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Legal Studies Law enforcement agencies Today we will investigate law enforcement agencies: Definition Jurisdiction Roles Using court cases, statutes and.

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1 Legal Studies Law enforcement agencies Today we will investigate law enforcement agencies: Definition Jurisdiction Roles Using court cases, statutes and case studies

2 Revision – rights and responsibilities What is a right? A right is an entitlement What is a responsibility? A responsibility is an obligation one person has to another person, group or society.

3 Revision – rights and responsibilities How are rights and responsibilites related? Rights often have corresponding responsibilities. – Eg right to education v the responsibility to pay taxes – the right to education v the responsibility of the state to provide schools and of parents to send their children to school moral rights often influence legal rights. E.g. right to be free from discrimination. – Not always: euthanasia

4 Law enforcement agencies: definition Law enforcement agencies: Are part of various government departments charged with administering the law (second arm of government) Exist because legislation has been passed which defines their jurisdiction and roles. Youtube clip – Which police power and which government does the clip refer to? google&hl=en&gl=AU&v=5MebAYbs4go&nomobile=1

5 NSW Police Force – jurisdiction and roles NSW Police Force Jurisdiction: Operates within NSW only. Roles: 1.prevent crime 2.investigate crime and seizure ii.access to information iii.interrogation iv.electronic surveillance v.medical exams vi.Fingerprints and photographs 3.arrest offenders – detention 4.prosecute offenders Legislation: 1. Crimes Act 1900 (NSW 2. Road Transport (General) Act 1999 (NSW)

6 Australian Federal Police (AFP) The AFP fights trans-border crime (between Australia and the world): 1.counter-terrorism 2.major fraud 3.smuggling (especially drugs and people) 4.electronic crime 5.Peacekeeping 6.ACT policing Note: The AFP collaborates with overseas and domestic policing organisations. All law enforcement agencies are required to do this. Compare to 9/11.

7 Worksheet 1 Quick Quiz Over the next 5 minutes, answer questions 1 to 3 on Worksheet 1 using the information covered so far. Collaborate with your peers if necessary.

8 Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) ASIO’s jurisdiction is both within and outside Australia ASIO’s role is to warn the federal government about security threats (such as espionage and terrorism) Court Case: Dr Haneef Alleged involvement in terrorist attack in Scotland His cousin was involved Dr Haneef had given his cousin a SIM card Dr Haneef had bought a one-way trip to India ASIO believed he was not involved AFP pursued the case (and lost): accused of loss of perspective and excessive zeal (2008 report by Justice Clarke)

9 Other government agencies Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) – Protects Australian borders from the importation of biologically hazardous material (i.e. diseases and pests) Plants Animals Australian Customs – Controls the security of Australian borders: Drugs illegal firearms other dangerous goods

10 Worksheet 1 Quick Quiz Answer the remaining questions on Worksheet 1. (ie Questions 4 & 5).

11 Summary Law enforcement agencies: Are empowered by statute to administer the law NSW police – NSW only

12 Other government agencies Australian Crime Commission (ACC) – Counters serious & organised crime – (Bikies, performance enhancing drug trade) Australian Tax Office (ATO) – Investigates and prosecutes tax offences – (Glen Wheatley, Paul Hogan) Immigration Department Australian Defence Force – Link in with AFP (peace keeping forces in the Solomons) – Link in with Australian Customs and Immigration Department (people smuggling and boat refugees).

13 Worksheet 2 Quick Quiz – exam practice Over the next 10 minutes, answer the 5 questions on Worksheet 2 using the information covered so far plus the concept map. Collaborate with your peers if necessary. You will receive a 1 minute warning after 9 minutes. If you finish early, find someone to correct your work.

14 Law enforcement agencies Further research: NSW Police: cedures ABS on law enforcement agancies ject/1301.0~2012~Main%20Features~Law%20enforcement% 20agencies~62

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