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Copyright Ginger Lin 2007 Chinese Step by Step Copyright Ginger Lin 2007 Session 2 About Food.

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2 Copyright Ginger Lin 2007 Chinese Step by Step

3 Copyright Ginger Lin 2007 Session 2 About Food

4 Copyright Ginger Lin 2007 Lesson 6 Ni yao chi shenme ? 你要吃什么? What do you want to eat?

5 Copyright Ginger Lin 2007 Part 1 New Words gailan niurou 芥蓝牛肉 beef with broccoli kuangquanshui 矿泉水 mineral water Dian 点 order doufu gan 豆腐干 dried bean curd putao jiu 葡萄酒 red wine xigua 西瓜 watermelon mangguo 芒果 mango

6 Copyright Ginger Lin 2007 Part 1-1 A: Qingwen,ni yao chi shenme ? 请问,你要吃什么? May I ask you, what you want to eat? B: Wo yao chi gailan niurou. 我要吃芥蓝牛肉。 I want to eat beef with broccoli. A: Ni xiang he shenme? 你想喝什么? What do you want to drink? B: Wo xiang he kuangquanshui. 我想喝矿泉水。 I want to drink mineral water. A: Mei wenti. 没问题。 No problem. B: Xiexie. 谢谢。 Thank you.

7 Copyright Ginger Lin 2007 Part 1-2 A: Ni yao dian shenme? 你要点什么? What do you want to order? B: Wo yao dian doufu gan. 我要点豆腐干。 I want to order dried bean curd. A: Hao chi ma? 好吃吗? Is it delicious? B: Bu cuo. 不错。 Not bad. A: Ni yao dian shenme yinliao? 你要点什么饮料? What drink do you want to order? B: Putao jiu. 葡萄酒。 Red wine.

8 Copyright Ginger Lin 2007 Part 1-3 A: Ni xiang chi shenme shuiguo? 你想吃什么水果? What kind fruit do you want to eat? B: Xigua. 西瓜。 Watermelon. A: Wo bu zhi dao yao chi shenme? 我不知道要吃什么? I don’t know what I want to eat? B: Manguo zenmeyang? 芒果怎么样? How about mango? A: Hao chi ma? 好吃吗? Is it delicious? B: Chi kankan. 吃看看。 Have a taste.

9 Copyright Ginger Lin 2007 Part 2 New Words Haoyou niurou 蚝油牛肉 beef with oyster sauce mashang 马上 immediately molihua cha 茉莉花茶 jasmine tea buding 布丁 pudding

10 Copyright Ginger Lin 2007 Part 2-1 A: Ni xihuan chi shenme? 你喜欢吃什么? What would you like to eat? B: Haoyou niurou. 蚝油牛肉。 Beef with oyster sauce. A: Hai yao shenme? 还要什么? What else do you want? B: Zheyang jiu hao le. 这样就好了。 That is enough. A: Hao, mashang lai. 好, 马上来。 All right, it will come soon. B: Xiexie. 谢谢。 Thank you.

11 Copyright Ginger Lin 2007 Part 2-2 A: Ni xihuan he shenme? 你喜欢喝什么? What would you like to drink? B: Moli hua cha.? 茉莉花茶。 Jasmine tea. A: Yao jia tang ma? 要加糖吗? Do you want to add sugar? B: Yidianr. 一点儿。 A little bit. A: Hao. 好。 OK. B: Hen xiexie ni. 很谢谢你。 Thank you very much.

12 Copyright Ginger Lin 2007 Part 2-3 A: Ni xihuan shenme dianxin? 你喜欢什么点心? What would you like for dessert? B: Buding. 布丁。 Pudding. A: Caomei buding hao ma? 草莓布丁,好吗? Is strawberry pudding, all right? B: Bu hao. 不好。 No. A: Xiangcao ne? 香草呢 ? How about vanilla? B: Hao. 好。 OK.

13 Copyright Ginger Lin 2007 Part 3 New Words mayou 麻油 sesame oil layou 辣油 hot sauce tiaoweiliao 调味料 seasoning hujiao fen 胡椒粉 black pepper hen duo zhong 很多种 many kinds yi kuai 一块 a piece of

14 Copyright Ginger Lin 2007 Part 3-1 A: Nimen you shenme you? 你们有什么油。 What kind of oil do you have? B: Mayou. 麻油。 Sesame oil. A: You meiyou layou? 有没有辣油? Do you have hot sauce? B: You, zai zher. 有,在这儿。 Yes, here. A: Hen xiexie ni. 很谢谢你。 Thank you very much. B: Bu yong xie. 不用谢。 You’re welcome.

15 Copyright Ginger Lin 2007 Part 3-2 A: Nimen you shenme tiaoweiliao? 你们有什么调味料? What kind of seasonings do you have? B: Layou. 辣油。 Hot sauce. A: You hujiao fen ma ?有胡椒粉吗? Do you have pepper powder? B: You. 有。 Yes. A: Feichang xiexie ni. 非常谢谢你。 Thank you very much. B: Bu keqi. 不客气。 You are welcome.

16 Copyright Ginger Lin 2007 Part 3-3 A: Nimen you shenme dangao? 你们有什么蛋糕? What kind of cake do you have? B: Hen duo zhong. 很多种。 Many kinds. A: Keyi gei wo yikuai lanmei dangao ma? 可以给我一块兰莓蛋糕吗? Could you give me a piece of blue berry cake? B: Mashang lai. 马上来。 It will come immediately. A: Xiexie. 谢谢。 Thanks. B: Bu yong xie. 不用谢。 You’re welcome.

17 Copyright Ginger Lin 2007 Part 4 New Words boluo 菠萝 pineapple tangcu yu 糖醋鱼 sweet and sour fish suanla tang 酸辣汤 hot and sour soup surou 素肉 vegetarian meat sucai 素菜 vegetarian food chi su 吃素 to be (eat) vegetarian

18 Copyright Ginger Lin 2007 Part 4-1 A: Ni zui xihuan shenme shuiguo? 你最喜欢什么水果? What kind fruit do you like most? B: Boluo. 菠萝。 Pineapples. A: Qiyi guo ne? 奇异果呢 ? How about kiwis? B: Tai suan. 太酸。 Too sour. A: Wo bu juede. 我不觉得。 I don’t think so. B: Wo juede. 我觉得。 I think so.

19 Copyright Ginger Lin 2007 Part 4-2 A: Ni zui xihuan shenme cai? 你最喜欢什么菜? What kind dish do you like most? B: Tangcu yu. 糖醋鱼。 Sweet and sour fish. A: Suanla tang ne? 酸辣汤呢? How about hot and sour soup? B: Ye hen hao. 也很好。 It is also very good. A: Manman chi. 慢慢吃。 Enjoy your meal (Eat slowly). B: Xiexie. 谢谢。 Thank you.

20 Copyright Ginger Lin 2007 Part 4-3 A: Ni zui xihuan chi shenme? 你最喜欢吃什么? What do you like to eat most? B: Sucai. 素菜。 Vegetarian food. A: Surou ne? 素肉呢? How about vegetarian meat? B: Ye hen bu cuo. 也很不错。 It is not bad, either. A: Ni chi su ma? 你吃素吗 ? Are you a vegetarian? B: Dui. 对。 Yes.

21 Copyright Ginger Lin 2007 Part 5 New Words wu bei 五杯 five cups wulong cha 乌龙茶 Oolong tea san ge 三个 3 + classifier zha yangcong chuan 炸洋葱圈 onion ring luobo gao 萝卜糕 turnip cake shi ge 十个 10 + classifier gou 够 enough yigong 一共 altogether Sanshi kuai 三十块 30 dollars

22 Copyright Ginger Lin 2007 Part 5-1 A: Nimen yao ji bei kele? 你们要几杯可乐? How many cups of cola do you want? B: Wu bei. 五杯。 Five. A: Nimen ne? 你们呢? How about you? B: Liang bei Wulong cha. 两杯乌龙茶。 Two cups of oolong tea. A: Xiexie. 谢谢。 Thank you. B: Bu xie. 不谢。 You’re welcome.

23 Copyright Ginger Lin 2007 Part 5-2 A: Nimen yao ji ge hanbao? 你们要几个汉堡? How many hamburgers do you want? B: San ge. 三个。 Three. A: Hai yao shenme? 还要什么? What else do you want? B: Yi fen zha yangcong quan. 一份炸洋葱圈。 An order of onion rings. A: Yao yinliao ma? 要饮料吗? Do you want something drink? A: Bu yong le. 不用了。 No.(Don’t need it.)

24 Copyright Ginger Lin 2007 Part 5-3 A: Ni yao ji ge luobo gao. 你要几个萝卜糕? How many turnip cakes do you want? B: Shi ge. 十个。 Ten. A: Gou le ma? 够了吗? Is that enough? B: Shi. 是。 Yes. A: Yigong sanshi kuai qian. 一共三十块钱。 Altogether it is thirty dollars. B: Hao. 好。 OK.

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