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Recommended 2012-2015 Strategic Plan Board of Trustees August 27, 2012 Moravian Manor.

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Presentation on theme: "Recommended 2012-2015 Strategic Plan Board of Trustees August 27, 2012 Moravian Manor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recommended 2012-2015 Strategic Plan Board of Trustees August 27, 2012 Moravian Manor

2 Agenda A. Review Strategic Plan  Position Moravian Manor Campus for Sustainability (David Swartley)  Governance (Dean Easton)  Develop & Manage the Manor’s Underdeveloped Assets (Dick Minnich)  Marketing Moravian Manor (Frank Christoffel) B. Approve Strategic Plan

3 Review Strategic Plan

4 Strategic Focus Area: Position Moravian Manor Campus for Sustainability

5 Position Moravian Manor Campus for Sustainability: Strategic Priorities A. Anticipate and accommodate the changing industry and lifestyles. B. Upgrade existing campus. C. Incorporate wellness philosophies (physical, spiritual, emotional, social, intellectual) throughout all aspects of campus areas, operations, initiatives and activities. D. Invest in technology, and strategically prioritize, implement and incorporate it throughout the campus.

6 Success Indicators

7 Anticipate and Accommodate the Changing Industry & Lifestyles: Success Indicators 1. Ensure that Moravian Manor is proactive in learning about and addressing the changes taking place in the long-term care industry. (ongoing) 2. Ensure that Moravian Manor is proactive in seeking out how current and prospective residents’ needs and wants are evolving. (12/2013) 3. Align with at least one Accountable Care Organization (ACO). (12/2013)

8 Upgrade Existing Campus: Success Indicators 1. Review and determine how the current campus is intentionally integrated into Moravian Manor’s expanded community. (8/2013) 2. Develop a Master Plan outlining locations for the Manor’s various components of long-term care throughout its two campuses. (9/2013) 3. Enact plans to upgrade housing on the current campus to better meet residents’ needs. (9/2013) 4. Ensure the Manor’s annual budgets reflect its commitment to keeping the original campus upgraded and current. (10/2013) 5. Ensure the existing campus is strategically updated so the Manor can provide a variety of products to serve a broad range of prospective residents. (12/2014)

9 Incorporate Wellness Philosophies Throughout Campus: Success Indicators 1. Wellness initiatives are integrated throughout all areas and departments of Moravian Manor and are annually evaluated for impact. (6/2013) NOTE: Wellness includes physical, spiritual, emotional, social and intellectual components.

10 Invest in Technology and Strategically Incorporate Throughout Campus: Success Indicators 1. Allocate 15% of capital budget to technology over next 5 years. (11/2012) 2. Finalize schedule for Electronic Medical Records (EMR) implementation. (12/2012) 3. Establish a staff position to oversee Moravian Manor’s technology and improve the staff’s technology competencies. (12/2013)

11 Strategic Focus Area: Governance

12 Governance: Strategic Priorities A. Ensure that Moravian Manor has a strategic, effective Board of Trustees.

13 Success Indicators

14 Ensure that Moravian Manor Has a Strategic, Effective Board of Trustees: Success Indicators 1. The Board’s policies and governance are periodically reviewed and updated. (12/2012) 2. The Board understands its responsibilities and the difference between strategic oversight and the CEO’s management responsibilities. (12/2012) 3. Board Committees and Task Forces are given and expected to exercise authority commensurate with their responsibilities. (12/2012) 4. Executive Committee reinforces good governance. (12/2012) 5. The Board routinely makes decisions in a timely manner. (12/2012)

15 Strategic Focus Area: Develop and Manage the Manor’s Underdeveloped Assets

16 Develop and Manage the Manor’s Underdeveloped Assets: Proposed Strategic Priorities A. Develop a long-range plan for the 72 acres based on the Master Plan. B. Commence with development of the 72 acres by creating a sound financial model based on various phases of the development project. C. Seek out and identify an equity partner(s) for the medical office building.

17 Success Indicators

18 Develop a Long-Range Plan for the 72 Acres Based on the Master Plan: Success Indicators 1. Prepare a phased development schedule and financial pro forma for the 72 acres. (3/2013)

19 Commence with Development of the 72 Acres by Creating Financial Model: Success Indicators 1. Marketing firm is contracted. (4/2013) 2. Marketing for Phase 1 of the Biemesderfer tract is underway. (9/2013) 3. Final Land Plan for Phase 1 is completed. (8/2014) 4. Financing is secured that meets Moravian Manor’s criteria (i.e. equity partner, bank loans, and bonds). (9/2014) 5. Pre-sales goals for Phase 1 of the Biemesderfer tract are met. (9/2014) 6. Ground is broken for Phase 1. (4/2015)

20 Seek Out and Identify an Equity Partner(s) for the Medical Office Bldg: Success Indicators 1. Sign Letter of Intent for medical office building with Health Care Group. (3/2013) 2. Identify and secure equity partner for medical office building. (9/2013)

21 Strategic Focus Area: Marketing Moravian Manor

22 Marketing Moravian Manor: Strategic Priorities A. “Community within a Community” is defined and understood by Moravian Manor’s stakeholders. B. Clearly define what Moravian Manor is marketing and develop and manage a robust, comprehensive marketing plan for the entire Moravian Manor community campus-wide. C. Significantly expand Moravian Manor’s marketing reach and inclusion.

23 Success Indicators

24 “Community within a Community” is Defined & Understood by Stakeholders: Success Indicators 1. Trustees hold and share a common vision of what “community within a community” means. (6/2013) 2. Moravian Manor employees hold and share a common vision of what “community within a community” means. (9/2013) 3. Residents are aware of the happenings resulting from “community within a community” and regularly refer to Lititz’s involvement in the Manor and the Manor’s involvement in Lititz. (6/2015)

25 Define What Manor is Marketing; Manage Robust, Campus-Wide Marketing Plan: Success Indicators 1. There is agreement on what Moravian Manor is marketing and to whom it is marketing. (6/2013) 2. The approved marketing plan is in place and followed. (9/2013) 3. Prospective residents appreciate Moravian Manor’s diverse neighborhoods and the unified community culture. (6/2014) 4. Every Moravian Manor neighborhood considers itself an integral part of the campus and the Manor community. (12/2015)

26 Significantly expand Moravian Manor’s Marketing Reach and Inclusion: Success Indicators 1. There is a significant increase in requests for marketing materials from individuals who are outside of the Manor’s current geographic footprint. (9/2013) 2. Moravian Manor has been successfully repositioned and is attracting individuals from the Manor’s expanded geographic footprint. (12/2013) 3. Conversion rate reflects the desired diversity outlined in the Manor’s marketing plan. (9/2014) NOTE: Once these goals are identified, this success indicator must be revised to include those goals.

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