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The optional additional studies Vasaramäki School Turku, Finland.

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1 The optional additional studies Vasaramäki School Turku, Finland


3  In Finland after completing basic education, a young person can continue studying or enter working life.  It is not considered advisable to move into working life immediately, but one of the objectives of education policy is to provide the whole of each age group with upper secondary education free of charge.  If education is continued, a choice is usually made between general upper secondary school and vocational education and training.  In case basic education completers feel that their skills are not quite up to the standard required by further education, they can supplement their knowledge and improve on the school-leaving certificate marks by enrolling in additional voluntary education in the so-called 10th grade. In Finland after completing basic education…

4  In Vasaramäki School we are giving an alternative to the traditional 10th grade.  We call our new way YsiPlus.  It’s locally a new way for additional voluntary education. Our focus is in completing the formal education by non-formal education through the co- operation with different stake-holders like Vasaran Pauke ry.  Empowerment of young people, the spirit of initiative and entrepreneurial learning are key words in YsiPlus.  Entrepreneurship and personal leadership are a necessity to take a next step and succeed in life. We co-operate with enterprises and different kind of employers.  Working and learning by doing in those enterprises under those employers is an important part of YsiPlus -year.  The group size in 2013-2014 will be 15-20. YsiPlus

5  to foster the ability of young people for life control and readiness to manage the daily responsibilities and duties  to foster the self-image of each  to improve the social skills of each young people  the individual skills of learning will be improved YsiPlus objectives

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