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Universidad Central del Ecuador Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación MA Programme in Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching Theories.

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Presentation on theme: "Universidad Central del Ecuador Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación MA Programme in Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching Theories."— Presentation transcript:

1 Universidad Central del Ecuador Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación MA Programme in Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching Theories in Language Learning Víctor Aldás Stalyn Ávila Anita Panchi Nathaly Velasteguí

2 First proposed in the 1970’s and then expanded in the 80’s. Hypotheses: 1. The Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis The Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis 2. The Monitor hypothesis The Monitor hypothesis 3. The Natural Order hypothesis The Natural Order hypothesis 4. The Input hypothesis The Input hypothesis 5. The Affective Filter hypothesis The Affective Filter hypothesis Krashen’s Monitor Model

3 The Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis Acquisition and Learning are separate processes

4 The Monitor hypothesis Learning has only one function: MONITOR or editor OUTPUT Learned Competence: the one that monitors Acquired Competence

5 The Natural Order hypothesis We acquire the rules of language in a predictable order, sooner or later.

6 The Input hypothesis Linked to previous one. We move along the developmental continuum by receiving comprehensible input/second language input. i + 1 Where: i: the learner’s current competence

7 The Affective Filter hypothesis Learners also need to “let (the) input in”

8 For example, in English language, the learner acquires the progressive –ing, plural –s, and active voice before he or she acquires third person –s, or passive voice. (Richards, J. Platt, & H. Platt, 1992).

9 Low Affective Filter: Input becomes easier. High Affective Filter: Input is blocked For a low affective filter to happen, you need to be calm, relaxed... A low affective filter happens when you are stressed out, tense, sad...

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