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The goal is to access the right information, in the right format, at the right time, for the right people, to make the right decisions. WHY WE CARE about.

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Presentation on theme: "The goal is to access the right information, in the right format, at the right time, for the right people, to make the right decisions. WHY WE CARE about."— Presentation transcript:

1 The goal is to access the right information, in the right format, at the right time, for the right people, to make the right decisions. WHY WE CARE about Earth Observing Zdenka Willis, Director US IOOS ® NOAA rep to US GEO

2 US GEO US IOOS ® US GEO and US IOOS Delivering Benefits US GEO US IOOS ® US GEO and US IOOS Delivering Benefits

3 3 in the U.S. Federal Structure National Science and Technology Council 25 Federal agencies Committee on Environment and Natural Resources The White House/Office of the President

4 4 The efforts of governments and others to support the realization of GEOSS in the Western Hemisphere. A conceptual, umbrella framework to highlight existing collaborative efforts throughout the region that support the aims of GEOSS. A catalyst for new regional initiatives and cooperative opportunities. GEOSS in the Americas

5 US GEO US IOOS ® US GEO and US IOOS Delivering Benefits US GEO US IOOS ® US GEO and US IOOS Delivering Benefits

6 6 Integrated, Sustained Observing and Prediction System A collaborative framework A network of many technologies Contributes to the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) GOOS is the ocean component of GEOSS What is IOOS

7 7 National Federation of Regional Associations 11 IOOS Regional Associations

8 US IOOS ® Supports: Sensor Verification and Validation A third-party testbed for evaluating sensors and sensor platforms A forum for consensus and capacity building An information clearinghouse for observing technologies 8

9 Follows recommendations from the IOOS Modeling and Analysis Steering Team  improve cyber infrastructure,  support development of community models,  ease the transition of models to operations. Testbed Advisory Evaluation Group Cyber Infrastructure Estuarine Hypoxia Shelf Hypoxia Coastal Inundation US IOOS ® Supports: Modeling Testbed 9

10 US GEO US IOOS ® US GEO and US IOOS Delivering Benefits US GEO US IOOS ® US GEO and US IOOS Delivering Benefits

11 11 SERVIR  SERVIR is a regional visualization and monitoring system for Mesoamerica that integrates satellite and other geospatial data for improved scientific knowledge and decision making.  SERVIR is the first regional system of its kind in the world, enabling informed decision-making in areas of great significance, including weather forecasts, disaster management, air pollution, fire monitoring and red tides.

12 12 GEONETCast  GEONETCast is a low-cost, global environmental information delivery system by which remotely sensed and in situ data and services from GEOSS are transmitted to users through communications satellites offering near-global coverage.  Using a multicast, broadband capability, GEONETCast provides information essential to protecting lives allowing for faster decision- making and policy response.

13 US IOOS – A National Endeavor with Global Reach IOOS brings new observing systems IOOS is focused on data integration IOOS is a coordinated enterprise and a partnership for lives and livelihoods 13

14 Data Providers FedsStatesIndustryLocalTribesAcademiaNGOs Data Management Modeling IOOS/GEOSS Data also returned to providers with processing. U.S. Data Management & Communications Other Third Party Users End Users End Users (YOU!) (YOU!) Slide Courtesy of: National and Regional Observing Systems

15 Data Integration – Support National and Regional Needs 15 Real-time Data from NERACOOS ( Interactive Data Exhibits

16 US IOOS ® Coordinated Rapid Response: Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Contributed Assets: HF Radar Networks USF, USM Gliders iRobot, Mote, Rutgers, SIO/WHOI, UDel, USF Drifters & Profilers Horizon Marine, Navy Satellite Imagery CSTARS, UDel Ocean Forecasts Navy, NCSU Data/Web Services ASA, Rutgers, SIO Tropical Storm Bonnie crosses the Gulf of Mexico USM HFR USF HFR TS Bonnie USM HFR validation of SABGOM Forecast in region with satellite detected oil slicks HFR used for Oil Slick Forecasts by NOAA/NOS/OR&R

17 US IOOS ® Supports: Climate Change Observations Single system – multiple uses NOAA PMEL working with RAs to deploy CO2 sensors: NANOOS; PacIOOS; CaRA, NERACOOS, etc. Data Management RT, trends, public display Integrated Coral Reef Monitoring Education/Outreach Materials % of living coral Puerto Rico Modeling

18 Automated 3-day inundation warning forecasts are emailed to City of Encinitas. Most RAs work with users on inundation and SLR Automated 3-day E-mail warnings of potential inundation sent to City of Encinitas. US IOOS ® Supports: Inundation/Sea Level

19 Direction-Finding Radar Beam-Forming Radar - Where Am I? - Broad Beam - Compact Antenna - Wave Info Limited - How Fast Am I Going? - Narrow Beam - Large Antenna - Wave Info Easier CODAR WERA HF Radar: Overview of Systems

20 US IOOS ® Supports: Search and Rescue 20 High Frequency Radar network within the United States supports many applications Refines Search Areas 96 hr: Without HFR (36,000 Km 2 ) 96 hr: With HFR (12,000 Km 2 )

21 US IOOS ® Supports: Reduced Public Health Risks 21 Orbimage - SeaWiFS Pollutants from storm water runoff can result in public beach closures Increasing warning of harmful algal blooms (HABS) increases the options for managing these events

22 US IOOS – A National Endeavor with Global Reach IOOS is a comprehensive system Integration of data is critical Sustaining the enterprise requires engagement by all of us 22

23 Integrated Earth System Requires Integrated Observations 23

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