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COROT Additional Programme Werner W. Weiss. 2 Seismology and Exoplanetary Field 0 E2 CCD A1CCD E1 CCD E2 CCD A2 XVXV YVYV Left Right 0 E1 3.05° 2.70°

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1 COROT Additional Programme Werner W. Weiss

2 2 Seismology and Exoplanetary Field 0 E2 CCD A1CCD E1 CCD E2 CCD A2 XVXV YVYV Left Right 0 E1 3.05° 2.70°

3 3 per Seismology Field PSF: 1' (defocussed) 2x 1.3° by 1.3° field (2 CCDs) photometric data points of 10 stars (windows)  V = 5.7 (in 5 days noise level ~ 0.62 ppm)  V = 9.0(in 5 days noise level < 2.5 ppm)  1 sec photometric sampling (raw data, available on request)  32 sec processed data 10 background windows: 1 sec integration images for up to 6 stars with 32 sec integration time

4 4 per Exoplanetary Field 2x 1.3° by 1.3° field (2 CCDs) 512 s. integration time  ≤ 10000 stars (11 < V < 15 ?) with chromatic mask  2000 stars with monochromatic mask (15 < V < 16)  entire field to ground: once at beginning of run 32 sec sampling for up to 500 stars depends on number of windows to be processed 200 background windows, 512s. integration of which 10 windows have 32 sec images of 40 windows with 32 sec integration Thanx to the Natal antenna (+50% telemetry rate)

5 5 One COROT Year 1a or 1b 2a or 2b

6 6 Program Types Long runs  ≥ 5 runs  ~ 150 days core programme Short runs  20 = (180-150-10) day, scheduled for spring & fall ¯  6 to 10 runs one each season 2 to 3 at the beginning 1/2 maximize science return of seismology CP 1/2 APs

7 7 Additional Programme definition Asteroseismology with data from exoplanetary fields Exoplanetary research with data from asteroseismology fields Any other science, not related to asteroseismology or exoplanetary research. more info: http: //

8 8 Resources for Aps/ I Long runs Exo-field: 11 or 11.5 to 16 mag(V)  ≥ 200 windows per run with 512 s. integration time,  perhaps few windows (max. of 64 available) with 32 sec integration time  color information if mv < 15 Seismo-field: 5.7 to 10? mag(V) tbc  few - if any - of the 10 windows with 1 sec integration time available for additional programs Short runs perhaps 4 to 5 runs, about 20 days each.  exo- and/or seismo-fields - if application is accepted.

9 9 Resources for Aps/ II Archival Data access within proprietary time:  Identification of windows before launch necessary after public release of archive:  no restrictions In general: Core program requirements will have priority

10 10 Data Policy Open to Guest Investigators: (a) about half of short runs will be available to specific target fields not devoted to seismology in the seismology field or planet search in the exo planet field. (b) parallel science goals using data obtained under the Core programme or under the Additional Program (a). For the Additional Program, individuals or groups will bid against an AO and if successful become Guest-Investigators (GIs) and will have exclusive data rights for the science of their program - the CoRoT Science Committee having rights for other uses of the same data. The selection for additional programs will be made by the CoRoT Science Committee who will take into account the quality of science and the level of contribution by participating countries and ESA. Public release of data: 1 year after the first release of data to the Co-Is or GIs.planet field

11 11 Summary of LoI‘s from 2003 81 LoI received 55 different PIs + 250 + BAG + CoIs but 70% funding from F ESA NL: 3 I:13 UK: 2

12 12 Name PI TeamProposalfilenameLSLESSSE 1Aerts ConnyBBAGOB Supergiants HD47240AertsC_OB_HD47240 C 2Aerts ConnyBBAGspB HD45284AertsC_spB_HD45284 C 3Aerts ConnyBBAGSurvey of var. StarsAertsC_SurvVar x 4Alecian GeorgeF+2HgMn pulsationAleciG_HgMn x 5Amado P.J.E+4Spot modelling & diff. RotationAmadoP_Spotxx 6Antonello EnnioI+5 Strange NRP modes in CepheidsAntonE_StrangeCep x x 7Arnold LucF+1EarthshineArnolL_Earthshinexxxx 8Cameron AndrewUK+7Activity-noiseCamerA_ActNoise x x 9Chadid MiriemF+8Blazhko effectChadiM_BlazhkoCx 10Charpinet StephaneF+19sDBCharpS_sDB x x 11Cuisinier FrancoisBr+9Microvariability of GiantsCuisiF_microvar_giantsCx x 12Cuypers JanBBAGOB surveyCuypeJ_OB xC 13DeRidder JorisBBAGRed GiantsDeRidJ_RedGiants C? 14delaReza R.Br+7Post TTau and ProtoplanetsDlRezR_Protoplan x 15Eisloeffel JochenD- Brown Dwarfs and Very Low MassEisloJ_BD_VLM x x KeywordSeiExoAPSveyNoComments B sgiants HD47240 OBC HD plus OB in the field, CPsismo spB HD45284C HD plus A+B in field, CP sismo classif varstarsx x survey? Project Team? HgMnx x rotation G K M RAx G and later Cepheids StrangeModesx LE + SE Earthshine background T all background data Activity noise F G K RA LE + SE Blazhko RRLyrC LE + CP targets tbd sDB surveyx LE + SE targets tbd LBV massiveStars MiraC LS+LE+SE Miras near primary M31 not in CVZ OB surveyx x Red Giant HD50890 Maia,50846C? x Giants + Maia stars, Coreprog ? protoplanets TTau E targets tbd 20 to 50 days Brown Dwarfs VLM rotation RA LE + SE targets tbd. No info on freq and ma LoI contents …

13 13 Requests for fields and runs 113 different requests for using: LS, LE: Long run Seismology, Exofield; SS, SE: Short run S, E

14 14  Exofield much demanded EXOPLANET COMPLEMENTARY OBSERVATIONS WG: Photometric surveys Aerts, Garrido, Hatzes, Maceroni et al. etc … Spectroscopic surveys Alecian, da Silva, Hatzes, Maceroni, Messina et al., etc … X-ray and Radio surveys Surdej, Favata (XMM), …

15 15  Exofield much demanded EXOPLANET COMPLEMENTARY OBSERVATIONS WG: Photometric surveys Aerts, Garrido, Hatzes, Maceroni et al. etc … Spectroscopic surveys Alecian, da Silva, Hatzes, Maceroni, Messina et al., etc … X-ray and Radio surveys Surdej, Favata (XMM), … Nice list, still more collaboration needed – see Magali (EXODAT)!

16 16 Science addressed by the 2003 - LoIs Seismology: 27 Exoplanets: 5 Other: 37  activity, magnetic field, rotation: 17  PMS: 5  binaries: 7  other: 8 Core Programme: 21 not feasible: 10

17 17 Science addressed by the 2003 - LoIs Seismology: 27 Exoplanets: 5 Other: 37  activity, magnetic field, rotation: 17  PMS: 5  binaries: 7  other: 8 Core Programme: 21 not feasible: 2 + 8 Too many ideas for limited resources Discussions needed to satisfy most of them

18 18 AO schedule CSW7 (Dec 2004): decide on text of AO1 for 1st year of CoRoT, (at least long runs) AO1 issued: before CSW8 (January 2005) deadline for proposals: e/o March 2005 selection of proposals: during SC14 (after CSW8 in May 2005) prepare AO2 CoRoT launch 6.6.2006 ? First data potentially relevant for AP: December 2006

19 19 Important Questions Which scientific programme do you intend to submit for the first year of CoRoT operation within the Additional Programme? Have you identified your targets in the Seismo- or Exofield? If not yet, how do you intend to obtain this information ? If yes, include them as soon as possible in the AP_EXO data base by sending your list to W.W.

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