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CCCW Behavior Support Oversight Committee. Why have a written plan?  Increases quality of life.  Supports health and safety.  Increases the quality.

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Presentation on theme: "CCCW Behavior Support Oversight Committee. Why have a written plan?  Increases quality of life.  Supports health and safety.  Increases the quality."— Presentation transcript:

1 CCCW Behavior Support Oversight Committee

2 Why have a written plan?  Increases quality of life.  Supports health and safety.  Increases the quality of care.  Consistency  Helps train new staff  Everyone is on the same page

3 Portions of a Plan to Be Covered  Introduction  Proactive supports  Behavior supports

4 Introduction  Individual story.  Strength based.  Things that the person likes.  Things the person dislikes.  Any health considerations.

5 Proactive Support Plans  Interventions that proactively work to decrease maladaptive behaviors.  Should include ways for staff to interact with the individuals.  Very individualized in order to have it be successful.  How do we create an environment for people to learn to be independent?

6 Proactive Support Strategies  Building Rapport  What is the best way to get to know this individuals.  Does it take time?  How can you use the things someone likes to open up lines of starting a relationship.

7 Proactive Support Strategies  Effective communication  This is key to an effective plan.  A large amount of behaviors are due to communication barriers.  Identify how the individual communicates and how staff can communicate effectively with them.  Any adaptations that need to be looked at.

8 Proactive Support Strategies  Relationships  How do staff preserve the current relationships?  How do staff support the creation of new relationships.  How do staff work with the individual to support difficult relationship in their life.

9 Proactive Support Strategies  Choice and control:  How is choice and control offered within their everyday life.  Offering control and choice back into someone's life goes a long way.  Can be as simples as decide when I shower, and as complex as allowing some risk to make mistakes.

10 Proactive Support Strategies  Environmental  Sensory interventions.  Home modifications.  Visual aids.  Someone doesn’t like big crowds.  Someone doesn’t like being alone or down time.

11 Proactive Support Strategies  Routine  Structure throughout the day.  Effective communication around making changes to the day.  Offering choices.

12 Proactive Support Strategies  Identifying learning opportunities.

13 Proactive Support Strategies  Medical Interventions  Bowel movement plans.  Ear infections.  UTI.  Diabetes monitoring.

14 Proactive Support Strategies  Mental Health Interventions  Therapists  Medications  Other supports that are in place to assist with stabilization of any mental health symptoms.

15 Behavioral Support  Define the behavior  Objective  Repeatable  Measureable  Identify frequency  Baseline

16 Behavioral Support  Stress triggers  Ties to proactive supports  Awareness  Function  Physical, verbal, para-vebal signs  Non negotiable

17 Behavioral Support Target Behavior:Staff Interactions Behavioral signs:1.) 2.) 3.)

18 Behavioral Support  Simple  Clear  Concise steps

19 Behavioral Support  Is there a crisis plan in place?  What are the steps?

20 Behavioral Support  Talk out  How to process and lead into a teaching moment.  For both the individual and staff  This is often overlooked

21 Behavioral Support  Documentation/data collection  Assist with evaluating effectiveness  Determining function  Consistency from staff

22 Behavioral Support  Review schedule.  Who is involved  Create objective bench marks  Signatures (do not forget the individual the plan is created around)

23 Resources for Questions  For providers contact the members CCCW IDT.  For IDT contact your site Behavior Support Oversight Committee lead.

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