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Thermodynamics Notes Do Specific Heat Lab 12/12/12

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1 Thermodynamics Notes Do Specific Heat Lab 12/12/12
ICP Thermodynamics Notes Do Specific Heat Lab 12/12/12

2 Warmup Fill in this chart to convert the
specific heat table in your book (page 485) into something we can use for the lab. Substance Specific Heat (J/gK) Liquid Water Iron Aluminum Silver Carbon (graphite) Gold Copper Lead

3 Agenda Check homework Thermodynamics Notes Lab Go over homework
Open note quiz tomorrow!

4 Open Note Quiz tomorrow:
You may use the following four papers on your open-note quiz: Heat and Temperature Notes (fill-in-the-blank) Vocabulary Paper from Chpt 14 Notes with Specific Heat formulas (written on a blank piece of paper) Thermodynamics Notes (Received today)

5 What is Thermodynamics?
Thermodynamics –study of the conversions between thermal energy and other energy forms. “thermo” means heat and “dynamics” means changes, so it is a study in heat changes.

6 First Law of Thermodynamics
1st Law –Energy is conserved. Means if energy is added to a system, it can either increase the thermal energy (heat) or do work on the system.

7 Second Law of Thermodynamics
2nd Law –Thermal energy can only flow from hotter objects to colder objects unless work is done. In other words, in order to work against natural heat flow (colder to hotter), work needs to be done.

8 Entropy Entropy – the state of disorder in a system. Entropy in the universe is always increasing. In order to decrease the entropy of a system, work must be done.

9 Third Law of Thermodynamics
3rd Law –Absolute zero (0 K) cannot be reached. Absolute zero can only be reached when all energy and matter is randomly distributed across space. Scientists have come very close though (3 / of a degree above 0 K).

10 Describe the meaning of this cartoon.

11 Lab Data Sheet (copy this down)
Formula Quantity Water Mystery Object m Mass (g) Ti Initial Temperature (Celsius) Tf Final Temperature (Celsius) c Specific Heat (J/gᵒC) 4.18 Formula: cmo = cwmw(Tf-Tiw) mmo(Tf – Timo)

12 Part 2 of Worksheet Calculating Equilibrium Temperature: Tf = m1c1T1 + m2c2T2 m1c1 + m2c2 Tf = c1T1 + c2T2 c1 + c2 Use this one if the masses are different. Use this one if the masses are the same. ***The numbers 1 and 2 refer to substance 1 and substance 2.

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