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“school environment upgradation programme” at Hooghly on 12.01.14.

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1 “school environment upgradation programme” at Hooghly on 12.01.14

2 So many schemes have since been taken for development of playground, plantation, cultivation of fruit bearing trees, construction of school toilets etc. in the premises of primary / secondary schools of Hooghly District. Most of the activities are one time in nature having impact on the environment in school. The school environment can only be maintained if regular cleaning activities are performed in the premises.

3 Keeping in consideration of the cleaning aspect of the school premises “School Environment Updation” programme was launched at Primary / Upper Primary / Madrasa as well as High School and other Institutions viz. PHC, BPHC, SSK/MSK etc. by the Hooghly District on 12 th January, 2014.

4 Environment cleaning activities were taken up as continuing intervention measure to ensure that the plants have appropriate environment to flourish. Considering the protracted nature of activities involved in the scheme, two nos. of job seekers from the women SHG members who have Job Cards of their Household, were engaged. Necessary issuance of Job Cards were made whenever required.

5 District / Sub-Divisional / Block level Officers, MLAs and PRI representatives also attended the “School Environment Updation” programme on 12 th January, 2014 under their jurisdiction. The launching ceremony was held in “Ma Sarada Vidyalaya” under Polba-Dadpur Block where MIC, Higher Education Department was present and praised such an initiative of the District Administration. Commissioner, MGNREGA, West Bengal also expressed his satisfaction and wished the programme a great success. The programme launched in 1123 nos. of Institutions on the same day of which 769 nos. were Primary School, 58 nos. were Upper Primary School, 106 nos. of SSK & MSK and 18 nos. of High Madrasa.

6 This programme has a remarkable impact on school environment. The plants and fruit bearing trees are being nurtured regularly by the SHG women. They are even encouraging the students to keep clean the school toilets. Students are coming forward to clean the bush and garbage around their Institution. It give them confidence and sense of pride and financial freedom.

7 “Madhya Milanagarh Samshan Ghat” in Sripur Balagarh GP under Balagarh Block

8 There was only one funeral place namely “Madhya Milanagarh Samshan Ghat” in Sripur Balagarh GP under Balagarh Block. The place was full of mud and stagnant water before taking the land development scheme by the GP. Though there was enough space around the ‘Samshan Ghat’, but had hardly any space for the people to gather for funeral. The place was as low as agricultural land. In rainy season, the ‘Samshan Ghat’ was under the water and caused lots of trouble to the people accompanied with the dead body.

9 Sripur Balagarh Gram Panchayat took up a scheme of land development of “Madhya Milanagarh Samshan Ghat” during FY 2013-14. The work started in full enthusiasm and under active supervision of Pradhan, local member and other technical persons of Gram Panchayat. Within three and half months the scheme was completed. Moreover, scheme of plantation and beautification were taken up. Out of Rs. 2,74,175/- as project cost, the scheme came to end at Rs. 2,69,860/-. 1776 nos. of un-skilled person days were generated out of which 532 was women person days (29.76%).

10 After developing the land, the ‘Samsan Ghat’ now became quite high from the low agricultural land and no water logging happened so far. People of the locality are expressing their satisfaction for this type of developmental work. The enhanced space occurred due to the land development also provides some sort of peace and satisfaction to the morose people at the ‘Samsan Ghat’. Hopefully, the other schemes for plantation and beautification will add some value in of such kind of work. This is certainly one of the most important assets created by Sripur Balagarh GP under Balagarh Block.

11 Construction of earthen road in Mayapur-II GP under Arambagh Block

12 The ‘Bolundi` Village of the Mayapur-II Gram Panchayat under the Arambagh block is mostly inhabited by socially and economically backward people belonging to Scheduled Caste & minority community. Most of the households residing in the area are below the poverty line. Their principal means of livelihood is agriculture. In every season they cultivate food grains and other vegetables but faces problem while marketing. Assessing this need, decision was taken by the villagers while preparing Annual Action Plan, to construct a road that could help them in combatting the problem in transportation of their agricultural product to the Muthadanga Bazar for its smoother marketing.

13 Most interesting feature is that realizing utility of the work and non- availability of public land for implementation of it, good no. of villagers voluntarily donated lands for execution of the scheme. Scheme code : Estimated cost : 7,95,413/- Actual cost : 7,66,485/- Total estimated unskilled person days : 4645 Total Actual unskilled person days : 5005 Male person days: 2593 Female person days: 2412 Location of the scheme : Bolundi,Mayapur-II,Arambagh

14 Glimpses of the assets created After the construction of the road,villagers find it very easy to carry crops, food grains & vegetable to Muthadanga Bazar and as such economic base of the households in the area has been broaden. Impact of the works Increase in agricultural production in view of easy marketing Better rural connectivity Increased participation of people in planning, implementation & monitoring.

15 Concrete road of Guptipara-II GP under Balagarh Block

16 The condition of the road at Fatepur village from Kamal’s house to Hakim’s house was very bad and too narrow in width and full of mud. In rainy season the water of nearby pond came up on the road. As it was a connecting road with the main road, people used to face problems in moving due to its narrow width. Guptipara-II Gram Panchayat under Balagarh Block took up a scheme of road development at Fatepur village from Kamal’s house to Hakim’s house. They decided to construct concrete road considering its sustainability and durability. The work was completed with 7 days.

17 As the work was material oriented most of the cost incurred in the scheme was non-wages cost. Total Estimate: Un-Skilled Cost : - Rs. 12231/-, Non-wage Cost :- Rs. 171867/-, Total Project Cost :- 184098.0 Actual Expenditure :- Wage :- Rs. 11778/-, Non-wage :- Rs. 164947/-, Total Expenditure :- Rs. 176725/-, Un-Skilled Man days :- 78. After completion of this work, the road now became quite wide (116 mts. × 2.4mts), concrete in nature and all the local people feeling happy for this type of developmental work. The spaces of road now more than before and it became one of the most important assets of Guptipara-II No. Gram Panchayat under Balagarh Dev. block.

18 Re-excavation of Bhagar Pond in Dumurdaha Nityanandapur-II under Balagarh Block

19 Since long Bhagar pond of village Bagpara near Gopalpur RJSS play ground remain unutilized and water holding capacity was decreasing day by day. Dumurdaha Nityanandapur GP of Balagarh Block took up a scheme for reexcavation of the said pond in the middle of November, 2013. Total Estimated Project Cost: - 244431.00 Actual Expenditure:- Wage: - - 213150.00 Non-Wage: - 22008.00 Total Expenditure: - 235158.00

20 Person days Generated: - 1430 Total Women Participation:- 94 Work Start Date: - 13/11/2013 Works Close Date: - 30/01/2014 After completion of this work, the pond became wider and deeper and all the local people feeling happy for this type of developmental work. Water containing capacity of the pond has increased which helps in agriculture. During Social Audit all appreciated the initiative of the Gram Panchayat and it became one of the most important assets of Dumurdaha Nityanandapur Gram Panchayat under Balagarh Dev. block.

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