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Why we here today…  To explore why your numeracy skills are so valued by employers.  To gain ‘insider advice’ from recent graduates & employers about.

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Presentation on theme: "Why we here today…  To explore why your numeracy skills are so valued by employers.  To gain ‘insider advice’ from recent graduates & employers about."— Presentation transcript:


2 Why we here today…  To explore why your numeracy skills are so valued by employers.  To gain ‘insider advice’ from recent graduates & employers about ‘getting into….’  Identify further sources of information & advice to help in your career planning.

3 What can Mathematicians do? Finance: banking, accountancy, actuarial, tax, underwriting, pensions, insurance. Medicine:medical statistics, medical & epidemiological research, pharmaceutical research Design: engineering design, computer games Science: biotechnology, meteorology, oceanography, pure & applied research & development Civil Service: scientists (Fast Stream, DSTL,DESG), GCHQ, Security Service, Statistician. Business: logistics, financial analysis, marketing, market research, sales, oil industry, management consultancy, operational research IT: systems analysis, research Engineering: aerospace, building deign, transport planning, telecommunications, surveying.

4 Options with Maths

5 David Wilson Statistical Officer Department of Health

6 Glen Capstick BAE Systems

7 David Wright PGCE Maths Teaching Alex Pritchard Teach First Ambassador

8 Alan Aitchinson Ernst & Young

9 YOU organised leader proactive networker plan ahead problem-solver commercially aware teamworker persuasive flexible initiativeinnovative positive determined take a risk What do employers look for?

10 will-the-credit-crunch-affect-your-career-prospects

11 Finding the facts…. Real World magazine

12 Information & Advice Work Experience Guide for Mathematicians Occupational Information Careers Service Website

13 Further Networking Opportunities Graduate Connections Database 4th December 08, Engineering FairEngineering Fair 9th February 09, Finance FairFinance Fair 16th February 09, Careers for a Cause FairCareers for a Cause Fair

14 Look out for C-Weekly each Monday in your inbox Searching for the latest opportunities?


16 You choose.. Use our website! Email me! Come and talk to us! 2nd Floor Armstrong Building (off the Quadrangle) Drop-in times: 11 am – 4.30 pm Monday -Friday

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