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Howden School and Technology College 7K Forces and their effect Falling bun cases.

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Presentation on theme: "Howden School and Technology College 7K Forces and their effect Falling bun cases."— Presentation transcript:

1 Howden School and Technology College 7K Forces and their effect Falling bun cases

2 Howden School and Technology College Objective To collect evidence to show which bun case falls the fastest and explain differences between different

3 Howden School and Technology College Obtaining your evidence LevelIn my experiment, I can....... 3 use simple equipment to make measurements e.g. length and mass make basic observations 4 make enough measurements and/or observations for the investigation 5 make a series of measurements and/or observations that are accurate spot that a result is odd and repeat the experiment

4 Howden School and Technology College LevelIn my evaluation, I can : 3 suggest some improvements to my enquiry 4 suggest some improvements to my enquiry and explain why they will improve my work 5 suggest practical ways for making improvements to my enquiry give a simple explanation for any differences in my repeated reliability results or say why I think that my results are all reliable 6 suggest practical ways of improving my plan and explain why they will work pick out odd results that do not fit in with the general pattern or say why I think that I have no odd results Evaluation

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