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Howden School and Technology College 7E Acids and Alkalis Curing indigestion.

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Presentation on theme: "Howden School and Technology College 7E Acids and Alkalis Curing indigestion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Howden School and Technology College 7E Acids and Alkalis Curing indigestion

2 Howden School and Technology College Objective To explain which cure for indigestion works the best and why

3 Howden School and Technology College What is indigestion?

4 Howden School and Technology College Possible cures 1 23

5 Howden School and Technology College What the cures claim? All three cures claim to be the best All three are alkalis Brioschi contains 10% sodium hydrogen carbonate Rennie contains 30% sodium hydrogen carbonate Pept-Eez contains 60% sodium hydrogen carbonate

6 Howden School and Technology College LevelIn my plan, I can....... 3 make a simple prediction 4 make a prediction 5 make a prediction, using scientific knowledge and understanding 6 make a prediction, using simple models and theories Making Predictions

7 Howden School and Technology College Method –Add 10cm 3 of acid to each of the test tubes (CAREFUL) –Add 3 drops of universal indicator –Record the colour and pH of the three solutions 1 23

8 Howden School and Technology College LevelIn my experiment, I can....... 3 use simple equipment to make measurements e.g. length and mass make basic observations 4 make enough measurements and/or observations for the investigation 5 make a series of measurements and/or observations that are accurate spot that a result is odd and repeat the experiment Obtaining Evidence

9 Howden School and Technology College Was your prediction correct?

10 Howden School and Technology College LevelIn my plan, I can....... 3 explain why a test is fair 4 decide if a fair test is needed and describe how to make the test fair 5 say which are the key variables 6 identify the most important key variables that need to be controlled Controlling Variables

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