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Presentation on theme: "NAFC Marine Centre 29 August 2006 WELCOMES UNIVERSITY OF TURKU."— Presentation transcript:

1 NAFC Marine Centre 29 August 2006 WELCOMES UNIVERSITY OF TURKU

2 2 Marine Hatchery (1999) John Goodlad Centre (2001) - Marine Science Port Arthur House (2000) - Student Accommodation Food Innovation Centre SSQC Ltd Shetland School of Nautical Studies Main Building (1992)

3 3 What is the NAFC? The NAFC Marine Centre is the main operation of a Charitable Trust The NAFC Marine Centre is the main operation of a Charitable Trust –The Shetland Fisheries Training Centre Trust Other parts of the trust are 3 Limited Companies Other parts of the trust are 3 Limited Companies –Shetland Seafood Quality Control Ltd (SSQC) –Shetland Fisheries Centre Ltd (SFC) –Shetland Fisheries Training Association (SFTA) The Trust was formed in 1988 and the main building opened for business in 1992 The Trust was formed in 1988 and the main building opened for business in 1992

4 4 Trust Vision & Mission … Vision Vision –To be an international fisheries centre of excellence, providing high quality resources to support and enhance the development and sustainability of the fisheries industries. Mission Mission –To be a customer-focused leader in fisheries education, training, research and development.

5 5 Trust Management Our trustees are balanced between the Shetland Islands Council and industry groups Our trustees are balanced between the Shetland Islands Council and industry groups –5 councillors including the Convenor, Sandy Cluness –4 Representatives from the local fishing and aquaculture associations Our links with local industry, both aquaculture and fish catching sectors, are very good Our links with local industry, both aquaculture and fish catching sectors, are very good

6 6 NAFC – Summary Facts Total student enrolments (12 months to 31/07/05)675 Total student enrolments (12 months to 31/07/05)675 Full time student equivalent 2004/05101 Full time student equivalent 2004/05101 Courses offered 90 Courses offered 90 Staff (including restaurant) c. 65 Staff (including restaurant) c. 65 For Higher Education (HNC and above) we are an Academic Partner in the UHI Millennium Institute For Higher Education (HNC and above) we are an Academic Partner in the UHI Millennium Institute 70% + of our funding is from the Shetland Sources 70% + of our funding is from the Shetland Sources

7 7 So what do we do? Fisheries training & education Fisheries training & education Aquaculture training & education Aquaculture training & education We are the SIC Fisheries Department We are the SIC Fisheries Department Conduct research in marine sciences Conduct research in marine sciences Merchant Navy training & education Merchant Navy training & education

8 8 So what do we do? Engineering training & education Engineering training & education Commercial services for aquaculture & fisheries Commercial services for aquaculture & fisheries Run our own fish farms & restaurant Run our own fish farms & restaurant Creating the Shetland Food Innovation Centre Creating the Shetland Food Innovation Centre

9 9 Problem Areas … Our remit means we must run some courses for small classes (increases staff contact time) Our remit means we must run some courses for small classes (increases staff contact time) Staff must multi-task Staff must multi-task We have a big facility that is financed on an annual basis We have a big facility that is financed on an annual basis Location – remote, small local student population, high transport costs Location – remote, small local student population, high transport costs Our target industries have been going through a tough time recently Our target industries have been going through a tough time recently Have had to suspend 2 of our flagship activities Have had to suspend 2 of our flagship activities –Our M Sc in Marine Aquaculture –Research in our Marine Hatchery

10 10 Some Highlights … In Sept 2004, NAFC started a Merchant Navy Cadet Programme, one of only 5 in the UK In Sept 2004, NAFC started a Merchant Navy Cadet Programme, one of only 5 in the UK Run other Nautical & Engineering courses for Merchant Navy and fishing vessels Run other Nautical & Engineering courses for Merchant Navy and fishing vessels –>260 MCA Certificates of Competency gained –Operate state-of the art Full Mission Bridge simulator Contracted to the FRS Marine Lab to monitor Monkfish catches Contracted to the FRS Marine Lab to monitor Monkfish catches Running a jig fishing project funded by FIFG and SEAFISH Running a jig fishing project funded by FIFG and SEAFISH Offered 1 st taught M Sc and had first PhD graduate of the UHI Millennium Institute Offered 1 st taught M Sc and had first PhD graduate of the UHI Millennium Institute UKAS accreditation for our Microbiology lab UKAS accreditation for our Microbiology lab

11 11 Limited Companies Shetland Seafood Quality Control Ltd. (SSQC) Provides Quality Assurance & laboratory services to industry Provides Quality Assurance & laboratory services to industry SSQC has 3 main business activities SSQC has 3 main business activities –Inspectorate Services - provides UKAS quality accreditation for farmed salmon & white fish market –Marine Farm Services – provides environmental and benthic analysis services to the aquaculture industry –Chemistry & Microbiology Lab Services – provides chemical & microbiological analyses for the aquaculture industry (UKAS accredited for e coli)

12 12 What future for the NAFC? We have an excellent facility and excellent staff We have an excellent facility and excellent staff We have changed to become the NAFC Marine Centre and grow our capability and reputation We have changed to become the NAFC Marine Centre and grow our capability and reputation –My aim is to get more outside funding into the organisation –Be more collaborative in fisheries & aquaculture education and research –Look at new areas to be involved in e.g. Marine Renewable Energy, Oceanography, Fisheries/ Aquaculture Economics –We will continue to expand our Merchant Navy education & training as the market allows

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