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An analysis of poetic devices in songs and poems.

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Presentation on theme: "An analysis of poetic devices in songs and poems."— Presentation transcript:

1 An analysis of poetic devices in songs and poems.
Poetry An analysis of poetic devices in songs and poems.

2 Your job: Review poetic devices and sound devices.
Search the internet for a poem or song that uses at least three different poetic devices. Identify examples of the three poetic devices. Analyze the importance of the poetic devices found in the song or poem. The following slides will guide you through today’s assignment.

3 In class, we have talked about a few different poetic devices
In class, we have talked about a few different poetic devices. Read the following slides to refresh your memory of each.

4 Repetition – using the same sound, word, line, or lines over and over again.
I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas. Alliteration – the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words. Can Kate the cat cook canned cauliflower for Ken? Assonance – the repetition of vowel sounds. Who knew the shoe was blue? Did you?

5 Consonance – the repetition of consonant sounds in the middle or at the end of words.
Stan reached his hand into a can of chicken. Onomatopoeia – sound words boom, bang, pow, crash Personification – giving an inanimate (non-human) object human like qualities or characteristics. The wind sang as it danced around the playing children.

6 End Rhyme – rhyme that occurs at the end of a line in a poem or song.
I found a shoe. It was blue, and it looked new. Who lost a shoe? Did you? Internal Rhyme – rhyme that occurs within a line of a poem or song. The cat sat on a rat. The ox sat on a box.

7 Time to search… Use one of the websites on the following page to find a poem or song that uses at least three of the sound devices listed on the previous slides. You may refer to the orange chart in your folder for your help. It is titled, “Poetic Devices.”

8 Websites Poetry Song Lyrics
Song Lyrics Once you have found your song or poem, continue on to the next slide.

9 Next… Once you have found your poem or song, copy it into Microsoft Word and print it. You will be printing to the TSNMC Lab. After you print your song or poem, you will need to open a blank document in Microsoft Word or get a sheet of notebook paper. Your next task is on the following slide.

10 Your assignment - Analysis:
On your notebook paper, or in your Microsoft Word document, complete the following for each poetic device: Name the poetic device found. Give an example of the poetic device found in your song or poem. State the importance or significance of the poetic device. Example (from “Flake” by Jack Johnson): Poetic Device: Repetition Example: Please please please don’t pass me Please please please don’t pass me by Importance: The word “please” was repeated several times to give the impression that he was begging the person not to leave. Johnson also repeated these words because they summarize what the song “Flake” is about.

11 You made it! If you have reached this slide, and have completed the analysis of your song or poem, then you are finished with today’s job! Staple your song or poem with your analysis. Make sure your name, date, and hour are on your assignment. Turn your assignment in.

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