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1 Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation November 7, 2005 Presented by Dan Nataf, Ph.D Director, Center for the Study of Local.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation November 7, 2005 Presented by Dan Nataf, Ph.D Director, Center for the Study of Local."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation November 7, 2005 Presented by Dan Nataf, Ph.D Director, Center for the Study of Local Issues Anne Arundel Community College 101 College Parkway Arnold, MD 21012 (410) 777-2733 (410) 777-4733 fax

2 2 Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation Overview: The Center for the Study of Local Issues CSLI mission : – Enhance student familiarity with applied social science research methods; – provide faculty professional development opportunities; –assist community with research needs; provide research/environmental scanning for AACC Signature product : Semi-annual survey performed each semester (since 1978) Project clients : Maryland State Comptroller; Maryland Department of Natural Resources; Anne Arundel County Police Department; AAC Public Schools; Annapolis and Anne Arundel Chamber of Commerce; 1 st Night Annapolis AACC Projects : International Education Survey of AACC Campus Community; Survey of Part-time Faculty; Focus Groups Evaluating Employee Evaluation Form Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation Overview of The Center for the Study of Local Issues

3 3 Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation Overview: Semi-annual Survey Typical sample size : 300-525 respondents Students used as interviewers Each survey includes demographic and attitude/behavior questions Surveys themes include : Transportation; Economic Development; Education, Tax and Spending Preferences; Anne Arundel County’s Attractive Qualities; Growth/Development; Policy Preferences Visit CSLI’s web site for previous surveys ( Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation Semi-annual Surveys - Overview

4 4 Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation Surveys: Student Involvement - Recruitment Student Involvement : 1.As recruited student interviewers Recruited by faculty Faculty pass out ‘signup form’ which provides option of sending student info via mail/hand delivery or sending by emailsignup form Usually offered extra credit for one evening of work Best if repeated several times Included in syllabus Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation Student Involvement – Recruited as Interviewers

5 5 Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation Student Involvement - Training Student Involvement: 2. Student interviewers - trainingtraining Introduced to purpose of survey process Review telephone and marking techniques Review methods for encouraging respondents to participate in survey Review questionnaire contents Highlight why questions are relevant to public policy Student (and public) access to results emphasized Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation Student Involvement - Training

6 6 Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation Student Involvement – Post Survey Learning Student Involvement: 3. Students – post survey learning Required to write summary of experience, relate to course material Have review of results in classroom, relate to course Use data sets in statistical exercises Provide other exercises using findings – historical analogies, contrasts between assumptions and actual public opinions Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation Student Involvement – Post Survey Learning

7 7 Student Involvement: Students survey – post survey learning How would you rate the overall experience from the perspective of leaning about surveys: Excellent 33%, Good 59%, Average 7%, Poor 0% Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation Student Involvement – Post Survey Learning

8 8 Summary of most recent survey at Focus today : –Economy –Confidence in Government –Gas Prices/policies –Bush’s Job Approval/policies Review findings, probe income and party as independent variables Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation Today’s Agenda

9 9 Economy –How are economic conditions perceived at this time - saliency and evaluation –What is the major economic challenge for the next decade –Income effects on economic perceptions Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation Economic Conditions – Now/Future

10 10 Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation Economy has low saliency - NOT among Top Issues

11 11 Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation Most Important Issues Facing AA County Residents – 1995-2005 - Trends for Major Issues Growth Rises in Importance, Crime Drops

12 12 Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation Economic Conditions in the County Spring 2002-Fall 2005 Evaluation: AA County economy outperforms nation

13 13 Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation County’s Direction: Right or Wrong? Positive feelings affected by perceptions of the economy

14 14 Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation Perception of Issues in 2010 Negative expectations for all major issues (except economy)

15 15 Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation Main Economic Challenge for the Next Decade Managing growth/development27% Providing affordable housing17 Providing proper skills/education for workers 11 Providing enough jobs8 Infrastructure, roads3 Other25 No answer8

16 16 Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation Economic Perception Varies by Income Higher income=more positive perception

17 17 Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation Higher Income = Greater Concern for Managing Growth than Job Creation

18 18 Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation Higher Income = Does Education Make a Difference?

19 19 Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation Main Challenges for the Next Decade – Confidence that Local Govt. able to Effectively Deal with them Confidence levelEconomicEnvironmental Very confident87 Somewhat4538 Not very4150 No answer76

20 20 Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation Gas Prices: How has Public Accommodated Higher Cost? Downsizing, Changing Habits Possible effectsAffectedNot affected No answer Decreased your amount of driving50 1 Made you reduce entertainment spending45541 Made you consider buying a more fuel efficient car42572 Made you use a more fuel efficient vehicle than the one you would normally 38593 Increased your use of bicycles or walking23743 Made you change your vacation plans last summer22771 Increased your use of car-pools21763 Increased your use of public transportation11863 Made you consider moving closer to your work11854

21 21 Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation Gas Prices: How does Public Perceive Causes? Producers’ Profits and Wrong Policies to Blame FactorVery important Somewhat important Not very important No answer High profits by oil companies6819121 High profits by oil exporting countries6024133 Increased global demand for oil5325192 The lack of policies encouraging the use of renewable energy and fuel efficient cars 5128184 Damage to oil production facilities in areas along the Gulf coast 4730195 Excessive regulation preventing drilling or refining within the United States 3925297

22 22 Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation Gas Prices: How does Public Perceive Solutions? Renewal Energy, Hybrids and Transit Expansion Preferred PolicySupportOpposeNA Tax incentives for the use of wind or solar power78166 Tax incentives for the purchase of hybrid/highly fuel efficient vehicles 74233 Increasing bus and light rail service, even if it requires more subsidies from state government 70264 Making it easier to develop nuclear power plants with the state of Maryland 434710 Higher taxes on gasoline to encourage use of more fuel efficient vehicles 20764

23 23 Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation Gas Prices: How does income affect perceptions? Seriousness of price rise, decrease driving, use transit, no vacation Policy0-$50k$50- $100 Over $100K AllStat. Sig. % saying gas prices are ‘very serious’ concern 62 4658.1 Decreased entertainment spending 46533547.01 Decreased driving 57524050.08 Use transit more 16869.06 Changed vacation plans 28242024.59 Increase subsidies to transit 70717271.9

24 24 Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation Support for Various State and Local Policies Party by Gas Policies Policy DemRepIndepAllStat. Sig. Making it easier to develop nuclear power plants in Maryland 34524042.03 % saying gas prices are ‘very serious’ concern 59524554.25 Decreased entertainment spending48404344.06 Decreased driving50534851.58 Use transit more14510.15 Changed vacation plans25231823.45 Increase subsidies to transit78677372.08

25 25 Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation Support for Various State and Local Policies Party by State and Local Policies Policy/Party DemRepIndepAllStat. Sig. Making it easier to develop nuclear power plants in Maryland 34524042.03 An annual $60 fee dedicated to correcting the impacts of storm water erosion and pollution in county streams and rivers 5652 58 56.43 Putting a large horse training and show facility in the Gambrills/ Crownsville area 394643.46 Building a third bridge span across the Chesapeake Bay 586862.10 Lengthening the school day in county schools, at a cost of about $30 million 32253528.2 State funding for embryonic stem cell research 68495558.02

26 26 Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation President Bush’s Job Approval Slight Plurality Disapproves Do you approve of the job George W. Bush is doing as President? Approve 45% Disapprove 48% NA 7%

27 27 Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation President Bush’s Job Approval Partisanship Rules! Do you approve of the job George W. Bush is doing as President? Approve : Democrats 20% Republicans 77% Independents: 40%

28 28 Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation President Bush’s Job Approval Best and Worst Policies Policy% Best% WorstBest-Worst War on Terrorism, Reaction to 9-11251+24 Iraq2469-45 Other144+14 Tax, Economic Policy103+7 Supreme Court Nominations83+5 Homeland Security70+7 Education Policy42+2 Afghanistan30+3 Social Security31+2 Abortion or Stem Cell23 Gas Prices02-2 Environment Policy01 Katrina Response02-2 Spending, Deficits01 Immigration03-3 Staff Appointments02-2 No answer07-7 Total 100

29 29 Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation President Bush’s Job Approval Best Policies by Party Registration

30 30 Public Opinion in Anne Arundel County: CSLI Campus Presentation President Bush’s Job Approval Worst Policies by Party Registration

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