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高 二 英 语 ( 下 ) Unit Sixteen The United States of America 授课教师 :黄 长 泰.

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2 高 二 英 语 ( 下 ) Unit Sixteen The United States of America 授课教师 :黄 长 泰

3 Unit 16 the United States of America Reading THE AMERICAN SOUTH


5 North America South America Africa Europe Asia Oceania Antarctica Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Arctic Ocean



8 1.America has two neighbours: ________ to the north and ________ to the south. Canada Mexico 2. The United States consists of ____ states with a total area of 9.4 million square kilometers which makes it the ______ largest country in the world. 50 fourth

9 4. In 1607, Britain planted its first colony ( 殖民地 ), which called ______ now. Virginia 3. To the west is ______ Ocean, and to the east is _______ Ocean. Pacific Atlantic

10 5. Britain successfully planted ___ colonies by great power and driving out the natives. 13 6. The first university in USA is _______ University. Harvard

11 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Washington 2 California 3. Texas 4. Mississippi 5. Florida 6. New York

12 Alaska Hawaii


14 Beautiful scenery of Alaska



17 Polar lights Beautiful scenery of Alaska


19 1. How many states are there in the USA? A. 49 B. 50 C. 51 D.48 B

20 2. Where is the White House located? A. New York B. Houston C. Washington, DC D. Boston C

21 3. The most important and largest river in the USA is: A. the Ohio River B. the Colorado River C. the Missouri River D. the Mississippi River D

22 4. What are the two major parties in the USA? A. The Republicans and the Democrats B. The Republicans and the Socialists C. The Democrats and the Socialists D. The Conservatives and the Democrats A

23 5. The symbol of the Republican Party is: A. A bear B. a lion C. an ox D. an elephant D

24 6. Which is the symbol of American democracy? A. The Lincoln Memorial B. The World Trade Center C. The statue of Liberty D. The National Capital C

25 7. Which of the following is the American emblem (国徽) : A. B. C. D. A

26 8. Which is the largest state in the US? A. Georgia B. New York C. Texas D. Washington C

27 9. “Big Apple” refers to: A. Atlanta B. New York C. Chicago D. Boston B

28 The “Big Apple”refers to New York. Most big cities have nicknames; some famous examples are: Los Angeles = The city of Angels; Chicago = The Windy City; New Orleans = The Big Easy.

29 10. “The City of Angels” refers to: A. Los Angeles B. New Orleans C. San Francisco D. Seattle A

30 11. The Constitution was written in: A. 1779 B. 1864 C. 1789 D. 1776 C

31 12.The American National Day is on: A. February 8 th B. December 20 th C. May 5 th D. July 4th D

32 13. How many stars are there on the flag? A.52 B. 50 C. 48 D.49 B

33 14. George W. Bush is the ___ President. A.30 th and 31 st B. 40 th and 41 st C. 43 rd and 44 th D. 55 th and 56th C

34 15.The nickname of the US government is: A. Uncle Sam B. Superman C. McDonald D. The Bald Eagle A

35 16. Who is the youngest billionaire in the history of America? A. George Bush B. J.K Rowling C. Bill Gates D. John F. Kennedy C

36 17. Independence was won from what country ? A. Germany B. France C. England 18. Where was the first capital of the United States ? A. Philadelphia ( 费城 ) B. Washington D.C. C. New York City

37 19. Which state is best known for wine? A. New York B. California C. Florida 20. Which music form organized in the United States ? A. Jazz B. Rock and Roll C. Folk songs

38 It is a street of an fashion and shopping center.

39 There are many sky scrapers of large banks and offices of big companies.

40 It is a famous automotive town. It is the home of Ford, General Motors and Chrysler.

41 America lies in the South of North America. It is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Atlantic Ocean to the east. The northern land neighbor is Canada, and the southern is Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico. Mississippi River

42 Total area population Language Religion Climate Nickname

43 Total area about 9.4 million square kilometers ( the fourth largest ); has a long coastline of 22,680 kilometers population Language Religion Climate Nickname

44 Total area about 9.4 million square kilometers ( the fourth largest ); has a long coastline of 22,680 kilometers population about 300 million Language Religion Climate NicknameUncle Sam & Melting pot

45 Total area about 9.4 million square kilometers ( the fourth largest ); has a long coastline of 22,680 kilometers population about 300 million Language English & Spanish ( some minority groups ) Religion Climate Nickname

46 Total area about 9.4 million square kilometers ( the fourth largest ); has a long coastline of 22,680 kilometers population about 300 million Language English & Spanish ( some minority groups ) ReligionChristianity (56%); Catholic(28%); Judaism(2%) Climate Nickname

47 Total area about 9.4 million square kilometers ( the fourth largest ); has a long coastline of 22,680 kilometers population about 300 million Language English & Spanish ( some minority groups ) ReligionChristianity (56%); Catholic(28%); Judaism(2%) Climate continental climate ( most part ) subtropical climate ( the south ) Nickname

48 Total area about 9.4 million square kilometers ( the fourth largest ); has a long coastline of 22,680 kilometers population about 300 million Language English & Spanish ( some minority groups ) ReligionChristianity (56%); Catholic(28%); Judaism(2%) Climate continental climate ( most part ) subtropical climate ( the south ) NicknameUncle Sam & Melting pot


50 Uncle Sam was named after Samuel Wilson. During the war of 1812, Samuel Wilson worked as a butcher and meat packer ( 包装工人 ). He provided large amounts of meat for the US Army. The barrels ( 大桶 ) were marked “U.S.”.

51 Supposedly, someone who saw the "U.S." stamp ( 图章 ) suggested -- perhaps as a joke -- that the initials ( 首字母 ) stood for "Uncle Sam" Wilson. The idea that the meat amounts came from "Uncle Sam" led to the idea that Uncle Sam represented the federal ( 联邦制的 ) government.

52 它源自 1812-1814 年间美英战争时期的一个历史传说。相传在纽约州 的特洛伊城 (Troy) 有位年长的肉类加工商,名叫山缪尔 · 威尔逊 (Samuel Wilson) 。他勤劳、诚实、能干, 很有威信, 人们亲切地叫他 " 山 姆大叔 (Uncle Sam)"( 注 :Sam 为 Samuel 的昵称 ) 。这位山姆大叔也是一 位爱国者, 他与父兄曾参加过美国独立战争。在 1812 年的美英战争中, 他的工厂与政府签了一份为军队生产桶装牛肉的合同, 美国政府每当 收到他交来的经其亲自检验合格的牛肉, 就将肉装入特制的木桶, 并 在桶上盖上 US 的记号。由于 Uncle Sam 的首字母是 US, 而美国 (The United States) 的缩写也是 U.S. ,于是人们便把这两个名称合二为一了, 意即那些经 " 山姆大叔 " 之手的牛肉,成了 " 美国 " 的财产。于是当地 的人们就把 " 山姆大叔 " 当成美国的绰号,并逐渐流传开来。 19 世纪 30 年代, 美国漫画家根据历史传说, 赋予 " 山姆大叔 " 形象, 于是 出现了一个蓄着胡子的高瘦老头形象。他头戴饰星高顶帽, 身穿红、 白、蓝三色燕尾服和条纹裤 ( 美国星条旗的图案 ) 。虽白发苍髯,却 精神矍铄, 一派威仪。从此,这一形象就成了美国的象征。 " 山姆大 叔 " 勤劳开朗的性格和爱国热忱, 体现了美国人民的天性和精神。因 此,1961 年, 美国国会正式承认 " 山姆大叔 " 为美国的民族象征和代表。

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