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Food Vocabulary Created by K. Virginia Bond © for students at SRE May 2007 Grades: K-1 Target Skills: Phonological Awareness, Fluency, Comprehension,

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Presentation on theme: "Food Vocabulary Created by K. Virginia Bond © for students at SRE May 2007 Grades: K-1 Target Skills: Phonological Awareness, Fluency, Comprehension,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Food Vocabulary Created by K. Virginia Bond © for students at SRE May 2007 Grades: K-1 Target Skills: Phonological Awareness, Fluency, Comprehension, Articulation, Vocabulary

3 Click on the word that matches the picture. Remember… ALL the words!

4 mandarin oranges meatballs mac and cheese

5 Correct!

6 Wrong!

7 pancake french toast waffles

8 Correct!

9 Wrong!

10 hamburger steak hot dog on a roll

11 Correct!

12 Wrong!

13 french fries freckles fried eggs

14 Correct!

15 Wrong!

16 eggs toast bacon

17 Correct!

18 Wrong!

19 pudding ice cream sundae cake

20 Correct!

21 Wrong!

22 spaghetti steak string cheese

23 Correct!

24 Wrong!

25 eggs toast bread

26 Correct!

27 Wrong!

28 donuts hot dogs raisins

29 Correct!

30 Wrong!

31 cheese butter milk

32 Correct!

33 Wrong!

34 cheese macaroni & cheese pizza

35 Correct!

36 Wrong!

37 hamburger cheeseburger ham sandwich

38 Correct!

39 Wrong!

40 chicken strips french fries onion rings

41 Correct!

42 Wrong!

43 chicken dinner turkey dinner nachos

44 Correct!

45 Wrong!

46 fried chicken fried ice cream fried fish

47 Correct!

48 Wrong!

49 steak ham broccoli spears

50 Correct!

51 Wrong!

52 green beans turnips mashed potatoes

53 Correct!

54 Wrong!

55 ham fruit peas

56 Correct!

57 Wrong!

58 tuna fish mango coconut

59 Correct!

60 Wrong!

61 beans peas nuts

62 Correct!

63 Wrong

64 cream cheese with bananas cereal with bananas cookies and bananas

65 Correct!

66 Wrong!

67 no bake cookies oatmeal cookies chocolate chip cookies

68 Correct!

69 Wrong!

70 beans cucumbers squash

71 Correct!

72 Wrong!

73 toast pancakes waffles

74 Correct!

75 Wrong!

76 macaroni salad tossed salad potato salad

77 Correct!

78 Wrong!

79 tossed salad fruit salad toasted almond salad

80 Correct!

81 Wrong!

82 oxtail soup oats, peas and beans oatmeal

83 Correct!

84 Wrong!

85 beans bagels brussel sprouts

86 Correct!

87 Wrong!

88 french toast french toast pancakes fruit salad fruit salad

89 Correct!

90 Wrong!

91 cake with frosting cake with frosting cupcake crumb cake crumb cake

92 Correct!

93 Wrong!

94 cheese pizza cheese pizza pumpkin pizza pumpkin pizza pepperoni pizza pepperoni pizza

95 Correct!

96 Wrong!

97 popcorn corn on the cob caramel corn

98 Correct!

99 Wrong!

100 mashed potatoes potato chips potato flakes

101 Correct!

102 Wrong!

103 tacos chips and dip burritos

104 Correct!

105 Wrong!

106 sandwich Sunny D hamburger

107 Correct!

108 Wrong!

109 macaroni and cheese salsa and chips nachos and cheese

110 Correct!

111 Wrong!

112 pizza pretzel pineapple

113 Correct!

114 Wrong!

115 meatballs mothballs marshmallows

116 Correct!

117 Wrong!

118 rice krispie treats rice cereal

119 Correct!

120 Wrong!

121 butter bagel bleu cheese

122 Correct!

123 Wrong!

124 soda milk lemonade

125 Correct!

126 Wrong!

127 drinks dinner rolls dog biscuits

128 Correct!

129 Wrong!

130 poutine french fries poor man’s stew

131 Correct!

132 Wrong!

133 soup stew sandwich

134 Correct!

135 Wrong!

136 tacos burritos nachos

137 Correct!

138 Wrong!

139 ribs cheeseburger salad

140 Correct!

141 Wrong!

142 ice cream slices cold cuts cheese plate

143 Correct!

144 Wrong!

145 bread bagels brussel sprouts

146 Correct!

147 Wrong!

148 Chicken wings Turkey wings Cow legs

149 Correct!

150 Wrong!

151 lasagna spaghetti ravioli

152 Correct!

153 Wrong!

154 jelly on toast jelly beans jamsters

155 Correct!

156 Wrong!

157 cheese cheeseburgers cheesy macaroni

158 Correct!

159 Wrong!


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