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Published byAmberly Henry Modified over 9 years ago
Chhattisgarh–An Overview Chhattisgarh Plains Zone
Agro Climatic Zones Sub-divided into three agro climatic zones. Geog. area : 138 lakh ha. Forest cover : lakh ha. (46%) Net sown area : lakh ha. (35 % of its geog. area) 57 % soil is medium to light. Average rainfall : mm. Net Irrigated Area : lakh ha (29%) Farm families : lakh (33% ST, 12 % SC) 76% small & marginal Farmers Cropping intensity : 136 % Northern Hills Zone Chhattisgarh Plains Zone Bastar Plateau Zone 2
Source wise Irrigated Area
(Area in Lakh ha.) Agro Climatic Zones Canals 8.95 66 % Tanks 0.45 3 % Tube-wells 3.00 22 % Wells 0.26 2 % Other Sources 0.89 7 % Total 13.55 100 % Net Irrigated Area - 29 % Northern Hills Zone Chhattisgarh Plains Zone Bastar Plateau Zone
Agro Climatic Zone-wise Area
Districts Included Total Geo. Area Net sown area Soil Type Irri. % Cropping Intensity C.G. Plains (15 Distt.) Raipur, Gariyaband, Balodabazar, Mahasamund, Dhamtari, Durg, Balod, Bemetara, Rajnandgaon, Kabirdham, Bilaspur, Mungeli, Korba, Janjgeer, Raigarh & a part of Kanker Districts (Narharpur & Kanker Block) 68.49 lakh ha. (50%) 32.95 Lakh ha. Entisol %, (Bhatha) Alfisol %, (Matasi) Inceptisol 22 %, (Dorsa) Vertisol 18 %, (Kanhar) Alliuvial % (Kachhar) 43 % 139 Bastar Plateau (7 Distt.) Jagdalpur, Narayanpur, Beejapur, Kondagaon, Dantewada, Sukma and the remaining part of Kanker Districts 39.06 lakh ha. (29%) 6.40 Lakh ha. Entisol %, Alfisol %, Inceptisol 34 %, Vertisol %, Alliuvial % 5 % 122 Northern Hills (5 Distt.) Sarguja, Surajpur, Balrampur, Koria, Jashpur & Dharamjaigarh Tehsil of Raigarh Districts 28.47 lakh ha. (21%) 8.35 Lakh ha. Entisol %, Alfisol %, Inceptisol 28 %, Vertisol %, Alliuvial % 11 % 135 4
Agro Climatic Zone-wise Cropping Pattern
Rainfed Irrigated Northern Hills Rice - Fallow, Maize - Fallow, Fallow - Horse Gram/Niger (Horsegram and niger are mid season crop sown during mid Sept.) Arhar - Fallow Rice - Wheat Maize - Mustard Sugarcane Rice - Wheat, Maize - Wheat / Mustard, Vegetable - Vegetable Chhattisgarh Plains Rice - Fallow, Rice - Lathyrus, Rice - Lathyrus, Rice - Gram / Wheat Soybean - Gram / Wheat Soybean + Arhar Kodo / Urd / Moong / Til + Arhar Rice - Gram / Wheat / Sunflower, Rice - Rice / Maize, Maize - Urd, Vegetable - Vegetable, Soybean + Arhar, Bastar Plateau Maize - Fallow, Millets / Niger - Fallow, Arhar + Moong / Urd - Fallow Rice - Wheat / Gram Maize - Gram / Mustard Rice - Maize
Status of Rainfall Month-wise Normal / Actual Rain Fall : Year June
Rainfall situation in the state as a whole is almost normal. Average rainfall of the state upto 20th Sept mm which is % of the normal rainfall of corresponding period. Month-wise Normal / Actual Rain Fall : (In mm) Year June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Annual Normal 256.1 247.3 366.1 346.2 91.6 1307.3 2011 176.6 277.1 364.7 391.0 3.9 1213.3 2012 ( ) 135.0 373.7 451.2 218.9 - 1178.8
Total Kharif cropped area estimated to be Lakh ha which is 1 % higher over previous year. Rice is a major Kharif crop which occupies 75 % area, followed by pulses 9 %, Oilseeds 8 % and other crops 8 %. Total coverage under cereal crops estimated to be lakh ha which is 1 % higher over previous year. Arhar, Moong, Urd and Kulthi (Horse gram) are the major pulse crops. Total area under pulses estimated to be 3.98 lakh ha which is slightly higher over previous year ( 3.97 lakh ha). Among Oilseeds Soybean, Groundnut, Til and Niger are major crops. Total area estimated under oilseeds 3.49 lakh ha which is 3 % more than previous year (3.38 lakh ha.).
KHARIF ASSESMENT 2012 Production Estimates
Around 75 % Area under rice is rainfed hence production and productivity of rice depend upon rainfall especially at the time of maturity. As per present crop condition production of rice is estimated to be lakh MT which is 8 % higher over previous year. Production of Pulses is estimated at 2.05 lakh MT which is same as previous year (2.00 lakh MT). Estimated Production of Oilseeds 3.09 lakh MT which is 8 % higher over last year (2.86 lakh MT).
Crop-wise Coverage - Kharif 2012
Crops Area (Lakh Ha.) Production (Lakh MT) 2011 Achie. 2012 Target 2012 Est. % Incr./ Decr. Rice 36.24 36.00 36.35 60.95 64.80 65.83 8 Maize 1.83 1.88 1.97 3.38 3.42 3.58 6 Minor Millets 0.85 0.91 0.90 7 0.30 0.32 0.36 20 Total Cereals 38.98 38.79 39.22 1 64.63 68.54 69.37 Arhar 1.38 1.49 1.40 0.99 0.92 2 Urd + Moong 2.02 2.07 2.00 -1 0.87 3 Kulthi (Horse Gram) 0.57 0.54 0.58 0.23 0.21 Total Pulses 3.97 4.10 3.98 2.12 2.05 Soybean 1.45 1.52 5 1.75 1.99 1.90 9 Niger 0.95 0.96 0.98 0.25 0.27 Total Oilseeds 3.56 3.49 2.86 3.14 3.09 Other Crops 1.33 1.35 -2 0.00 Grand Total 47.71 47.78 48.04 69.49 73.80 74.46 Sowing of Horse Gram and Niger is normally done upto September end. Estimated area mentioned for these crops includes area to be sown.
% increase over last year
ACHIEVEMENT KHARIF 2012 Particulars Unit Achievement 2011 Achievement 2012 % increase over last year Quality Seed Distribution Lakh Qtls. 5.90 6.30 7 Fertilizer Distribution (Kharif Season) Lakh MT 8.56 9.22 (Availability) 8 Bio-fertilizer Lakh Packets 14.55 14.76 1 Area under line sowing of Rice Lakh Ha. 2.27 2.40 6 Area under SRI Method 0.21 0.40 90 Seed Treatment Area Lakh ha. 29.50 30.42 3
% increase over last year
RABI PROSPECTS – Area coverage under Rabi crops mainly depends on Sept.-Oct. rains as around 80 % Rabi crops are grown under rainfed condition. Targeted area for Rabi crops lakh ha. which is 9 % higher over last year. Unit-Lakh ha. Unit : Lakh ha. Crop Target % increase over last year Cereals 3.88 4.10 6 Pulses 8.78 9.48 8 Oilseeds 2.66 3.03 14 Others 1.75 1.92 9 Total 17.07 18.53
Proposed crop coverage Rabi- 2012-13
No. Crop Area (000'ha.) Production (000'MT) (Target) % Inc. 1 Wheat 169.20 182.00 8 233.50 252.98 2 Maize 30.88 35.00 13 50.18 57.75 15 3 Summer Paddy (Rice) 179.39 184.30 668.23 691.13 Total Cereals 387.48 409.80 6 958.15 5 Gram 345.23 380.00 10 369.40 410.40 11 Peas 47.65 52.00 9 26.45 29.12 7 Lathyrus 378.42 405.00 238.40 257.18 Other Pulses (Moong, Urd, Lentil, Horse Gram) 107.12 111.00 4 39.87 46.26 16 Total Pulses 878.36 948.00 674.12 742.96 Rape-Mustard 146.38 155.00 84.90 90.68 Linseed 72.55 75.00 33.74 35.25 Other Oilseeds (Groundnut Sunflower, Safflower) 47.12 73.00 55 39.07 55.38 42 Total Oilseeds 266.05 303.00 14 157.71 181.31 12 Sugarcane 18.31 24.00 31 64.54 85.20 32 Vegetables 156.90 168.00 - Grand Total
Factors responsible for low Productivity
Around 80 % of the total Rabi cropped area is under rainfed situation. Hence moisture stress during critical growth stages adversely affects productivity. Paucity of time for Rabi land preparation after harvest of paddy. Predominantly broadcast method of sowing is followed which results inadequate plant population ultimately low yield. Low Seed Replacement Rate. Heavy weed infestation Low use of fertilizer and micro nutrients. Pest & diseases incident.
Major Constraint and proposed intervention
Wheat : Short winter span Use of suitable high temperature tolerant varities Delayed sowing Thrust on early/mid duration rice varities under rice based cropping system to ascertain timely sowing of rabi crop. Purnima, Danteshwari, MTU-1010, Bambleshwari, early hybrids Poor land preparation Use of rotavator and laser land leveler Inadequate plant population Seed treatment 25 % extra seed for late sown crop Instead of broadcast method line sowing with the help of seed cum fertilizer drill should be followed Heavy weed infestation Use of recommended weedicide Faulty method of irrigation Use of Sprinkler
Gram : Lathyrus : Linseed : Contd...
Ensure use of resistant variety and timely sowing. (Vaibhav, Vijay, ICC-32) Placement of seed in moisture zone especially in rainfed situation. Treatment of seed with seed treating material and rhizobium culture / PSB. Use of bio control agent / bio pesticides Use of sprinkler system of irrigation Lathyrus : Mainly sown as utera (relay) crop Use of improved varieties - Ratan, Pratik Seed treatment Optimum sowing time - 15 days prior to harvesting of paddy crop. Apply additional 20 kg per ha P2O5 in rice where lathyrus is to be sown. Linseed : Ensure timely sowing - 15th Oct. 15th Nov. Use of improved rust resistant varieties - Indira Alsi, Deepika, Kartika, RLC-92, Kiran, R-552 Application of kg per ha
Integrated Nutrient Management
Soil Health Status (Major Nutrient Deficiency) Soils of all 5 districts in Northern Hill zone are Medium in N, but Low in P and K. Soils in the Chhattisgarh Plains zone have varied levels of the major nutrients : Nitrogen level in 10 districts of Raipur division is low, but 5 districts of Bilaspur division is Medium. Regarding P level 12 districts (Raipur division – 7 and Bilaspur division -5) have Low and rest 3 districts of Raipur division is low. K - content in 8 districts are of medium level 4 districts are of low level and in remaining 3 districts are of High level. Bastar Plateau zone comprises of 7 districts which constitute 13.42% arable area of the state. Around 56% soils are light textured with low water holding capacity. Bastar Plateau soils as whole (all 7 districts) have low level of all three major nutrients (NPK). 16
Soil Test Based - Nutrient Status
Pest Surveillance and Judicious Use of Pesticides
Pest surveillance teams have been formed and regular monitoring is being done. Pest and disease occurrence are monitored through e-pest surveillance device. Farmers are being advised for need based use of pesticides through : (a) Farmers training programmes (b) Farmers Field School (c) IPM package for major crops have been made available to farmers / farmers friends / field staff. Insecticide inspectors have been nominated for inspection of outlets and regular sampling of pesticides.
Rabi Seed Requirement and Availability
in Qtls. S.No. Crop Requirement Availability Surplus / Shortage Tie up for shortage 1 Wheat 75472 84642 9170 - 2 Maize 1856 2000 144 Total Cereals 77328 86642 9314 3 Gram 46687 20625 -26062 SFCI/NSC/MSSC 4 Pea 1113 205 -908 SFCI 5 Moong + Urd 562 34 -528 6 Other 485 176 -309 SFCI/SAU Total Pulses 48847 21040 -27807 7 Mustard 1692 274 -1418 UPL/MHSC 8 Linseed 470 59 -411 SAU 9 Sunflower 135 300 165 10 Other Oilseeds 1528 88 -1275 Total Oilseeds 3825 721 -3104 Grand Total 130000 108403 -21597
Fertilizer - Demand and Availability for Rabi 2012-13 (Coop. +Pvt
Fertilizer - Demand and Availability for Rabi (Coop.+Pvt. Sector) Unit : Lakh MT Particulars Urea DAP NPK MOP SSP Others Total Rabi Distribution 1.95 0.81 0.49 0.41 0.79 0.07 4.52 Rabi Demand 2.25 1.00 0.50 0.42 0.83 - 5.00 Qty. approved by GOI 1.90 0.90 4.55 Availability 0.37 0.53 0.35 0.25 0.03 1.53
Implementation Status of Schemes under the
Agriculture Department : Year Unit-Rs. In Lakhs Scheme Sanction Plan by GOI Fund Released Utilization of fund % GOI State Total M M A 226.44 867.64 96.40 964.04 76.78 8 ISOPOM 401.83 905.62 301.87 308.93 26 ATMA - 0.00 RKVY 33 Green Revolution 420.74 6 INSIMP 715.06 458.00 19.31 4 60000 Pulse Village RADP 877.51 Total RKVY 19
Soil Test Based Fertility Status of Major Nutrients (N,P,K) in Chhattisgarh
S. No. District Total Sample Analized N P K L M H 1 Raipur 6726 3619 2327 780 3947 1486 1293 539 3302 2885 54% 35% 12% 59% 22% 19% 8% 49% 43% 2 Mahasamund 2324 1136 958 230 1227 482 615 163 1185 976 41% 10% 53% 21% 26% 7% 51% 42% 3 Dhamtari 1470 890 523 57 724 402 344 151 702 617 61% 36% 4% 27% 23% 48% 4 Durg 7391 5122 1898 371 243 1068 6080 162 1425 5804 69% 5% 3% 14% 82% 2% 79% 5 Rajnandgaon 8479 4962 1791 1726 5007 2008 1464 515 6697 1267 20% 24% 17% 6% 15% 6 Kabirdham 3926 1559 1759 608 2036 1573 317 182 2820 924 40% 45% 52% 72% 7 Bilaspur 4473 1586 2381 506 2550 1854 69 2578 1497 398 11% 57% 58% 33% 9% 8 Janjgir 796 125 531 140 668 128 150 38 16% 67% 18% 84% 0% 76% 9 Korba 3008 2591 417 2341 667 784 1852 372 86% 78% 62%
Contd. . . S. No. District Total Sample Analized N P K L M H 10
Raigarh 1335 498 662 175 1066 269 1273 55 7 37% 50% 13% 80% 20% 0% 95% 4% 1% 11 Surguja 4249 857 2781 611 2037 2211 1 2510 1683 56 65% 14% 48% 52% 59% 40% 12 Jashpur 891 281 512 98 691 198 2 748 138 5 32% 57% 11% 78% 22% 84% 15% 13 Koriya 1610 674 773 163 1210 400 715 892 3 42% 10% 75% 25% 44% 55% 14 Jagdalpur 2928 2212 453 263 2346 495 87 2348 446 134 76% 9% 17% 3% 5% 15 Narayanpur 893 462 224 207 743 118 32 655 197 41 23% 83% 73% 16 Dantewada 323 262 39 22 234 71 18 228 69 26 81% 12% 7% 72% 6% 71% 21% 8% 17 Bijapur 88 77 85 78 8 88% 97% 89% 2% Kanker 5914 5323 591 5491 421 4383 1393 90% 93% 74% 24% Total for State 56824 32236 18630 5958 32646 13854 10324 18620 24511 13693 33% 18% 43%
Districtwise Status of Soil pH Year 2011-12
Total Sample Analyzed Status of pH Below 6.5 (Towards Acidic) 6.5 to 7.5 (Nutral) Above 7.5 (Towards Alkeline) Raipur 6726 1889 28.1% 4318 64.2% 519 7.7% Mahasamund 2324 1158 49.8% 1117 48.1% 49 2.1% Dhamtari 1470 534 36.3% 883 60.1% 53 3.6% Durg 7391 2258 30.6% 4327 58.5% 806 10.9% Rajnandgaon 8479 1232 14.5% 6824 80.5% 423 5.0% Kabirdham 3926 374 9.5% 3165 80.6% 387 9.9% Bilaspur 3931 1161 29.5% 2261 57.5% 509 12.9% Janjgir 796 243 30.5% 396 49.7% 157 19.7% Korba 3550 2442 68.8% 1108 31.2% 0.0% Raigarh 1335 749 56.1% 568 42.5% 18 1.3% Sarguja 4249 2081 49.0% 2052 48.3% 116 2.7% Jashpur 891 381 42.8% 57.1% 1 0.1% Koriya 1610 447 27.8% 72.1% 2 Kanker 5914 3641 61.6% 2273 38.4% Jagdalpur 2928 198 6.8% 2728 93.2% Narayanpur 893 150 16.8% 743 83.2% Dantewara 323 36 11.1% 287 88.9% Beejapur 88 100.0% Total 56824 18974 33.4% 34808 61.3% 3042 5.4%
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