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Claudia Höhne GSI Darmstadt
The international Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research FAIR: Challenges and Opportunities Claudia Höhne GSI Darmstadt 10th Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics (CIPANP 2009)
Observers EU Hungary Saudi-Arabia USA Austria India China Finnland
France Germany Greece UK Italy Poland Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Romania Russia
FAIR accelerator facility
GSI primary beams FAIR 1012/s; GeV/u; 238U28+ factor increased intensity 2x1013/s 90 GeV protons 109/s 238U GeV/u (Ni 45 GeV/u) secondary beams radioactive beams 0 – 1.5 (2) GeV/u rare isotopes GeV/u; factor increased intensity antiprotons (0) GeV high intensity frontier! multi-user facility! storage and cooler rings accelerator technical challenges beams of rare isotopes e – A Collider (proposal: antiproton - A) 1011 stored and cooled antiprotons GeV rapidly cycling superconducting magnets high energy electron cooling beam losses
Overview on FAIR research topics
FAIR research highlights
GSI FAIR Rare isotope beams: nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics nuclear structure far off stability nucleosynthesis in stars and supernovae
NUSTAR – physics case nuclear structure
underlying QCD structure → complex nucleon-nucleon force study of exotic short lived nuclei far off stability (proton/ neutron skins or halos, new magic numbers...) → pave way for theoretical framework with predictive power for nuclei beyond experimental reach astrophysics origin of the heavy elements? physics of stellar explosions (core-collapse, thermonuclear supernovae, nucleosynthesis) compact objects and the explosions on their surfaces (x-ray bursts)
NUSTAR Production of intensive rare isotope beams by in-flight projectile fragmentation/fission (access to short-lived isotopes) Detailed investigations, large variety of experimental techniques
FRS – SuperFRS: intensity gain!
Present FRS Super-FRS FAIR: 2/s FAIR:108/s FAIR: 65/h FAIR: 8/s FAIR:109/s
(N)ESR: relativistic exotic ions in storage ring
Masses of more than 1100 nuclides measured Results: ~ 350 new mass values ~ 300 improved mass values Mass accuracy 5 ∙10- 8 to 5 ∙10-7 Stable nuclide Mass not (yet) measured in ESR Mass measured in ESR r-, rp-nuclei, which can be measured in NESR Single-ion sensitivity keV precision
FAIR research highlights
GSI FAIR Short-pulse heavy ion beams: plasma physics matter at high pressure, densities, and temperature fundamentals of nuclear fusion
FAIR research highlights
GSI FAIR Atomic physics, FLAIR, and applied research highly charged atoms low energy antiprotons radiobiology
FAIR research highlights
GSI FAIR Beams of antiprotons: hadron physics quark-confinement potential search for gluonic matter and hybrids nuclon structure, double hypernuclei
PANDA – physics case non-perturbative regime of QCD
quark confinement potential hadron masses » S quark masses self interaction among gluons → research program hadron physics: charmonium spectroscopy gluonic excitations: glueballs, hybrids nuclear physics: open and hidden charm in nuclear matter, hypernuclei electromagnetic processes: transverse structure funtions etc.
AntiProton-Proton-ANnihilation in DArmstadt
PANDA AntiProton-Proton-ANnihilation in DArmstadt High luminosity mode Luminosity = 2 x 1032 cm-2s-1 δp/p ~ (stochastic cooling) High resolution mode δp/p ~ few (+electron cooling) Luminosity > 1031 cm-2s-1 Gas-Jet/Pellet/Wire Target
PANDA hardware developments
Micro-Vertex Detector Micro Vertex Detector Electronics Straw Tube Tracker DIRC EMC PWO crystals LAAPD FEE
Resolution! χc1 Crystal Ball, SLAC E835, Fermilab e+e- interactions:
Only 1-- states are formed Other states only by secondary decays (moderate mass resolution) pp reactions: All states directly formed (very good mass resolution) 3500 3520 MeV 3510 Crystal Ball ev./2 MeV 100 ECM CBall E835 χc1 1000 E 835 ev./pb in addition: beam quality, high resolution detector, redundancy
FAIR research highlights
GSI FAIR Nucleus-nucleus collisions: compressed baryonic matter baryonic matter at highest densities (neutron stars) phase transitions and critical endpoint in-medium properties of hadrons
Physics case of CBM Compressed Baryonic FAIR – high mB, moderate T: searching for the landmarks of the QCD phase diagram first order deconfinement phase transition chiral phase transition (high baryon densities!) QCD critical endpoint in A+A collisions from 2-45 AGeV starting in 2015 (CBM + HADES) physics program complementary to RHIC, LHC rare probes! (charm, dileptons)
The CBM experiment Exploration of the QCD phase diagram at highest baryon densities Experimental focus on rare diagnostic probes High-rate detectors with free-streaming readout and online event selection
CBM hardware developments
NVIDIA GTX 280 240 core GPU RPC GEM fast on-line event selection using many-core architectures (CELL, LRB, GPUs) high-rate large-area semiconductive glass high-rate large-area radiation-hard double-sided silicon microstrip detectors TRD Readout ASICs for RPC Time-of-flight system: 25 ps time resolution high-density front end boards high-rate large-area Data Acquisition System throughput 500 MB/s/node Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors self-triggering read-out chip 128 ch, 32 MHz RICH glass mirror
CBM experimental challenges
Measurements with rates up to 107 Au+Au reactions/sec require: extremely fast and radiation hard detectors free-streaming readout electronics high-speed online event selection CPU&GPU – PetaFlops / M€ FAIR GSI Central Au+Au collision at 25 AGeV Up to 1000 charged particles in central Au+Au UrQMD + GEANT4 Larrabee NVIDIA GTX 280 Fast track reconstruction algorithms running on graphic processing units: speed 46 ns / track track reconstruction efficiency > 96% momentum resolution Δp/p < 1.5% speed 240 core GPU
FAIR research highlights
GSI FAIR Accelerator physics high intensive heavy ion beams dynamical vacuum rapidly cycling superconducting magnets high energy electron cooling parallel operation of up to 4-5 programs
Accelerator Developments
Beam quality: Electron & Stochastic Cooling Compact & efficient acceleator design: Rapidly cycling sc magnets: dB/dt ~ 4T/s Fast ramping: Frequency variable ferrite or MA loaded resonators XHV ~10-12 mbar
International contributions to FAIR accelerators
WBS 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 3.0 HEBT Super FRS CR NESR p-linac SIS100 pbar-target RESR HESR SIS300 ER Com. Sys. Civ. Constr. TS-2 Magnets Bend Quad Sextupoles Multipoles Other TS-3 Power Converter Power Convertger TS-4 RF-System RF TS-5 Inj/Extraction Inj/Extr. TS-6 Diagnostics TS-7 Vacuum TS-8 Part. Sources EZR Linac TS-9 ECOOL TS-10 St. Cooling St. Cool TS-11 Special inst. Special TS-12 Local Cryo Refrigerator TS-14 Common System Controls/Interfaces Quench Detection Magnet QC Alignment El. Power EoIs still missing from
FAIR accelerator systems (schedule)
Overall schedule (FAIR accelerator sections) 25
Accelerator R&D Design and construction of superconducting prototype magnets in collaboration with external partners and industry. SIS100 challenge: fast ramping superconducting magnets SIS300 challenge: superconducting curved coils with 300 Tm bending power SIS100 superferric dipole prototype SIS100 superferric quadrupole prototype 26 26
R&D on dipole magnets for SIS300
Largest fundamental science project worldwide for the next decade!
The BIG challenge Beam intensities by factors of Beam energies by a factor 20 Production of antimatter beams Factor in beam brilliance via cooling Efficient parallel operation of programs Gain Factors GSI today Future facility SIS 100/300 SIS 18 UNILAC Largest fundamental science project worldwide for the next decade! Construction in three phases until 2016 Total cost 1.2 B€ Scientific users: per year Construction Period, Cost, Users ESR HESR Super FRS 65 % Federal Government of Germany 10 % State of Hessen 25 % Partner Countries FAIR GmbH w. International Shareholders Financing CR RESR 100 m NESR
Radioactive Ion Beam Programme
Anti Proton Beam Programme Plasma Physics Beam Programme Relat. Ion Beam Programme
Super-FRS Super-FRS technological challenges: Extreme radiation hardness requirements Target for U /100ns 746°C Beam catcher Remotely controlled Assembly and operation and servicing Superferric Quadrupole-Multipletts Radiation resistant superconducting cable
1GeV/u U + H About 1000 isotopes identified
A/Z-resolution ~10-3 1 GeV/u U, 3x1011/s Hier sehen Sie das erste fertiggestellte Bauteil für den Super-FRS, das Targetrad. Es ist aus Graphit hergestellt, wird rotieren (ähnlich wie das Targetrad am SHIP) und im wesentlichen durch Strahlung gekühlt. Es besteht aus konzentrischen Ringen unterschiedlicher Dicke im Bereich von g/cm. Dieses eher unscheinbare Targetrad ist aber nicht nur das erste Bauteil des Super-FRS, sondern es ist auch einer der wenigen Plätze im Universum, wo r-Kerne erzeugt werden können, und das macht es so besonders, deswegen zeige ich es Ihnen hier! Daß das nicht alles pure Phantasie und Zukunftsmusik ist, was ich Ihnen hier erzähle, will ich Ihnen im folgenden zeigen. Denn zum Glück haben wir ja schon unsere Pilotanlage und sind damit in der glücklichen Lage.....Querschnitte usw. Trigger für n-reiche Kerne, hochauflösende Impulsmessungen, Spaltkinematik,......
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