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Gemini Elementary Guide to Volunteering. What is KeepnTrack? KeepnTrack provides the following features: Web-based = Simplifies the process and increases.

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Presentation on theme: "Gemini Elementary Guide to Volunteering. What is KeepnTrack? KeepnTrack provides the following features: Web-based = Simplifies the process and increases."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gemini Elementary Guide to Volunteering

2 What is KeepnTrack? KeepnTrack provides the following features: Web-based = Simplifies the process and increases the chances for more volunteers. Automatically checks applicant’s information against the Federal Sex Offender database. Organizes volunteer programs and ties volunteers to user-defined activities and events. Tracks volunteer hours. Prints a visual, and secure name badges with volunteer name, sign-in time, and activity type to ensure a high level of safety and security. Provides a Criminal Background Check feature for Level A volunteers

3 How do I become a volunteer?  Sign up on-line at:  Be sure to have a valid photo ID or driver’s license  Enter email address for application status  Select Level A (work one-on-one with students, attend field trips) or Level B volunteer

4 What happens after I complete the online application?  Once you enter your email address on the KeepnTrack volunteer application, you will receive an email that your application was received and an email on approval status

5 How long does it take to be approved to volunteer?  The approval time may vary but generally can take upwards of 4-6 weeks depending on the amount of volunteers signing up.

6 How do I know when I can begin volunteering?  Once you are fully approved through KeepnTrack, you will receive an email with your volunteer status.  If for any reason your application is not approved, please contact District Security at 321-633-1000 x 233

7 What are the different types of volunteers?  “A” Volunteer (Sexual Predator and Criminal Background Check):  $20.00 (valid for 3 years)  Grandfathered in (free of charge) if fingerprinted after January 1, 2012 – will expire January 1, 2016  Work one-on-one or in small groups with students  Attend field trips  “B” Volunteer (Sexual Predator Check):  Work in non-classroom environment (library, office, etc.)  Work on school wide events (Morning Mile, 5K, etc.)  Direct teacher supervision (parties, presentations, etc.)

8 What types of things do volunteers do?  Assist in the classroom  Help with PTO events  Run copies  Go on field trips  Help in the media center, cafeteria, or office  Assist teacher with creating activities

9 Signing In and Out as a Volunteer or Visitor  Upon arriving at school, all visitors and volunteers must sign in on the KeepnTrack computer and scan photo ID  Upon departing the school, all visitors and volunteers must sign out on the KeepnTrack computer and scan photo ID or name badge  This allows us to track volunteer hours and ensure who is on campus at all times

10 How do I keep track of hours I accrue at home?  A form is available to you via the Gemini PTO website:  This form can be emailed to Jennifer Julian at:

11 We ask our Volunteers to…  Turn your Cell Phones Off.  Always follow the Code of Ethics  Dress to work with elementary students and comply with the school’s dress code.  Leave student discipline and incident investigations to the teacher.  Remember that parent conferences are to be scheduled.  Only use the copy machines during your child’s teacher’s planning time.  Always bring photo ID, sign in and out on KeepnTrack computer and wear name badge

12 Privacy in and out of the classroom  During your volunteering experiences, you must keep any information learned about a student or family confidential.  Failure to do so may revoke your volunteer status.

13 Blood borne Pathogens & Hazardous Materials  While volunteering, please make sure school staff is notified if you come in contact with a blood borne pathogen or hazardous materials.  Visitors and Volunteers should not give medical care, these situations will be handled by trained school personnel.  In the event of an emergency, please follow the school staff’s directions.

14 Thank you for giving us your gift of time. We appreciate the extra help you provide for our boys and girls, teachers, and school! Have a Great Year!

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