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Ellen Vos MSDIWG6 Netherlands report. 2 IHO A principal Aim of the IHO is to ensure that all the world's seas, oceans and navigable waters are surveyed.

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Presentation on theme: "Ellen Vos MSDIWG6 Netherlands report. 2 IHO A principal Aim of the IHO is to ensure that all the world's seas, oceans and navigable waters are surveyed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ellen Vos MSDIWG6 Netherlands report

2 2 IHO A principal Aim of the IHO is to ensure that all the world's seas, oceans and navigable waters are surveyed and charted. The Mission of the IHO is to create a global environment in which States provide adequate and timely hydrographic data, products and services and ensure their widest possible use. ERGO Hydrography is more than Nautical Charting

3 3 HO traditional : Safety of Navigation 15-9-2015 Data provider HO ENC Data provider Data provider Licensing/Rights Management Service Bus/Delivery gatheringdata managementlegal distribution

4 4 Toward Data Centricity NSHC31 Amsterdam 25-27 June 2014 Knowledge transfer is only small part of the original data Bathymetry Chart Think in therms of data, rather than product

5 5 HO today: Safety of Navigation and other use 15-9-2015 Data provider HO ENC Data provider Data provider Licensing/Rights Management Service Bus/Delivery gatheringdata management legal distribution

6 6 Other use of data Full 3d seafloor modeling for engineering Seafloor type definition from backscatter data for sedimentary studies Sound velocity studies for oceanographic studies Wreck and obstruction data in more detail than chart Geodetic and tidal information for datum studies.

7 7 HO today: Safety of Navigation and other use 15-9-2015 Data provider HO ENC Data provider Data provider Licensing/Rights Management Service Bus/Delivery gatheringdata management legal distribution DATA DUPLICATION AND DATA AMBIGUITY

8 8 Policy & Governance Standards ICT Data Interoperability Marine Spatial Infrastructure (MSDI) o MSDI is not collection of products o MSDI is infrastructure that promotes interoperablity Data held in generic way, not for a particular product, user or purpose

9 9 15-9-2015 Data provider Data provider Data provider Licensing/Rights Management Service Bus/Delivery MSDI : Standards S-44ISO 9001 ISO 191xx WMS WFS S-57 INSPIRE CC

10 10 15-9-2015 Data provider Data provider Data provider Licensing/Rights Management Service Bus/Delivery MSDI : Harmonization along Value Chain gatheringdata management legal distribution

11 11 15-9-2015 Data provider Data provider Data provider Licensing/Rights Management Service Bus/Delivery MSDI : Harmonization along Value Chain gatheringdata management legal distribution

12 12 S100 Universal hydrographic Data Model Strong enabler enhanced datasharing Across multi-disciplinary groups Beyond navigation. o Imagery o Dynamic data o High density bathymetry IMO: E-NAV EU: E-Maritime

13 13 Zorgelijke ontwikkelingen Instandhouding HOV Geen voldragen ILS. Knelpunten zijn. o Korte termijn: hydrografisch systeem (servers en netwerk) o Middellange termijn: sensoren als multibeam echolood en side scan sonar Ontbreken samenhangend plan voor IP-HOV Relatie achterstand: betere sensoren => efficiëntere inzet HOV Landmark Authoritative feature

14 14 Challenges HO’s consider the extent of their domain and influence Current status HO’s precludes full potential as data custodians rather than product producers

15 15 HO’s future NSHC31 Amsterdam 25-27 june 2014 Data centric approach Use S-100 internally Consider wider and promote wider use of data

16 16 Present & Future The difference

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