made, where will the organization be in 1,2,5 or 10 years? What specific actions should management undertake? What are the risks and payoffs? Prentice Hall, Inc. © 2006 Prentice Hall 2006

25 Strategic Decision Making
How can we differentiate Strategic Decisions : Rare (Typically new and unusual) Consequential (Commit substantial resources and demand commitment) Directive (Direct lesser decisions and future actions) Prentice Hall, Inc. © 2006 Prentice Hall 2006

26 Mintzberg’s Modes Entrepreneurial mode Adaptive mode Planning mode
Strategic Decision Making Mintzberg’s Modes Entrepreneurial mode (Focus is on opportunities, problems are secondary. Typically large, bold decisions. Dominant goal is growth) Adaptive mode (“muddling through” Reactive solutions to existing problems rather than proactive search for new opportunities) Planning mode (Systematic gathering of information, situation analysis, generation of feasible alternatives, rational selection) Logical incrementalism (An interactive process, synthesis of the other three) Prentice Hall, Inc. © 2006 Prentice Hall 2006

27 3 Types of Strategy Corporate strategy Business strategy
Basic Concepts of Strategic Management 3 Types of Strategy Corporate strategy Business strategy Functional strategy Prentice Hall, Inc. © 2006 Prentice Hall 2006

28 Hierarchy of Strategy Basic Concepts of Strategic Management
Prentice Hall, Inc. © 2006 Prentice Hall 2006

29 Corporate Strategy Business Strategy Functional Strategy Stability
Basic Concepts of Strategic Management Corporate Strategy Stability Growth Retrenchment Business Strategy Competitive strategies Cooperative strategies Functional Strategy Technological leadership Technological followership Prentice Hall, Inc. © 2006 Prentice Hall 2006

Basic Concepts of Strategic Management STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY PROGRAMS BUDGETS PROCEDURES Prentice Hall, Inc. © 2006 Prentice Hall 2006

31 Strategic Decision-Making Process
Basic Concepts of Strategic Management Strategic Decision-Making Process Prentice Hall, Inc. © 2006

32 4 Phases of Strategic Management
Basic Concepts of Strategic Management 4 Phases of Strategic Management 1. Basic financial planning (Time horizon: 1 year) 2. Forecast-based planning (Time horizon: 3 – 5 years) 3. Externally-oriented planning (by expert planners) 4. Strategic management (constructed with the inputs and commitments of lover lever managers too) Prentice Hall, Inc. © 2006 Prentice Hall 2006

33 “Strategies for better and worse”
Basic Concepts of Strategic Management Reading assignment; “Strategies for better and worse” Strategy sets direction Strategy focuses effort Strategy defines the organization Strategy provides consistency Prentice Hall, Inc. © 2006 Prentice Hall 2006

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