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1 The Shinleaf Family DwPinkwintergreen.jpg/250px-DwPinkwintergreen.jpg orse.jpg

2 Pyrolaceae  Herbs or subshrubs  Flowers are regular and perfect  Leaves are alternate and sometimes opposite  Leaves are basal or nearly so except in Chimaphila  Leaves persist through winter except in Moneses (sometimes called the wintergreen family)  Strongly mycotrophic-dependant on mycorrhizal in ground  5-merous

3 ONE-FLOWERED PYROLA flowered+pyrola+good.JPG Moneses uniflora  Plant grows 3-10 cm tall  Round, basal leaves about 1-2 cm  Leaf blade margin is finely toothed or subentire  Leafless stem  Single, white flower  Grows in damp woods and bogs

4 ONE-SIDED PYROLA Pyrola secunda  Leaves are elliptic to broadly ovate, 1.5-4 cm  Leaf blade margin is entire to crenate-serrate  Flower cluster a one-sided raceme of white flowers  Grows in moist woods and mossy bogs

5 PINK SHINLEAF Pyrola asarifolia  Basal leaves 3-6 cm  Leaf blade margin is entire  Pink, nodding flowers  Grows in moist woods and bogs

6 PIPSISSEWA Chimaphila umbellata  Plant grows to 10-30 cm  Sharply toothed leaves, 3-6 cm  Leaves 3-8 in whorls  Flower cluster with umbel-like pink flowers  Umbrella-shaped stigma  Grows in dry woods, esp. sandy soil

7 Gleason, Henry A., Cronquist, Arthur. Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada. 2 nd ed. New York botanical Garden, Bronx, New York. pp 213-215. Walters, Dirk R., Keil, David J., Murrell, Zack E. 2006. Vascular Plant Taxonomy. 5 th ed. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, Dubuque, Iowa.

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