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Ancient Greece.   Marketplace  Center of the city  Lots of activity  Different businesses Agora.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Greece.   Marketplace  Center of the city  Lots of activity  Different businesses Agora."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Greece

2   Marketplace  Center of the city  Lots of activity  Different businesses Agora

3   Plain  Different materials used to build them  No drainage systems  Size of houses  Different genders lived in different areas of the house Houses

4   Women stayed at home  Marriages were usually in January  Arranged by the father of the bride  Baby (Spartans)  Men and Women ate separately  Ate with fingers (no forks)  Most Greeks did not eat meat  Typical meal was fish, eggs and cheese  Milk was for animals or ‘barbarians’ Family Life

5 Sparta  Boys attended at age 6  Science and Math were not important  Taught to become warriors  Girls did not go to schoolAthens  No more then 10-15 students  Only the wealthiest could attend  Used wax tablet and pen (Math)  Music was important  Girls would get ‘spoiled’ if they learned to read Schooling

6   Homemade  Decorations represented city-states  Colors were made from natural products  Free-flowing  Women's hair was long (braided)  Most men had short hair and beards Clothing

7   Farming was the base of the economy  80% of the population  20% of the land was usable  Autumn was important  Barley, olives and vine  Enough food to support family Agriculture

8       Sources

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