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Presentation on theme: " Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Helsinki Vocational education for students with special needs Development and service center for special."— Presentation transcript:

1 Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Helsinki Vocational education for students with special needs Development and service center for special education

2 is maintained by ORTON Foundation The other units of ORTON Foundation are: ORTON Hospital ltd ORTON Rehabilitation ltd ORTON Respecta ltd (production, delivery and service of assistive devices) ORTON Research ORTON Foundation has about 1000 employees, approx. 500 of them are working in Keskuspuisto Vocational College. Keskuspuisto Vocational College

3 ORTON Foundation is a private provider of vocational education; The Foundation maintains Keskuspuisto Vocational College and receives the funding for education from the Ministry of Education and Culture Keskuspuisto Vocational College is independent, but accountable for the results ORTON Foundation – Keskuspuisto Vocational College

4 We offer various teaching and support services to students with special needs We provide for expert services to other training institutes and partners Our goal is that the students who graduate from Keskuspuisto Vocational College possess the necessary skills needed in working life, life-long desire to learn new things and a possibility to empowerment Individual and flexible study plans and small groups offer a beneficial starting point for studies Keskuspuisto Vocational College

5 Keskuspuisto Vocational College has 13 different locations in the capital area and in other municipalities in the Province of Southern Finland. 3 in Helsinki 1 in Espoo 1 in Hyvinkää 1 in Järvenpää 1 in Kerava 1 in Kirkkonummi 1 in Lohja 1 in Mäntsälä 1 in Porvoo 2 in Vantaa We have approx. 30 000 square meters operational area in these locations. The locations

6 about 500 students in initial vocational qualification training about 420 students in pre- vocational and rehabilitative training including 8 students in preparatory training for immigrants about 150 students in further vocational training number of staff approx. 500 Some figures

7 Employment after school The employment rate after graduation on the open labour market is about 50 % Some will get supported employment About 2 % of the qualification students continue their education on higher level Some get a disability pension and are working on the open market but don’t have a contract of employment and do not get a real salary.

8 The requirements in the initial vocational qualification education are based on the national curricula and the education leads to a diploma / qualification; The on-the-job learning and skill demonstrations are a part of the vocational education; The job coaches (3) support the students during on-the-job learning periods if needed

9 Sectors and fields of the initial vocational education leading to qualification Sector of Tourism, Catering and Home Economics Cleaning Services (Site Facilities Operative) Cookery (Cook) Household Services (Housekeeper) Sector of Culture Audiovisual Communication (Media Assistant) Crafts and Design (Handicraft Design and Production, Artisan) Dance (Dancer) Music (Musician or Music Technology, Piano Tuner) Sector of Sciences Business Information Technology (User Support, Datanomi)

10 Sector of Technology and Transport Information and Telecommunications Technology (Electronics Assembler/ICT Technician) Logistics (Storage Services, Warehouse Operative) Metalwork and Machinery (Manufacturing Technology, Mechanical Fitter / Machinist) Property Maintenance (Property Maintenance Operative) Surface Treatment Technology (Painter) Technical Design (Design Assistant) Upholstery (Upholsterer, Interior Decorator) Vehicle Technology (Vehicle Mechanic) Social and Health Care Sector Social and Health Care (Practical Nurse, Study Programme in Care for the Disabled or Study Programme in Rehabilitation) Sector of Business and Administration Customer Services and Sales (Merkonomi)

11 Further Qualifications ~ Adult education Further qualifications in several fields, for example special needs assistant in education masseuse / masseur instructor of intellectually disabled people cleaner painter restorer upholsterer restorer master painter master upholsterer master

12 41 79 24 155 112 144 53 110 58 14 91 18 21 0 50 100 150 200 Disorders in perception, attention and concentration Disorders in language and speech development Disorders in social interaction and behaviour Severely delayed cognitive development Mental health disorders Chronic physical deseases Spectrum of autism and Asperger synrome Physical disabilities causing difficulties to move Hearing impairment, deafness Visual impairment, blindness Some other reason for special education No reason for special education or unspecified Tenholantie 10, 00280 Helsinki, puh. (09) 47 481, faksi (09) 4748 2746, Delayed cognitive development The students of KVC / statistics of the reasons for special education (09/2011)

13 Orientation periods Possibility to try the professional field and get feedback on the suitability of the field taking into account the capabilities, challenges and disabilities of the person Duration usually one week Discussions /tests with the psychologist and special needs teacher Practical tasks in the chosen field Paid by thr National Insurance Company (KELA) or the employment agency

14 Development and resource center Specific task to develop special needs education and to support, advice and consult mainstream schools in special education issues. Co-operation with various schools In-service training Consultations Projects Employment services

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