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Perspectives and Methods Biological Basis of Human Behavior.

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Presentation on theme: "Perspectives and Methods Biological Basis of Human Behavior."— Presentation transcript:



3 Perspectives and Methods

4 Biological Basis of Human Behavior

5 Sensation and Perception

6 Learning

7 Memory

8 Consciousness

9 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Perspectives and Methods Biological Basis of Behavior Sensation and Perception Learning MemoryConsciousness

10 Definition of Psychology

11 study of behavior and mental processes

12 What is a control group?

13 In a psychological experiment, group used for comparison; Does not receive the IV

14 Perspective that believes behavior is explained by how people interpret/think about a situation

15 Norms

16 Perspective that focuses on how thinking and behavior change depending on the setting or situation

17 Socio-Cultural

18 Perspective that focuses on how people think and process information

19 Cognitive

20 What is the most basic building block of the nervous system?

21 Neuron

22 What two things make up the Central Nervous System?

23 Brain and Spinal Cord

24 What does the cerebellum do?

25 “little brain” coordination; memories of tasks (implicit memories)

26 In the endocrine system, what is the master gland?

27 Pituitary Gland

28 System that controls breathing, blood pressure, and digestive processes

29 Autonomic Nervous System

30 The process by which our sensory systems (eyes, ears, etc) and nervous system receive stimuli from our environment

31 Sensation

32 ____ are the receptor cells for color and ____ are the receptor cells for black and white

33 Cones; Rods

34 The minimum amount of stimulation a person can normally detect

35 Absolute Threshold

36 Why do Psychologists use visual cliffs?

37 To judge depth perception in babies

38 A binocular depth cue resulting from slightly different images produced by the separation of the retinas in the left and right eye

39 Retinal Disparity

40 Definition of Learning

41 A relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience

42 the diminishing of a learned response

43 Extinction

44 What is discrimination?

45 A process in which an organism produces different responses to two similar stimuli

46 B.F. Skinner is known for his work with what type of learning?

47 Operant Conditioning

48 What is the difference between reinforcement and punishment?

49 Reinforcement is anything that increases the likelihood of a behavior while punishment is anything that decreases the likelihood of a behavior

50 What are the three steps in the information processing theory?

51 Encoding Storage Retrieval

52 What is a mnemonic device?

53 A memory trick or technique for remembering specific facts

54 What is automatic processing?

55 Unconscious encoding of some information without effort

56 What is explicit memory and what part of the brain controls it?

57 Memories of facts and experiences Hippocampus

58 What is proactive interference?

59 When a old memory gets in the way of a new memory

60 Stage of sleep where most dreams occur

61 REM

62 Machine that measures brain waves

63 EEG

64 Type of body rhythm that happens once a day

65 Circadian rhythms

66 What is a post hypnotic suggestion?

67 A suggestion, made during a hypnosis session, that the subject will carry out when no longer hypnotized

68 What are the two theories of hypnosis?

69 Social-influence theory and divided consciousness theory

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