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2nd EAP Regional Conference on PRS Phnom Penh, CAMBODIA – 16-18 October 2003 yuT§saRsþkat;b nßyPaBRkIRk yuT§saRsþkat;b nßyPaBRkIRk POVERTY REDUCTION STRATEGY.

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Presentation on theme: "2nd EAP Regional Conference on PRS Phnom Penh, CAMBODIA – 16-18 October 2003 yuT§saRsþkat;b nßyPaBRkIRk yuT§saRsþkat;b nßyPaBRkIRk POVERTY REDUCTION STRATEGY."— Presentation transcript:

1 2nd EAP Regional Conference on PRS Phnom Penh, CAMBODIA – 16-18 October 2003 yuT§saRsþkat;b nßyPaBRkIRk yuT§saRsþkat;b nßyPaBRkIRk POVERTY REDUCTION STRATEGY Developing: Achievements & Challenges

2 ACHIEVEMENTACHIEVEMENT 1. PRS FORMULATION 1. PRS FORMULATION  C C C Cambodia PRS was called NPRS 2003-2005  I I I Institutional Arrangement: CSD/MOP (14 LMs)  G G G GS-CSD: Core team, PMATU, 14 LMWG, Donor WG, NGO WG, Parliament WG, Private sector WG  P P P Participation Process: 4 national workshops, 3 regional consultations, several technical meetings and consultations with all stakeholders  N N N NPRS 2003-2005 was consistent with SEDPII 2001- 2005  N N N NPRS 03-05 was approved on 20 December 2002

3 ACHIEVEMENTACHIEVEMENT 2. POVERTY MAPPING 2. POVERTY MAPPING  P P P Poverty mapping at commune level  P P P Poverty map (poverty headcount index)  N N N Nutrition map (underweight, stunting)  E E E Education need map (basic education)  N N N Natural disaster map (flooding, draught)  C C C Commune listed by poverty rate and by number of poor

4 ACHIEVEMENTACHIEVEMENT 3. NPRS DISSEMINATION 3. NPRS DISSEMINATION  N N N NPRS dissemination workshops at 7 poorest provinces  2 2 2 2,000 NPRS full documents and 5,000 executive summary  2 2 2 20,000 “Reducing Poverty” booklet of 20 strategic actions for the poor, village chiefs, commune councils, district and provincial authorities  P P P PR Mobile show at 50 poorest communes in 13 poor provinces  P P P PR Video 20 mn, TV spot, Radio spot, Calendar

5 ACHIEVEMENTACHIEVEMENT 4. NPRS FUNDING/BUDGETING 4. NPRS FUNDING/BUDGETING  S S S Social sector allocation increased while defense and security were cut down  M M M MTEF preparation (MEF/IMF)  N N N NPRS need $5,240 M while country available budget has only $1,500 M for 2003-2004-2005  P P P PIP 2003-2005: Ongoing & committed projects spent most for health sector  P P P PIP targeting 65% to rural and 35% to urban  V V V Village/commune/district/provincial own budgets for their pro-poor programs/projects

6 PIP/SECTOR% Health 46 % Transport 14 % Education 10 % Water resources 3 % Agriculture 2 % Rural development 1 % SOCIAL SECTOR 20012003+/-Health9.5% 12.0 % +2.5 % Education 16.2 % 18.5 % +2.3 % Hlth & Educ 25.7 % 30.5 % +4.8 % Def & Sec 30.1 % 22.0 % - 8.1%

7 ACHIEVEMENTACHIEVEMENT 5. GROWTH SOURCES 5. GROWTH SOURCES  N N N National Account 1993-2001SECTOR%1Agriculture 40 % Fishery 16%, Crops 16% 2Industry 24 % Textile 14% 3Services 32 % Trade 9%, Real estate 6%, Transport 5%, Hotel/restaurant 4%  W W W WTO accession – 20 September 2003

8 ACHIEVEMENTACHIEVEMENT 6. NPRS MONITORING 6. NPRS MONITORING  C C C CSES 2003-2004: Cambodia Socio-Economic Survey  P P P PMIS: Poverty Management Information System (FIVIMS, EMIS, HMIS…)  P P P PPA: Participatory Poverty Assessment  C C C CMDGR 2003: Cambodia Millennium Development Goals Report  A A A APRI 2003: NPRS Annual Progress Report on Implementation

9 ACHIEVEMENTACHIEVEMENT 7. GOVERNANCE IMPROVEMENT 7. GOVERNANCE IMPROVEMENT  G G G GAP I 2000: Governance Action Plan I  F F F Finalization of GAP II 2003: Governance Action Plan II  C C C Commune Council Election – Feb 2002: Decentralization of Administration, Planning and Financing

10 CHALLENGES CHALLENGES 1. ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT ON IMPL 1. ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT ON IMPL  A A A APRI 2003 preparation – September-December 2003  A A A APRI 03 First Draft – 16 October 2003  A A A APRI 03 submission for COM endorsement – 10 December 2003  A A A APRI 03 transmittal to WB/IMF boards – 16 December 2003

11 CHALLENGESCHALLENGES 2. COSTING & PRIORITIZATION 2. COSTING & PRIORITIZATION  P P P PIS: Project Information Sheet (costing)  P P P Project appraisal system in PIP process – 11 pro- poor criteria, weighting, scoring and ranking  P P P Prioritizing APM of $5.2 B to match with available budget of $1.5 B  I I I Identify priority actions for 2004 and 2005

12 CHALLENGESCHALLENGES 3. DONORS ALIGNMENT 3. DONORS ALIGNMENT  M M M Make PIP more pro-poor and pro-MDG  C C C CG benchmark responding (Jun 02 – Feb 04)  D D D Donor alignment through Government-Donor coordination WG and their Sub-WG full operation  M M M Merging SEDP III & NPRS II 2006-2010

13 CHALLENGESCHALLENGES 4. NPRS LINK TO BUDGET & MTEF 4. NPRS LINK TO BUDGET & MTEF  S S S Social sector allocation increasing  A A A Agriculture and Rural development need to be increased significantly  M M M MTEF finalization (MEF/IMF)SECTOR20032005+/-Health12.0%12.9%+0.9% Education18.5%20.0%+1.5% Hlth & Educ 30.5%32.9%+2.4% Def & Sec 22.0%19.4% - 2.6% Agri & Rural 3.4%4.4%+1.0%

14 CHALLENGESCHALLENGES 5. COUNTRY RESOURCES 5. COUNTRY RESOURCES  N N N National budget and external fund  G G G Growth sources  F F F Financial reformSOURCES $ M %National23015% FDI25016% ODA108069%85% TOTAL1560100%

15 CHALLENGESCHALLENGES 6. NPRS MONITORING 6. NPRS MONITORING  C C C CSES 2003-2004: new “diary method”, new baseline and comparable?  P P P PMIS for annual poverty data updating  M M M MDG indicators coverage  D D D Data from LM, NGO, research institute, academic, etc…  P P P PPA

16 CHALLENGESCHALLENGES 7. GOVERNANCE 7. GOVERNANCE  G G G GAP II 2003 finalization  C C C Civil servants reform  A A A Anticorruption law endorsement  C C C Commune councils capacity building: Administration, planning, financing

17 CAMBODIA TARGET To reduce poverty from 36% in 1999 To 31% in 2005 and then To 19% in 2015 With average poverty reduction speed of 1.2% per annum …!

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