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© Crown copyright 2009 What do we know? 7 questions to consider.

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1 © Crown copyright 2009 What do we know? 7 questions to consider

2 © Crown copyright 2009 22 Which of the following three factors have the most and least significant impact on a childs performance in school? Gender Poverty Race Most Least

3 © Crown copyright 2009 3 Which is more significant in terms of impact on performance? poverty neighbourhood

4 © Crown copyright 2009 4 Whats the significance of 28? There remains a very wide gap of 28 percentage points in relation to 5 A*-C inc EnMa between pupils not eligible for FSM and those eligible for FSM.

5 © Crown copyright 2009 5 Whats the significance of 176? Only 176, or just over ½% of nearly 30,000 pupils who got three As at A-level last year were eligible for free meals

6 © Crown copyright 2009 6 Can gaps be effectively narrowed? Yes, eg. Bangladeshi pupils performed 25% below the national average (at GCSE) 4 years ago and now perform above it

7 © Crown copyright 2009 7 What are the odds of FSM pupils achieving good school outcomes compared to a non FSM pupil? Around three times worse at all stages from age 5 onwards

8 © Crown copyright 2009 8 When does the social class gap in attainment open up? at 22 months

9 © Crown copyright 2009 9 Summary Schools can, and do, make a difference to pupils. Everyone has a part to play in ensuring the progress of all pupils. For most pupils school is a rich and rewarding experience but for some it is not. At every ability level in the system, pupils from poor backgrounds achieve less well than their counterparts. The reasons are complex but we all have a part to play in ensuring that all pupils make the progress they deserve.

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