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© Crown Copyright 2006 Renewed literacy and mathematics frameworks Consultation version – April 2006.

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1 © Crown Copyright 2006 Renewed literacy and mathematics frameworks Consultation version – April 2006

2 © Crown Copyright 2004 2 Why are the frameworks changing? The National Literacy Strategys Framework for teaching and the National Numeracy Strategys Framework for teaching mathematics were introduced into primary schools in 1998 and 1999 respectively. Over the last 7 years, the context within which schools and settings have worked has changed. We need to continue to work at ensuring every child really having the opportunity to achieve his or her potential. This requires effective personalisation of learning, providing the right support and opportunities tailored to the individual needs of every child. This challenge raises the bar in terms of aspirations.

3 © Crown Copyright 2004 3 How are the frameworks changing? Slimmed-down objectives - objectives in the earlier frameworks have been slimmed down to give a clearer sense of the important areas of mathematics and literacy that need to be taught to children each year. An electronic version - the electronic format will allow you to link quickly to a wide range of teaching and learning resources, so that you can customise your planning, teaching and assessment more easily. A clearer structure for mathematics and literacy - to simplify the structure of the objectives, strands of learning in each of mathematics and literacy have been identified with slimmed- down objectives grouped within strands to demonstrate progression. The strands relate very readily to the earlier frameworks and the programmes of study in the National Curriculum.

4 © Crown Copyright 2004 4 What could schools do now? Look at the examples of what could be offered to all year groups by looking at more detailed examples for Year 3 on the CD ROM Reply to the consultation using consultation response sheet, by 2 June Order copies of the September finalised version of the renewed frameworks for staff Headteacher attend local authority briefing Find dates offered for specific support programme for mathematics and literacy subject leaders in the school Set aside dates (INST days, staff meetings) to consider making best use of the renewed frameworks

5 © Crown Copyright 2004 5 Does this link to the Birth to 5 Framework? The Childcare Bill is going through Parliament in the early part of 2006 with the provision for a single quality framework for children from birth to five. It is envisaged that both the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and the renewed literacy and mathematics frameworks will provide integrated advice to practitioners about supporting childrens care, learning and development from birth to the end of the reception year. A consultation is currently taking place and we welcome your thoughts on how best to achieve the integration

6 © Crown Copyright 2004 6 Will there be any support for schools? Local authorities will offer: - briefings for headteachers - specific support programme for mathematics and literacy subject leaders in the school - specific support for improving teaching of early reading Networks of schools may wish to discuss with their local authority how the above support could be offered through the network

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