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National Tempus/Erasmus Mundus Information day TEMPUS IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA   Pre-Tempus (1996)   Tempus I-II (1997-1999)   Tempus III (2000-2006)

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Presentation on theme: "National Tempus/Erasmus Mundus Information day TEMPUS IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA   Pre-Tempus (1996)   Tempus I-II (1997-1999)   Tempus III (2000-2006)"— Presentation transcript:

1 National Tempus/Erasmus Mundus Information day TEMPUS IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA   Pre-Tempus (1996)   Tempus I-II (1997-1999)   Tempus III (2000-2006)   Tempus IV (2007-2013) Modernising Higher Education

2 1996 (1 MILION EURO) Main objectives: To provide basic equipment for universities (400,000 EUR) and to launch the first Tempus projects – 7 CME projects (600,000 EUR) PRE TEMPUS 1996

3 MAIN OBJECTIVES: Curriculum development, promoting national and to some extent European dimension of the study programs, promoting the Inter-entity cooperation between the universities. 1997 1.5 milion euro (4 JEPs and 10 IMGs) 1998 1.5 Milion Euro (7 JEPs and 5 IMGs) 1999 3.0 Milion Euro (8 JEPs and 50 IMGs) Modernising Higher Education TEMPUS I AND II (1997 – 1999)


5 Modernising Higher Education TEMPUS IV – 1st Call for Proposals Submitted Project Proposal COUNTRYSUBMITEDSELECTED SUCCESS RATE All countries5307615% Bosnia and Herzegovina 42921%

6 Modernising Higher Education TEMPUS IV – 1st Call for Proposals Selected Projects involving BiH Curricular Reform Governance Reform Higher Education and Society TOTAL Joint Projects3216 Structural Measures0033 TOTAL3249

7 Modernising Higher Education TEMPUS IV – 1st Call for Proposals Short description of selected projects in BiH Project ID144584-TEMPUS-2008-RS-JPCR Project TypeJoint Projects - Curricular Reform Target Country RS (4) - MK (2) - BA (4) - XM (2) BiH Partners University of Zenica, Proni Center for Youth Development Brcko District, Center for Youth Work and Nonformal Education, Center for Youth Education Title Introduction and implementation of academic program in Community Youth Work (CYW) through enhancing inter-regional cooperation in the countries of Western Balkans Description The project intends to develop curriculum for the programme leading to the profession of Community Youth Work (CYW) at the universities of BA, MK, ME and RS, together with the EU partners from SE, IT, SI and AT. Although the profession had previously been active in the region its activity had ceased, and the project intends to reinstate the profession by means of training or retraining staff to take on this remit. The developed CYW programme is planned to be introduced in some Universities as to implement at BA level at once, while in others- more gradually, implementing electives as a first step. Total amount591.044,00 € GrantholderBraca Karic University - BKU

8 Modernising Higher Education Project ID144684-TEMPUS-2008-RS-JPHES Project TypeJoint Projects - Higher Education and Society Target CountryBA (2) - XM (2) - HR (2) - RS (4) BiH PartnersUniversity of Banja Luka, TRI BEST d.o.o Title WBC Virtual Manufacturing Network - Fostering an Integration of the Knowledge Triangle Description The proposal is to establish efficient and effective mechanisms and structures for collaboration between key actors in the ‘knowledge triangle’ in parts of the WB region: RS, BA (Rep Srpska), HR and ME. It aims to enhance and modernise HE capacity in VMT (virtual manufacturing technologies) and develop a new model for university- enterprise collaboration. Total amount686.670,00 € GrantholderUniversity of Kragujevac - Serbia TEMPUS IV – 1st Call for Proposals Short description of selected projects in BiH

9 Modernising Higher Education Project ID144703-TEMPUS-2008-BA-JPCR Project TypeJoint Projects - Curricular Reform Target CountryBA (2) - RS (1) - MK (1) - XM (1) - AL (1) BIH PartnersUniversity of Banja Luka, University of Tuzla TitleSEE Doctoral Studies in Mathematical Sciences Description This project aims to build on the experience gained through past Tempus programme projects and utilising a well balanced consortia, to develop structured doctoral level programmes for the Western Balkans. These courses will be based on the principles of the Bologna third cycle and the project also aims to coordinate developments across the Western Balkans. Total amount772.088,00 € GrantholderUniversity of Sarajevo - BA TEMPUS IV – 1st Call for Proposals Short description of selected projects in BiH

10 Modernising Higher Education Project ID144878-TEMPUS-2008-UK-JPGR Project TypeJoint Projects - Governance Reform Target CountryRS (1) - HR (1) - BA (1) BIH PartnersUniversity of Tuzla Title Identification and Support in Higher Education for Dyslexic Students (ISHEDS) Description The project aims to ensure that the targeted partner countries are in position to offer support for students with dyslexia in line with best practice as reflected in disability discrimination laws. This project brings together expertise and experience from across Europe to develop a support system that will provide outcomes in the five key areas mandatory for successful implementation of support for dyslexics' individuals. Total amount506.193,00 € GrantholderSwansea University TEMPUS IV – 1st Call for Proposals Short description of selected projects in BiH

11 Modernising Higher Education Project ID144949-TEMPUS-2008-AT-JPCR Project TypeJoint Projects - Curricular Reform Target CountryAL(1) - BA (1) - MK (2) - HR (2) - RS (2) BIH PartnersUniversity of Sarajevo Title Example of excellence for Joint (Degree) Programme Development in South-Eastern Europe Description The proposal intends to develop and implement 4 joint Masters in order to encourage multi-country know-how-transfer in the field of curriculum development of future joint or double or multiple degree programmes. It makes thus an impact on governance reform and the interaction of higher education and society in the participating partner countries (8 universities from AL, BA, HR,MK, RS). The EU participants are AT, DE, BE, ES, IT, NL, FR and RO. Total amount1.077.020,00 € GrantholderKarl-Franzens – Universitat Graz - AT TEMPUS IV – 1st Call for Proposals Short description of selected projects in BiH

12 Modernising Higher Education Project ID145008-TEMPUS-2008-DE-JPGR Project TypeJoint Projects - Gouvernance Reform Target CountryBA (4) - HR (2) - RS (1) - MK (1) BIH Partners University Dzemal Bijedic Mostar, Sveuciliste Mostar, University of Banja Luka, University of Tuzla TitleModernisation and Reconstruction of University Management and Structure Description The project aims at the Modernisation and Reconstruction of University Management and Structure at 8 Western Balkan universities (BA, MK, RS, HR- majority of the University are from Bosnia Herzegovina- 4). The consortium further includes 4 EU universities and one external expert, the involvement of which and his contribution to specific activities could have been more profoundly demonstrated. The project addresses reforms of the overall university management structure, recommendations concerning the development of services for teaching, international relations & improvement of student service. Total amount674.174,00 € GrantholderUniversity of Marburg TEMPUS IV – 1st Call for Proposals Short description of selected projects in BiH

13 Modernising Higher Education Project ID145129-TEMPUS-2008-BA-SMHES Project TypeStructural Measures - Higher Education and Society Target CountryRS (1) - MK (1) - XM (1) - BA (2) BIH PartnersUniversity of Zenica Title "COMPETENCE - Matching competences in higher education and economy: From competence catalogue to strategy and curriculum development" Description This project aims to establish Competence and Observation Centres in higher education institutions within partner countries, and to develop procedures for assessing and improving the match between the competences developed by higher education institutions and those required in industry. The project has been identified since universities, governments and enterprises in the Partner countries generally lack awareness of the importance of cooperation between HE and the economy and the methods and instruments for boosting such cooperation. Total amount649.153,00 € GrantholderUniversity of Zenica - BA TEMPUS IV – 1st Call for Proposals Short description of selected projects in BiH

14 Modernising Higher Education Project ID145132-TEMPUS-2008-HR-SMHES Project TypeStructural Measures - Higher Education and Society Target CountryXM (5) - HR (13) - MK (1) – BA (2) BIH PartnersUniversity of Mostar, Federal Ministry of Education and Science TitleOpening University towards Society: _Linking Education-Research-Innovation Description The aim of the project is to strengthen the links between education, research and innovation and to improve knowledge transfer between academia and industry. Activities will be geared towards identification of European best practice in these sectors, which will be adapted and implemented in relevant institutions in the partner countries. Total amount746.735,00 € GrantholderUniversity of Zagreb - HR TEMPUS IV – 1st Call for Proposals Short description of selected projects in BiH

15 Modernising Higher Education Project ID145180-TEMPUS-2008-AT-SMHES Project TypeStructural Measures - Higher Education and Society Target CountryXK (2) - MK (2) - BA (1) - XM (1) BIH PartnersUniversity of Sarajevo Title Creating R&D Capacities and Instruments for boosting Higher Education-Economy Cooperation Description The project aims to contribute to the creation of R&D capacities and instruments in line with TEMPUS-program objectives and wide priorities for Higher Education and Society (Knowledge triangle education-research innovation; Development of partnerships with enterprises), in order to support partner countries universities in fulfilling the central role in their national innovation systems and society according to European standards Lisbon convention and Bologna Process). Total amount912.246,00 € GrantholderMontanuniversitat Lebanon TEMPUS IV – 1st Call for Proposals Short description of selected projects in BiH

16 BEST PRACTICE PROJECT (C024A06-2006) QUALITY MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE FOR PROMOTING UNIVERSITY-ENTERPRISE COOPERATION Modernising Higher Education. This project was selected as the best example practice in creativity and inovation at recent conference on Creativity and Inovation Best Practices for EU Programs, held in Brussels on March 2-3, 2009 Purpose of the project was to develop a quality management procedure in order to achieve the involvement of society in particular industry, economy and graduated students in the decision making process of the educational programme board of the technological faculty of the four participating BIH universities GRANTHOLDER – KatholiekeHogeschool Sint – Lieven (Belgium) CO-ORDINATOR – UNIVERSITY OF BANJA LUKA BIH Partners: University Dzemal Bijedic Mostar, Sveuciliste Mostar, University of Zenica BEST PRACTICE PROJECT (C024A06-2006) QUALITY MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE FOR PROMOTING UNIVERSITY-ENTERPRISE COOPERATION Modernising Higher Education

17 BEST PRACTICE PROJECT (C005A05-2005) QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN MEDICINE Modernising Higher Education This project was selected at the Cairo Conference in June 2008, as one among top seven Tempus European Projects regarding Quality Assurance GRANTHOLDER – KatholiekeHogeschool Sint – Lieven (Belgium) CO-ORDINATOR – University of East Sarajevo BIH Partners: University Dzemal Bijedic Mostar, Sveuciliste Mostar, University of Zenica

18 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Mr. Suad Muhibic Head of the National Tempus Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina NATIONAL TEMPUS OFFICE IN BIH OBALA ISA-BEGA ISAKOVIĆA 8 71 000 SARAJEVO PHONE: +387 33 570 260 FAX: +387 33 570 262

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