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Presentation on theme: "BOLD’S WORLD’S BEST WORK FORCE, MISSION TO SUCCESS."— Presentation transcript:


2 The WBWF Plan is a living plan that will guide the district to improved student success. This plan will also reach out to increase the participation of all stakeholders in the district, including but not limited to students, staff, parents business and communities members. The results of the WBWF Survey will also be used to guide the district as we move forward.

3 There are 5 goals of the WBWF Plan the district is challenged with to ensure our students are prepared when they enter our buildings in pre-kindergarten and career or college ready when they leave our buildings after graduation.

4 WORLD’s BEST WORK FORCE GOALS 1.All students ready for kindergarten 2.All students in third grade achieving grade level literacy 3.Closing the achievement gap 4.All students attaining career and college readiness before graduating from high school 5.All students graduating from high school

5 BOLD Steps To Meet Our Goals

6 1. All students ready for kindergarten  Learning Fun House,  Play Island,  Heartland Community Action- Headstart  Creative, Parent Aware 4 Star Rating.  Researched Based and trained staff.  New 4 Year old program, NAME.  Scholastic Curriculum.  Training for staff already on board.

7 2. All students in third grade achieving grade level literacy  MN Reading Corps  STAR Reading and Math  RTI  Title programs  Adding a third section to 2 nd grade

8 3. Closing the achievement gap The district has it’s Achievement and Integration Plan (A & I Plan) that has been submitted to the state for approval. The basis of the plan is to reduce the achievement gap between the district’s non-free and reduced population (non-FRP) and the free and reduced population (FRP) in the academic areas of mathematics and reading. The gap considered is for grades 3 – 8 and is based off the results of the state MCAs. The state has a timeline set on this and is based on prior results of tests that are intended to raise to a level that reduces the final gap by 50% following the outcomes of the 2017 MCA results. A performance guide was created by the state for districts to follow as we move forward in reducing the gaps. The A & I Plan is attached to the end of this presentation.

9 2011201220132014201520162017 Reading 71.873.555.459.363.466.6 69.9 77.7 Math 55.4 71.360.564.767.971.3 74.1 77.7 Graduation 100 maintain Districts Obtainable Proficiency Goal’s for Closing the Gap : Proficiency Rate Gain Expectations Range of Current Proficiency Rate Expected Change in One Year Minimum to Maximum Less than 30%8%5% to 9% 30% to 50%6.5%5% to 8% 50% to 60%5%3% to 7% 60% to 70%4%3% to 5% 70% to 80%3%2% to 4% 80% to 90%1.5%1% to 2% 90% to 95%.5%Maintain to 1% Over 95%0%Maintain

10 4. All students attaining career and college readiness before graduating from high school  District was awarded the Ramp Up To Readiness Grant for grades 6 – 12.  Plan, Explore and ACT assessments for grades 8, 10 and 11.  Careers course offered to all students in grade 10.  Job Shadow opportunities for students grades 9 – 12.  ASVAB for all juniors  College fair at Ridgewater College in Willmar.

11 5. All students graduating from high school  Use student data to more closely monitor all students  Create Individual Learner Plans (ILPs) for all at risk students  Working with OSY Programs and ESL to get non-enrolled students attending school.

12 This presentation only covers the goals the district is accountable for as laid out in the WBWF Plan. The second part deals with the actions that the district will take to assure the goals are met. Examples can be found in; PART II: PLAN COMPONENTS SPECIFIED IN MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 120B.11, WITH SUGGESTIONS AND EXAMPLES THAT REFLECT BEST PRACTICE, of the WBWF Planning Guide that is also attached. Those examples are highlighted in yellow and written in red in PART II. The information in this presentation represents the collaborative work of the district’s World’s Best Work Force Committee. As stated this is a living plan for the district and is the basis for which the district moves into the future to ensure the success of all students.

13 District Plan Components and Activities

14 1. Provide clearly defined district and school site goals and benchmarks for instruction and student achievement for all student subgroups.

15  Alternative Delivery of Specialized Instructional Services (ADSIS)  Train Teachers in Small group instruction and/or differentiated instruction  District integration Plan  District Staff Development Plan(TBD)  Continuous Improvement Monitoring Process (CIMP) Plan(TBD)  Initiate, part of reflection process.(TBD)

16 2. Provide specific information on a process for assessing and evaluating each student's progress toward meeting state and local academic standards and identifying the strengths and weaknesses of instruction in pursuit of student and school success and curriculum affecting students' progress and growth toward career and college readiness and leading to the world's best workforce.

17  Read Well By Third Grade Literacy Plan  Student Advisory or Career Counseling Plan  Ramp up to Readiness  Advanced Course Offerings (e.g., PSEO, College Now Courses)  Student Support Programming (e.g., Alternative Learning Programs, Targeted Services, 21 st Century, Credit Recovery)  Implement a Continuous Improvement Progress Monitoring (CIMP) Plan  Plan for Educator Effectiveness (Marzano)  Instructional Rounds & Leadership Coaching with iObservation and Marzano

18 3. Describe the system in place to periodically review and evaluate the effectiveness of all instruction and curriculum, taking into account strategies and best practices, student outcomes, building principal evaluations and teacher evaluations.

19  Reflection Process 3 x per year  Marzano and iObservation  Use student outcomes to periodically review and evaluate the effectiveness of instruction and curriculum?  Link principal and educator evaluation systems to effectiveness of instruction and curriculum iObservation and Marzano.  PLCs will meet twice monthly.

20 4. Provide specific information on strategies for improving instruction, curriculum, and student achievement.

21  District Integration Plan  Teacher Self Evaluation  Peer Support and Observation  Put a comprehensive professional development plan for all educators in place that clearly outlines selection criteria and essential functions expected of staff along with the goal of educating ALL of Minnesota’s students to graduate from high school career and college ready in order to create the world’s best workforce.

22 5. Description of education effectiveness practices that integrate high-quality instruction, rigorous curriculum, technology, and a collaborative professional culture that develops and supports teacher quality, performance and effectiveness.

23 Existing District Resources and Plans may include:  Effective Principal Evaluation Plan  Plan for Educator Effectiveness  Professional Development Plans  District Integration Plan

24 6. Periodically survey affected constituencies about their connection to and level of satisfaction with school. The district shall include the results of this evaluation in the summary report.

25 7. Establish a district advisory committee to ensure active community participation in all phases of planning and improving the instruction and curriculum affecting state academic standards

26 8. The district advisory committee shall make recommendations to the school board regarding rigorous academic standards, student achievement goals and measures consistent with subdivision 1a and sections 120B.022, subdivision 1, paragraphs (b) and (c), and 120B.35, district assessments, program evaluations.

27 9. District Reporting Requirements, The school board shall publish a report in the local newspaper with the largest circulation in the district, by mail, or by electronic means on the district website.


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