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Operations Specialists Paranal [calChecker] [HC monitor]calCheckerHC monitor September 2013 The big picture I Why do we take calibrations? SCIENCE observations.

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Presentation on theme: "Operations Specialists Paranal [calChecker] [HC monitor]calCheckerHC monitor September 2013 The big picture I Why do we take calibrations? SCIENCE observations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Operations Specialists Paranal [calChecker] [HC monitor]calCheckerHC monitor September 2013 The big picture I Why do we take calibrations? SCIENCE observations contain: scientific information OB: question by astronomer to the Universe science observation: answer by the Universe Reinhard Hanuschik, QC Garching

2 Operations Specialists Paranal [calChecker] [HC monitor]calCheckerHC monitor September 2013 Calibrations CALIBs contain: information about instrumental effects (ARC, FLAT, BIAS) or atmospheric effects (STD flux, telluric) SCIENCE reduction: raw science  calibrations with pipeline

3 Operations Specialists Paranal [calChecker] [HC monitor]calCheckerHC monitor September 2013 Calibrations CALIBs: clean, specialized measurement of certain instrumental effect principle: input known  see what the instrument does with this input  know about instrument

4 Operations Specialists Paranal [calChecker] [HC monitor]calCheckerHC monitor September 2013 Assumptions Instrument is stable between night and daytime then: daytime calibrations sufficient meaning: instrument conditions between day and night identical to acceptable level if not (due to unexpected conditions): science cannot be calibrated, lost

5 Operations Specialists Paranal [calChecker] [HC monitor]calCheckerHC monitor September 2013 Criteria Two important quality criteria on calibrations 1. Completeness If CALIB missing, or earlier/later CALIB exists but is inapplicable:  SCIENCE cannot be calibrated CALIB completeness  saving SCIENCE from last night provided by calChecker

6 Operations Specialists Paranal [calChecker] [HC monitor]calCheckerHC monitor September 2013 Criteria 2. Quality good quality  valid measurement of instrumental conditions valid: e.g. good flux and SNR overexposed flat: always bad well-exposed ARC, but grating not in same position as for science: bad Also: HC calibs  check instrument status rather than individual science CALIB quality  ensures science of next night provided by HC monitor

7 Operations Specialists Paranal [calChecker] [HC monitor]calCheckerHC monitor September 2013 The big picture II Where in the dataflow is QC and daytime calib checks? What is done on Paranal and in Garching?

8 Operations Specialists Paranal [calChecker] [HC monitor]calCheckerHC monitor September 2013 Garching automatic process for every instrument: calChecker every 30 minutes (tellTracker 15 min) HC monitor every hour running 24/7 output web pages identical for Garching (HQ) and Paranal (PL) for convenience: mirror site ‘PL’ (replicated within 15 min)

9 Operations Specialists Paranal [calChecker] [HC monitor]calCheckerHC monitor September 2013 Garching QC scientists: each is responsible for about 4 instruments 5/7 schedule, daytime only no shift system, no backups! If sick/travel: only automatic services in charge of configuration and maintenance of these tools e.g. calibration plan, scoring system review of past day results analysis of calChecker issues analysis of red scores on HC monitor and AB monitor produce master calibrations

10 Operations Specialists Paranal [calChecker] [HC monitor]calCheckerHC monitor September 2013 Garching If issues found: fix them (if pipeline related), or ticket to developer or understand them (based on trending, experience etc.) and inform Paranal (mail, comment editors) QC Garching has the first chance!

11 Operations Specialists Paranal [calChecker] [HC monitor]calCheckerHC monitor September 2013 Paranal Daytime 7/7: review (double-check) calChecker and HC monitor, to fill gaps (weekends, issues in Garching evening/night) react on Garching signals, coordinate actions, PPRS pro-active: discover issues (never rely 100% on QC Garching, the QC scientist might be sick or on holiday) but no need for duplication: if all scores are green, you can continue with the next instrument no need for visual checks (unless HC system incomplete)! much better: check product monitors (P…) for details

12 Operations Specialists Paranal [calChecker] [HC monitor]calCheckerHC monitor September 2013 Ideal workflow to check calChecker I Daytime 7/7: calScores green  all ok, done, next instrument! don’t forget cal4cal don’t forget long-term calibrations calScores red  investigate MISS, NOK: check if calOb queue was interrupted/stopped  restart if yellow: wait for end of daytime calib, no need to check earlier! nighttime CALIB missing  check with OB grade, USD, QCG provide your analysis text: very useful!

13 Operations Specialists Paranal [calChecker] [HC monitor]calCheckerHC monitor September 2013 Ideal workflow to check calChecker II analysis editor: choose flag (MISS, NOK, OK) enter comment your email address submit to be taken into account upon next execution (within ≤ 30min) contact QC

14 Operations Specialists Paranal [calChecker] [HC monitor]calCheckerHC monitor September 2013 Ideal workflow to check HC monitor I HC instrument score: green/OK  all ok, done, next instrument red/NOK  find reports (navigation or ‘score overview’) check scores and reports check comments, ‘Report news’ understand origin, enter ‘Report news’, contact QC

15 Operations Specialists Paranal [calChecker] [HC monitor]calCheckerHC monitor September 2013 Ideal workflow to check HC monitor II useful info for understanding issues: plots ‘Report news’ QC comments from the product pages earlier HC plots (history) tutorial (QC docu) Don’t hesitate to provide your own comments under ‘edit’!

16 Operations Specialists Paranal [calChecker] [HC monitor]calCheckerHC monitor September 2013 What to do if … red flags on calChecker? -analyze issue, take actions -e.g. science graded ‘C’, no issue: enter analysis, issue gets flagged ‘OK’ (upon next execution) -MISS or NOK calibration  take it, issue turns ‘OK’ upon next execution calChecker outdated? -inform QC data transfer/ NGAS access not working? -inform DHA also check out ‘HELP’

17 Operations Specialists Paranal [calChecker] [HC monitor]calCheckerHC monitor September 2013 What to do if … red scores on HC monitor? -analyze issue -if you think the instrumental issue is gone: take another calibration; score will automatically turn green if true (within an hour or less) -provide comment ‘Report news’ often: page still cached  press ‘Ctrl+Shift+R’ to refresh page HC monitor outdated (older than 24 hours)? -inform QC Find more under ‘HELP’

18 Operations Specialists Paranal [calChecker] [HC monitor]calCheckerHC monitor September 2013 What to do if … red flag for ‘parser’ or ‘ftp’ on HC monitor? -page still cached?  press ‘Ctrl+Shift+R’ to refresh page -if real issue: inform QC comment editor used but comment not visible? -page still cached?  press ‘Ctrl+Shift+R’ -might take up to 15 minutes until replication to ‘PL’

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