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Coordination Strategy and Project Management NCAR working group model seems to work well –One WG for each major component of model –Software engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "Coordination Strategy and Project Management NCAR working group model seems to work well –One WG for each major component of model –Software engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coordination Strategy and Project Management NCAR working group model seems to work well –One WG for each major component of model –Software engineering / technical WG –Composition of WGs can evolve over time Coordinating committee and working group –Need a strong chair of the committee to ensure progress is made –Concern about time / money for people that lead this effort There is a need for base funding to support a large, coordinated effort like the ASM –Project office model has advantages but NSF is moving away from this - help coordinate activities –Project office needs to be more than admin - also have scientific interest / expertise Need for computer support for this effort –CPU hours –Data storage / sharing

2 Funding sources –Need a diversity of funding sources NSF, NOPP, DOE, … Industry sources of funding / energy companies Military interest in the Arctic with decreased sea ice National Ice Center, USGS, others It is not clear how to coordinate funding from several agencies –Matching support from universities Personnel support (post-docs, faculty time) –Get funding agency involvement at early stage of plan development Need program managers involved when science plan is being drafted

3 –Need for an open call from NSF (other funding agency?) for ASM development Call for model development activities –Both for “mature” and “less mature” model components –Also need for data proposal –Synthesis of data / modeling effort Open competition for project office funding Proceed through ARCSS “Wheel” to call for proposals? How specific does this need to be? –Ex. Specify coupler to be used?

4 National Oceanographic Partnership Program –James E. Eckman –ONR 322 –703-696-4590 –

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