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Solar Keymark II – WP2 Trade Barriers J.E. Nielsen, SolarKey Int. SOLARKEYMARKII, 3rd meeting, Lyon, February 2007 Solar II Task 1: Initial analysis Report.

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Presentation on theme: "Solar Keymark II – WP2 Trade Barriers J.E. Nielsen, SolarKey Int. SOLARKEYMARKII, 3rd meeting, Lyon, February 2007 Solar II Task 1: Initial analysis Report."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solar Keymark II – WP2 Trade Barriers J.E. Nielsen, SolarKey Int. SOLARKEYMARKII, 3rd meeting, Lyon, February 2007 Solar II Task 1: Initial analysis Report of transnational European trade 1st draft report avaiable Task 2: Status and evaluation of trade barriers... Initial country reports 11 initial country reports available

2 Solar Keymark II – WP2 Trade Barriers J.E. Nielsen, SolarKey Int. SOLARKEYMARKII, 3rd meeting, Lyon, February 2007 Solar II Task 1: Initial analysis Report of transnational European trade 1st draft report

3 Solar Keymark II – WP2 Trade Barriers J.E. Nielsen, SolarKey Int. SOLARKEYMARKII, 3rd meeting, Lyon, February 2007 Solar II Task 1: Initial analysis Report of transnational European trade 1st draft report Interim conclusions: There is a considerable trans-national trade of collectors across the borders in Europe 30-50% of all glazed collectors are crossing the borders ! The cross border ”traffic” is increasing.

4 Solar Keymark II – WP2 Trade Barriers J.E. Nielsen, SolarKey Int. SOLARKEYMARKII, 3rd meeting, Lyon, February 2007 Solar II Task 2: Status and evaluation of trade barriers... 11 initial country reports available: Austria Belgium Czech Republic Denmark France Germany Greece Cyprus Ireland Italy Lithuania The Netherlands Poland Portugal Spain Sweden Available from

5 Solar Keymark II – WP2 Trade Barriers J.E. Nielsen, SolarKey Int. SOLARKEYMARKII, 3rd meeting, Lyon, February 2007 Solar II AUSTRIA Subsidies Subsidy schemes: Different schemes in the 9 provinces !, in average 20% of the total installation costs are subsidized for hot water system, 30% if heating is included. – Harmonisation underway ? Requirements for subsidy schemes: for industry the subsidy is donated by the ministry of Environment (via the Kommunalkredit-bank) for which an EN 12975 test is required. For private consumers, the subsidy is granted by the regional government, some have and some have no requirements (f.e. EN12975, guaranteed yields). Certification Industry Certification: The solar companies can apply for the “Austria Solar Gütezeichen”, a label for Solar companies; the requirements for getting this label are mainly: tested products (collector according Solar Keymark), high quality product, high educated personnel, customer friendly product information, etc… Building regulation - any news?

6 Solar Keymark II – WP2 Trade Barriers J.E. Nielsen, SolarKey Int. SOLARKEYMARKII, 3rd meeting, Lyon, February 2007 Solar II DENMARK Subsidies None Certification Product certification: Voluntary national certification scheme for solar thermal products. The scheme accepts Solar Keymarked products. The scheme produces data for the calculation of solar thermal systems in buildings – see below. Building regulation Solar systems included in the calculation of energy performance of new buildings – this gives new interest for solar thermal systems. The upper limit for energy use per m² has just been lowered by 25%, - in 2010 it will go down 25% again and in 2015 25% again, again. Already in 2010 solar thermal will be more or less obligatory (indirectly) as it will be very hard to reach below the required limit without a solar system. Nice system for inspiration, recommendation

7 Solar Keymark II – WP2 Trade Barriers J.E. Nielsen, SolarKey Int. SOLARKEYMARKII, 3rd meeting, Lyon, February 2007 Solar II FRANCE (1) Subsidies Since 2005, direct subsidy scheme for solar thermal applications has been replaced by a tax income refund representing 40% of the material cost (installation cost is not considered). Conditions to get access to this tax refund are as follows: Solar collectors have to be certified. Only solar collectors having either the French national certification CSTBat or Solar Keymark are accepted. In 2007, a minimum energy performance threshold will be introduced for solar collectors and solar thermal systems – how is this calculated?. In 2008, the whole solar thermal systems shall be certified (either CSTBat or Solar Keymark) The installation has to be done by a qualified professional having signed the "Qualisol" convention. Regional or local subsidies complement the national subsidy scheme. All together, subsidies can represent from 40% to 80% of the total cost. Regional/local subsidies schemes accept Solar Keymark ?

8 Solar Keymark II – WP2 Trade Barriers J.E. Nielsen, SolarKey Int. SOLARKEYMARKII, 3rd meeting, Lyon, February 2007 Solar II FRANCE (2) Actions needed: Testing Improve ageing test: The actual exposure test is very poor (30 days at 14MJ). We have to find a good compromise between all European countries to get a good test of ageing and to avoid test that could be done in only one location (like in France at this time). Australian method OK? Improve mechanical load test: The Eurocode or other rules (like NV65 in France) are giving pressure higher than 1000Pa (minimum level in the collector standard) in many cases. We have to work on that field to find a solution acceptable by manufacturer to avoid test done on higher pressure for elsewhere then where the test was done. Improve the use of thermal performance test for certification: We have to be confident in the reproducibility of test between different laboratories and different methods (particularly in thermal tests). For collector, we propose to extend the round robin test done by DINCERTCO - ongoing. For systems, we have to discuss the certification scheme when different methods are used (CSTG / DST) and to find good compromise in this field “Bridging the GAP”. Certification Propose CSTB to be empowered in Solar Keymark – underway? Having collaborative work with other certification bodies to improve Solar Keymark schemes rules and to establish agreements between certification bodies: To be done by Solar Keymark Network

9 Solar Keymark II – WP2 Trade Barriers J.E. Nielsen, SolarKey Int. SOLARKEYMARKII, 3rd meeting, Lyon, February 2007 Solar II GERMANY Subsidies There are different subsidy schemes, as well as on national level and on the level of the different federal states. The most attractive subsidy schemes is the payment of a certain amount of money per square meter collector area that are paid by the BAFA. (An institution of the German Government). The amount that is paid per square meter collector area depends on the application and requires a certain collector efficiency. At present (winter 2007) for domestic hot water systems ?84,- €/m² collector area and for solar combi-systems ?104,- €/m². The requirement for the payment by BAFA (see above) is an annual solar energy yield of at least 525 kWh/m² at 40% solar fraction (to be coordinated on EU level). Furthermore it is necessary, that the requirements according to the “Blauer Engel” (RAL-UZ 73) have to be fulfilled (Note: It is not required that the collector is marked with the “Blauer Engel”). Solarkollektoren, für die ab 2007 eine Prüfung nach DIN EN 12975 erfolgt, sind nur förderfähig, sofern sie das europäische Prüfzeichen Solar Keymark in der Fassung Version 8.00 – Januar 2003 tragen. Ab dem Jahr 2009 ist die Vorlage des Prüfzeichens Solar Keymark eine Fördervoraussetzung. Solar collectors which are tested after 1/1, 2007 according to EN 12975 can only have subsidies if they also have Solar Keymark. From 1/1 2009 only collectors with Solar Keymark can have subsidies

10 Solar Keymark II – WP2 Trade Barriers J.E. Nielsen, SolarKey Int. SOLARKEYMARKII, 3rd meeting, Lyon, February 2007 Solar II GREECE (1) Regulations A standardized methodology for the calculation of actual energy gains by the use of solar thermal systems is under development by the Solar & other Energy Systems Laboratory – NCSR “DEMOKRITOS” (to be coordinated at EU-level) Subsidies Within Community Support Framework 2000-2006, concerning new installations of large solar thermal systems, subsidies are set, given some requirements such as a given level of collector instantaneous efficiency (at G=800 W/m2 and Tm-Ta = 30K) : (still in force?) 40% subsidy for collector instantaneous efficiency higher than 45% 50% subsidy for collector instantaneous efficiency higher than 60% Certification The Solar Keymark for collectors is implemented in Greece The Greek Certification Body ELOT is empowered to deliver certificates There is no national energy labelling scheme for hot water tanks A national certification scheme for systems has been recently established on the basis of Solar Keymark, including also a rating depending on the system annual energy output (to be coordinated at EU-level)

11 Solar Keymark II – WP2 Trade Barriers J.E. Nielsen, SolarKey Int. SOLARKEYMARKII, 3rd meeting, Lyon, February 2007 Solar II GREECE (2) Actions needed Regulation The calculation of energy loads and gains for new buildings has to include the option of installing a solar thermal system – is this underway? Obligation to install solar thermal systems to every new building (similar to the new Spanish Building Code) – is this underway? Subsidies Make use of the European standards and the Solar Keymark in the national subsidy schemes Subsidies to be linked to the energy output of the systems : Based on certified test results for factory made systems Based on measurements for large custom systems

12 Solar Keymark II – WP2 Trade Barriers J.E. Nielsen, SolarKey Int. SOLARKEYMARKII, 3rd meeting, Lyon, February 2007 Solar II ITALY Regulations Technical normative relevant to solar systems. In case of new construction or public and private buildings with repairing (in accordance to art. 3 (2a) of DPR n°. 412 of dated August 26, 1993) it is obligatory to provide provision for the installation of a solar thermal plant and their connection to both individual and the network. ? In case of public buildings or a new construction for public use, in accordance with the DPR n°. 412 of dated August 26, 1993, it is obligatory to install a solar thermal plant for the production of sanitary hot water. The plant must be designed to cover at least 50% of the thermal energy consumed annually to produce sanitary hot water. ? New regulation underway?

13 Solar Keymark II – WP2 Trade Barriers J.E. Nielsen, SolarKey Int. SOLARKEYMARKII, 3rd meeting, Lyon, February 2007 Solar II PORTUGAL Regulations Thermal Performance Building Code (RCCTE) (Decreto-Lei n.º 80/2006. DR 67 SÉRIE I-A de 2006-04-04): It improves the already existing code, almost duplicating the thermal performance request in the new and renovated buildings and imposing the usage of solar thermal collectors for hot water production if there is favourable conditions for exposure (if the roof or cover runs between SE and SW without significant obstructions) in a base of 1m² per person (the total can be reduced to 50% if space is necessary for other important usages of the building). For performance calculation of such systems, the certification according to the European Standards is needed. As usually the new codes will enter in force three months after their publication, meaning that in beginning of July 2006, all new projects for buildings have to be in accordance with the new regulations. Experiences with this obligation? Certification Product certification: The national certification scheme for solar thermal products was developed by CERTIF with the collaboration of INETI and within the Public Initiative “Solar Hot Water for Portugal”. This was done in 2002/2003. The certification scheme is based on the European Standards and it covers both Collectors and Factory Made Systems. This certification scheme is identical to Solar Keymark scheme

14 Solar Keymark II – WP2 Trade Barriers J.E. Nielsen, SolarKey Int. SOLARKEYMARKII, 3rd meeting, Lyon, February 2007 Solar II SPAIN Regulations Building Regulation (general) In March 2006 a new building regulation was established: Building Technical Code, CTE. The use of solar thermal to produce hot water in new buildings is obligatory since September 2006. Solar collectors must be certificated by Spanish government and the requirements are near the same than Solar Keymark although EN ISO 9001 is required. Subsidies Since 2006 all the subsidies will be given by regional governments. The institute for Energy Diversification and Efficiency (IDAE) has transferred this competence and each regional government can establish their own requirements (technical requirements will be the same probably because they are included in CTE and RITE). Certification AENOR is working to be empowered for Solar Keymark certification

15 Solar Keymark II – WP2 Trade Barriers J.E. Nielsen, SolarKey Int. SOLARKEYMARKII, 3rd meeting, Lyon, February 2007 Solar II SWEDEN Subsidies There is a national subsidy scheme for installations in single and multifamily houses. In this scheme one can have a maximum subsidy of 800 € for a one family house. There is also a subsidy scheme for solar installations in public buildings where solar thermal can have 30% of it’s costs covered and PV can have 70% of the costs covered by the subsidy. A similar scheme for commercial buildings is on it’s way. Certification SP Certification is empowered to certify collectors and systems with the Solar Keymark Certification scheme identical to Solar Keymark

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