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FET in the 6th FP Future and Emerging Technologies (FETs) DG Information Society FET in the 6th FP Future and Emerging Technologies (FETs) DG Information.

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Presentation on theme: "FET in the 6th FP Future and Emerging Technologies (FETs) DG Information Society FET in the 6th FP Future and Emerging Technologies (FETs) DG Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 FET in the 6th FP Future and Emerging Technologies (FETs) DG Information Society FET in the 6th FP Future and Emerging Technologies (FETs) DG Information Society

2 INTEGRATINGEUROPEANRESEARCH P RIORITY T HEMATIC A REASANTICIPATING S/T NEEDS / Research for policy support Frontier research, unexpected developments Specific SME activities Specific internationalcooperation activities 6 th Framework Program: Structure

3 Specific Generic integration Building blocks Anywhere anytime natural and enjoyable access to IST services for ALL Miniaturised, low cost low power components & µsytems Natural interactions with ‘ knowledge ’ with ‘ knowledge ’ Pervasive, mobile, wireless, trustful infrastructures Applied IST for major societal and economic challenges Trust & Security IST for societal challenges IST for economic challenges Demanding Demandingapplications Security, privacy IPRs, dependabilty Smart cards,... E and m business, e and m work, learning GRIDS for science, engineering business and society Health, eInclusion, mobility, environment safety, cultural heritage Communication & networking Software µ, nano & opto electronics µ and nano systemsKnowledgetechnologiesinterfaces Mobile: beyond 3G Fixed:All optical Integrated (IPv6) Adaptive Reliable Embedded Distributed Adaptable CMOS : the limit System-on-Chip Nano-scale New materials Multidiscplines New Sensing Networked New materials Nano-scale Context based Semantic based Agent based Scaleable All senses Multilingual Intuitive ‘Surrounding’ FET in IST n Exploring new paradigms and visions at the limit of knowledge –IST’s pathfinder activity –A “nursery” of new ideas n Open scheme and proactive initiatives

4 FET: The OPEN scheme n Widest possible spectrum, bottom-up –primarily Research but also Support activities n Any innovative idea of quality – high risk / high potential payoff research – longer term foundational research – embryonic research & proof-of-concept n Widest possible spectrum, bottom-up –primarily Research but also Support activities n Any innovative idea of quality – high risk / high potential payoff research – longer term foundational research – embryonic research & proof-of-concept

5 FET: The OPEN scheme n Research: Implemented through STREPs 2-step process –A short proposal submitted first, at any time from 10 February 2003 onwards –Full proposals only if short proposal was successful Three evaluation cut-off dates per year (13 May 2003...) –Evaluation: remote and in-Brussels –Real-time process n Support: build research communities through CAs (and SSAs) 1-step process n Research: Implemented through STREPs 2-step process –A short proposal submitted first, at any time from 10 February 2003 onwards –Full proposals only if short proposal was successful Three evaluation cut-off dates per year (13 May 2003...) –Evaluation: remote and in-Brussels –Real-time process n Support: build research communities through CAs (and SSAs) 1-step process

6 n Take an early lead in key future or emerging technologies n Motivated by long-term visions and goals – objective-driven n Implementation: one or more IPs (+ NoE?) n Take an early lead in key future or emerging technologies n Motivated by long-term visions and goals – objective-driven n Implementation: one or more IPs (+ NoE?) FET Proactive initiatives

7 Structure of Proactive Initiatives Budget allows for new partners & tasks Dynamic re-adjustment of objectives & workplan Review on a continual basis IP2 IP1 NoE Commission “Stakeholders” Scientific guidance National initiatives Advisory Board

8 Roadmap for pro-actives 2003-2004 n 1st Call : Dec 2002 –Beyond robotics –Complex systems research –The disappearing computer 2 n 3rd Call (early 2003; subjects tentative!) –Quantum information processing –Molecular computing –Global computing –Life-like perception and cognition systems n 1st Call : Dec 2002 –Beyond robotics –Complex systems research –The disappearing computer 2 n 3rd Call (early 2003; subjects tentative!) –Quantum information processing –Molecular computing –Global computing –Life-like perception and cognition systems

9 Proposal preparation & submission n Pre-proposals (only for proactive initiatives) –may use form from GfP n Proposal submission –Only 2 parts (A & B) –Non-anonymous (except for FET Open short) –Part B structured following evaluation criteria –For IP/NoE, detailed workplan/JPA for first 18 months n Evaluation process –Eligibility checks –Individual readings (3-5 evaluators) –Consensus –Hearings (for IP/NoE only) –Panel –Remote evaluation possible n Pre-proposals (only for proactive initiatives) –may use form from GfP n Proposal submission –Only 2 parts (A & B) –Non-anonymous (except for FET Open short) –Part B structured following evaluation criteria –For IP/NoE, detailed workplan/JPA for first 18 months n Evaluation process –Eligibility checks –Individual readings (3-5 evaluators) –Consensus –Hearings (for IP/NoE only) –Panel –Remote evaluation possible

10 Evaluation criteria for FET-Open (STREP) short / full proposal n Relevance (T = 3; W = 30/0) –new ideas involving high risk or long term research n S & T excellence (T = 3/4; W = 30/40) –challenging & clearly defined objectives, highly innovative, technical approach n Potential impact (T = 3; W = 30) –S&T or economic impact, benefits vs. risk n Quality of the consortium (T = 3; W = 10) –not evaluated in the short proposal –all necessary expertise, commitment, good complementarity n Quality of the management (T = -; W = 10) –not evaluated in the short proposal n Mobilisation of resources (T = 2; W = 10) –necessary, sufficient & integrated Overall threshold : 3.5 ! n Relevance (T = 3; W = 30/0) –new ideas involving high risk or long term research n S & T excellence (T = 3/4; W = 30/40) –challenging & clearly defined objectives, highly innovative, technical approach n Potential impact (T = 3; W = 30) –S&T or economic impact, benefits vs. risk n Quality of the consortium (T = 3; W = 10) –not evaluated in the short proposal –all necessary expertise, commitment, good complementarity n Quality of the management (T = -; W = 10) –not evaluated in the short proposal n Mobilisation of resources (T = 2; W = 10) –necessary, sufficient & integrated Overall threshold : 3.5 !

11 Evaluation criteria for IPs n Relevance (T = 3) n Potential impact (T = 3) –Ambition, use of results, European added value n S&T excellence (T = 4) –Clarity of objectives, progress beyond SOTA, approach n Quality of consortium (T = 3) –quality, complementarity, industrial involvement, suitability and commitment of partners n Quality of management (T = 3) –quality, structure, management of knowledge n Mobilisation of resources (T = 3) –critical mass, integration, financial plan Overall threshold : 24/30 ! n Relevance (T = 3) n Potential impact (T = 3) –Ambition, use of results, European added value n S&T excellence (T = 4) –Clarity of objectives, progress beyond SOTA, approach n Quality of consortium (T = 3) –quality, complementarity, industrial involvement, suitability and commitment of partners n Quality of management (T = 3) –quality, structure, management of knowledge n Mobilisation of resources (T = 3) –critical mass, integration, financial plan Overall threshold : 24/30 !

12 Evaluation criteria for NoEs n Relevance (T = 3) n Potential impact (T = 3) –Ambition, strategic need, structuring impact, European added value, “spreading excellence” n Excellence of participants (T = 3) –individual excellence, suitability, critical mass n Degree of integration and JPA (T = 4) –depth and durability of integration, adequacy of JPA n Organisation and management (T = 3) –quality, structure, plan for gender equality Overall threshold : 20/25 ! n Relevance (T = 3) n Potential impact (T = 3) –Ambition, strategic need, structuring impact, European added value, “spreading excellence” n Excellence of participants (T = 3) –individual excellence, suitability, critical mass n Degree of integration and JPA (T = 4) –depth and durability of integration, adequacy of JPA n Organisation and management (T = 3) –quality, structure, plan for gender equality Overall threshold : 20/25 !

13 Information and Contact Points Open Scheme Beyond Robotics Complex systems research Disappearing Computer 2

14 For further information FET helpdesk FET helpdesk Fax : +32 2 296 8390 E-Mail : FET helpdesk FET helpdesk Fax : +32 2 296 8390 E-Mail : Official Journal (call texts) Official Journal (call texts) IST Workprogramme 2003-2004 IST Workprogramme 2003-2004 Guides for Proposers Guides for Proposers Evaluation Manuals Evaluation Manuals FET Proactive Initiatives FET Proactive Initiatives … …

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