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COM200: Communication Skills -- Composition Instructor: Suchitra Mathur Schedule: Lecture: 5:10 – 6:00 pm, L-7 Tutorial: 10:00 – 10:50 am; 11:00 – 11:50.

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Presentation on theme: "COM200: Communication Skills -- Composition Instructor: Suchitra Mathur Schedule: Lecture: 5:10 – 6:00 pm, L-7 Tutorial: 10:00 – 10:50 am; 11:00 – 11:50."— Presentation transcript:

1 COM200: Communication Skills -- Composition Instructor: Suchitra Mathur Schedule: Lecture: 5:10 – 6:00 pm, L-7 Tutorial: 10:00 – 10:50 am; 11:00 – 11:50 am New Core Lab Credits: 5 Grade: S / X

2 Composition: Written Communication FORMCONTENT Aptitude Attitude SurfaceSubstance

3 Subject:Dual Degree Dear Ma’am, I want to know about the dual degree programme. I’ve been told that there is a lot of timetable clash with courses. I’m a 4 th semester ME student. Can I get the programme? Seniors have told me there is a lot of problem with the Double Major programme also. I’m interested in Design and ECO. I want to finish the programme in five years. My CPI is 7.5. Please advise me. Your’s Sincerely, XYZ Roll No. 01234

4 Composition and Critical Thinking BASICBASIC ADVANCEDADVANCED

5 Structure of this Course Mechanical Skills Analytical Skills ‘Lab’ (Tutorial Assistance) ‘Theory’ (Lecture) Review and Practice Assignments Quizzes & Exams Student Initiative Instructor Initiative

6 Critical Thinking and Composition: An Introduction to the Writing Process Course Description: COM200 focuses on the art and craft of writing as a form of effective communication. As a mode of communication, written composition is closely tied to effective reading and critical thinking. The course, therefore, will approach the process of writing through critical analysis of reading as a means to understand the structure of an effective composition. Course Objectives: The course aims to improve students’ writing skills by honing the following capabilities:  Identification of different kinds of written composition  Reading analysis for basic and advanced comprehension  Identification of the different steps of the writing process  Generation and organization of material for a written composition  Drafting a written composition with a proper introduction and conclusion  Revising a written composition to ensure maximum effectiveness Required Text: Booklet entitled ‘Critical Thinking and Composition: A Reader’, available from CopyPoint, ShopC

7 Assignments: To be completed during the tutorials:  Grammar / Vocabulary exercises: Review of basic English language skills, completed by students as per their individual needs through the use of English Edge software and other online writing lab resources.  Reading and Composition worksheets: Assignments based on lecture materials to be completed within the tutorial hour. Quizzes and Exams: Four pre-announced quizzes and the regularly scheduled mid-semester and end-semester examination. Grading: COM200 is a pass/fail course. To pass this course, you require minimum 40% marks (this may change depending on overall class performance). The weightage for the different graded components are as follows:  Assignments: 10% (you get credit for every submitted assignment)  Quizzes: 40% (10% for each quiz)  Mid-semester Exam: 20%  End-semester Exam: 30%

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