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Лексический КВН по теме «Продукты». (3 класс) A A T T Z Z G G N N X X Q Q E E K K Y Y D D W W M M C C O O U U V V S S H H B B J J P P I I R R L L F.

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Presentation on theme: "Лексический КВН по теме «Продукты». (3 класс) A A T T Z Z G G N N X X Q Q E E K K Y Y D D W W M M C C O O U U V V S S H H B B J J P P I I R R L L F."— Presentation transcript:


2 Лексический КВН по теме «Продукты». (3 класс)


4 A A T T Z Z G G N N X X Q Q E E K K Y Y D D W W M M C C O O U U V V S S H H B B J J P P I I R R L L F F

5 A A G G Z Z T T N N X X Y Y E E K K Q Q D D B B M M V V O O U U C C S S H H W W F F P P I I R R L L J J


7 Для здоровья должны есть ребята На завтрак сливочное масло – butter Если вдруг ты есть попросишь, Дам тебе колбасы – sausage Если ты за фигурой своей следишь, Ешь почаще рыбу – fish Мама овсяную кашу нам подаёт, Овсяная каша здоровье даёт. С мамой нашей не поспоришь, Овсяная каша это – porridge

8 Приглашу на чай я друга. На стол поставлю сахар – sugar Мы гостям предложим всем К чаю сладкое варенье - jam Пчёлы всегда поделятся с нами Мёдом своим. По-английски мёд – honey А на десерт мы гостям подадим Мороженое – ice –cream




12 Выпиши лишнее слово 1.Tea, water, milk, meat, juice, coffee. 2.Cheese, butter, bread, milk, ice-cream. 3.Potato, tomato, cabbage, carrot, apple.


14 k _ r ə t f ɪ _ p _ ri ʤ _ilk b _ t ə æ ɔ ʃ ʌ m 1.1. 2.2. 3.3. 4.4. 5.5.


16 1.chwisand 2.ridporge 3.totoma 4.cejui 5.annaab 1.sandwich 2.porridge 3.tomato 4.juice 5.banana

17 What colour are they?  Colours  Red  White  Yellow  Pink  Green  Purple  Brown  Black  Fruits  Banana  Pear  Apple  Mango  Papaya  Pineapple  Lemon  Orange  Grapes


19 Green ShopWhite ShopSweet Shop milkcakesweetspotatocheesecabbagehoney buttercarrotapplejamice-cream


21 Пословицы:  An apple a day keeps the doctor away  Лук от семи недуг

22 Games  Where Food Comes From / Plants Ps choose favourite fruit and classify whether it grows incold or hot countries. Ps classify vegetables according to whether they are eaten cooked, raw and whether all of it is eaten. Ps classify both according to whether they grow on trees, bushes or on the ground. Apple Poem. Fruit quiz. LANGUAGE: Names of fruit and vegetables, colours, sentence patterns ‘Tomatoes are red; tomatoes grow on bushes.’ THINKING: Classifying types of food.

23 Games  Food and Health / The Food Pyramid  Ps listen and match labels to food, draw missing food and classify food items under meals e.g. breakfast foods  Ps classify food drawn in a healthy eating pyramid where food at the top and upper middle should be eaten a little, food at the lower middle and bottom should be eaten a lot.  Ps draw traffic lights for different foods which they should eat a lot of (red), eat some in moderation (amber) or eat very little of (green).  LANGUAGE: Names of foods; sentence pattern ‘There is some bread’ using countable and non-countable nouns. Pattern ’There are a lot of sweets, I eat a little / a lot of …’  THINKING: Classifying healthy and less healthy types of food.


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