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Texas Local Governments Topical Scenario Cities Counties Special Districts Local Government and Change Local Government and Democracy.

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2 Texas Local Governments Topical Scenario Cities Counties Special Districts Local Government and Change Local Government and Democracy

3 Topical Scenario Natural Disasters and local government response Houston response to Hurricane Katrina –Immediate Shelter –Following Education Requirements Impact of Hurricane Rita –Biggest traffic jam in history Exposed major holes in local, state and federal response plans.

4 State Evacuation Task Force Study Local governments can’t control gas and traffic issues Need for sequences evacuation plans Finding inland evacuation centers for evacuees just a bad as controlling gas supplies and traffic flows. State wants to create regional response management but local governments don’t want to give up local control

5 Local Governments Level closest to the people Includes cities, counties, and special districts Responsible for police and fire departments, school districts, water and sewage systems, roads and bridges, garbage disposal, parks, libraries. Remains a mystery for the average citizens Lowest voter turnout of all election types

6 Roots of Local Government Under Spanish and Mexican rule, Texas was divided into 23 large municipalities Republic of Texas turned them into counties Walking distance to county seat – one day Larger counties had to be carved up Initially counties were totally responsible for education ISDs and board requirements added in 1900 Today Texas has 254 counties –Harris County most populated – 2,000,000 –Brewster County geographically largest –Loving County least populated with highest per capita income level

7 Counties Administrative subunits of the state At one time allowed to qualify for home rule status Have some discretionary authority Elect local authorities Exist primarily to enforce state laws Texas Association of Counties

8 County Government No separation of powers Commissioners court is all three branches of governments County judge is county CEO County divided into 4 commissioner areas Sheriff performs law enforcement function Includes - tax assessor-collector, county clerk, district attorney, treasurer, and auditor

9 County Budget Revenues –property tax, bonds, and fees Expenses –law enforcement, jails, roads and bridge construction, and repair, parks, libraries, and county record keeping

10 Williamson County 2007 Budget Revenue – $221,427,338 Expenses –$184,735,028 –Administration 12.7% –Public Safety 49.2% –Transportation 10.8% –Judicial 8.4% –Community Ser 5.2% –Debt Interest 13.6%

11 Criticism of County Government Inflexibility - state could allow home-rule type control No Separation of powers - council- manager form would improve oversight No county specific ordinances Spoils system of staffing Traffic management too parochial, every commissioner protects own area.

12 Cities (1212) Municipal incorporation - a charter from the state. This charter is the city’s constitution. Must have a population of at least 200. Charter must be approved by majority of voters. Texas Municipal League – lobbying arm for Texas cities.

13 Types of Cities General-law city < 5000 population –80% of cities (900) in this category –operates under State of Texas general laws –must provide basic services –prevents annexation by larger city Home rule city –operates under local control –state does establish some restrictions limits property taxes to $2.50 per $100 –requires majority vote to change to general- law city

14 City Forms of Government Legislature determines forms available –Mayor – Council –Council – Manager –Commission City Majority of voters must approve Can be modified by city to meet local requirements

15 Mayor-Council City 20% of home-rule and all general-law cities Combines executive and legislative branches Strong Mayor Type –budget, hiring and veto authority Weak Mayor Type –shares duties and vote with council Only Houston has strong mayor type governments

16 Council-Manager City 70% of home-rule cities use this type of government including Austin. Stems from fear of powerful executive Mayor can be popularly elected or elected by council Mayor is “first among equals” with one vote on council Professional city manager runs system –competent manager can be powerful –controls agenda –can also end up as scapegoat

17 Commission City Popularized in 1906 Galveston Commissioners are popularly elected Commission is executive and legislature Mayor elected by council or by voters Collective decisions on policy Individual enforcement and policy application in assigned departments Elections do not guarantee competence Budget process becomes very parochial Very few cities select this type system

18 Citizen Advisory Boards Investigates and advises council on specific issues Appointed by council for two year terms Number of boards grows as population grows Can be temporary or permanent

19 Election of Councils Mayor elected at-large Council options –at-large: voters select names based on number of seats on council. Most votes wins seat. –At-large-by-place: candidates run for selected place on ballot only. City majority usually controls council seats

20 Reforms and Alternatives At-large-by-district with residency requirements –Ties candidates to one local area –Majority still controls seats Single member districts –Geographic zones of equal population –Compact as possible –Cannot dilute minority neighborhoods –Not widely accepted


22 Mixed System Dallas - 8 single districts, 2 at-large, and mayor at-large. 8-2-1 Plan Modified to 10-4-1 Plan Still considered discriminatory Decided on 14-1 Plan

23 Cumulative Voting At-large style Voters assign votes to whomever they want Can spread 8 votes to 8 candidates Can assign all 8 votes to one candidate During the 1990s 15 cities and 32 ISDs adopted this form of voting to avoid the legal challenges of the straight at-large style.

24 City Ordinances Laws passed by city council Include traffic, zoning, health, and building codes Can also be used to specify use districts and density districts

25 City Growth - Annexation Absorbing adjacent lands to increase tax base Decision made by city council May annex an additional 10% per year Must be contiguous to existing limits Must provide services within 2.5 years May not change the purpose of the annexed land use after annexation


27 Strip Annexation Annexation along a strip of roadway Extends 1000 feet either side of the centerline of the roadway May extend strip 3.5 miles per year

28 2003

29 Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Laying claim to land just outside the city limits ETJ size depends on population of cityETJ Can only extend one to five mile from an area strip annexed Prevents another city from annexing area City exercises some control over growth and development Residents don’t have a normal say in process

30 City Budgets Revenues –property taxes –sales tax (1%) –bonds (general obligation and revenue) Expenses –transportation (roads and bridges) –safety ( police and fire departments, EMS) –recreation areas –water and sewage

31 Round Rock Budget 2008 Propose Revenue - $135,000,000 Proposed Expenses - $135,000,000 –Administration 22.2% –Public Safety 25.7% –Transportation 6.9% –Parks 6.9% –Library 2.8% –Debt Interest 35.0%

32 Special Districts (3200+) Designed for specific function Created by legislature, board or commission, amendment, commissioners court, city council, referendum Performs functions state or county cannot or will not Multimember board, elected or appointed Examples – RMAs, ISDs, MUDs, airport and housing authorities Revenues - property tax, sales tax, bonds

33 Round Rock ISD Budget 2008 Proposed Revenue - $421,034,515 Propose General Expenses - $312,335,619 –Administrative - 90% –Teacher Retirement – 5% –Robin Hood Payment – 5% Debt Interest - $ 62,956,663 –This represents 15% of Total Budget Expenses

34 Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority (CTRMA) 2001 Texas Mobility Fund created by legislature. Authorized creation of Regional Mobility Authorities. CTRMA created in 2002. Capitol Area Metro Planning Organization – 23 elected members CAMPO approves toll road plan

35 Criticisms of Special Districts Too easy to create Too obscure to the public MUDs –developers tool for subdivision infrastructure –higher home price or property taxes Operate with little regulation

36 Solutions for Problem Areas Texas Municipal League – SIG working to protect city power and authority. Metrogoverments - combined bodies to eliminate duplicated and overlapping efforts. Intergovernmental contracting - using one bodies expertise to provide service to another. Privatization - allow private business to provide selected service. Councils of Government - regional planning coordinating bodies directed by federal authorities.

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