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1 U.S. Navy Arctic Roadmap Implementation Sea, Air, Space Exposition RADM Jonathan White Oceanographer and Navigator of the Navy 15 April 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "1 U.S. Navy Arctic Roadmap Implementation Sea, Air, Space Exposition RADM Jonathan White Oceanographer and Navigator of the Navy 15 April 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 U.S. Navy Arctic Roadmap Implementation Sea, Air, Space Exposition RADM Jonathan White Oceanographer and Navigator of the Navy 15 April 2015

2 Northern Sea Route 2025: 6 weeks open 41’ controlling draft Transpolar Route 2025: 2 weeks open Deep ocean transit Northwest Passage 2025: intermittently open 33’ controlling draft Sea Routes Arctic Ice Minimum Projection Sea route distances: Distance from the Bering Strait to Rotterdam 2

3 3 Harsh operating environment  Non-ice hardened ships Limited comms and satellite sensors Limited Arctic experience Incomplete charting Limited ice- breaking capabilities Limited SAR assets Limited infrastructure High cost of operations Improving operational capabilities, expertise, and capacity to operate in the region….Just like every other ocean around the world Identified Capability Gaps Sense environment parameters Forecast environmental parameters Predict impact of environmental conditions on naval systems Communications Multi-National MDA

4 4 Development of Arctic maritime capability requirements Arctic engagement Updating Fleet guidance for Arctic Operations and Training ICEX accelerated to bi-annual vice tri-annual event Science and Technology Plan Identify/evaluate U.S. and international infrastructure. Hull, propulsion and engineering requirements for Arctic Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA)- National Architecture Plan Maintaining steady strain on the right problems

5 5 5  Improved sea ice and weather forecasts  High-resolution Arctic System Models  Coupled ocean/wave/ice/atmosphere  Expanded forecasts (7 days, 1-3 months, 1 yr, 5-10 yrs)  Detailed ice location, thickness, age, movement  Platform/sensor development (buoys, hydrographic sensors, UAV/UUVs)  Earth System Prediction Capability (ESPC) Improving forecasts and predictions to support Navy operations worldwide

6 6 Develop a Framework of Observations and Modeling to Support Forecasting and Prediction of Sea Ice  Objective: Improve sea ice forecasts and predictions at a variety of spatial and temporal scales 6 DOD Lead: DOD Support: Charting, Models, Maritime Domain Awareness, Observations, etc. Under Title 10 the Navy is responsible “for safety and effectiveness of all maritime vessels, aircraft, and forces of the armed forces by means of: marine data collection, numerical modeling and forecasting hazardous weather and ocean conditions. As well as the collection and processing of Hydrographic Information.” Executive Order 13689 21 Jan 2015 Established Arctic ESC

7 7 R U S S I A CIA Map 7 USEUCOM USNORTHCOM “Promote Partnerships within the U.S. Gov’t and with International Allies in Support of Safety and Security.” - U.S. Navy Arctic Roadmap

8 8 8 Discussion

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