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National Plant Trials Results Database Phase I Overview September 2, 2011.

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1 National Plant Trials Results Database Phase I Overview September 2, 2011

2 National Plant Trials Database Purpose Statement The purpose of the National Plant Trials Database is to provide one central repository for trial data and scores of the plants from the breeders who choose to participate. The trials grounds that choose to participate agree to adopt a standardized trialing protocol and a minimum set of standardized scoring procedures.

3 Standardized Trialing Protocol Trial Grounds will: – Provide a healthy and well-maintained growing environment – Fertilize as needed and/or directed by the breeder’s culture sheets – Spray for pests and diseases at the discretion of the trial manager. It is neither mandatory nor banned. – Not dead-head???? – Provide drip-irrigation if possible. Manual watering as an alternative. – Conduct trials in-ground, in containers or in hanging baskets; the specifics must be noted in the online database

4 Minimum Standard Trialing Requirements Trial Managers will: – Take a visual evaluation/score at least 3x per season – Note the first score two weeks after planting and then at least two reasonable times later in the season – Use a 1-5 scale for scoring 5 = excellent 4 = above average 3 = average 2 = below average 1 = poor – All the following traits will be judged and considered when giving the overall score: Height appropriateness Spread Flower characteristics (length of bloom time, beauty and holding power of bloom, etc.) Disease resistance Uniqueness – Provide at least one photo from the peak growing time

5 DRAFT Plant Detail Results Page Trial Garden Image here

6 Trial Gardens Updating Trial Results Via an Excel template. – The template will be downloaded from the Clarity Console AFTER selecting a location. This will limit the download to plants associated with the location (Evaluators won’t have to ignore non-relevant plant records). Online Via the Clarity Console – From a computer – The user will login to the Clarity Console and update the records after selecting their location. – From a mobile device – If the evaluator has a smart phone or I- pad with Internet Access, they can access the plant record and submit the data from the field. We will build an input form that has been optimized from mobile devices so it will be quick and easy to use. QR codes can be added to plant signage to allow the smart phone to quickly access the proper plant record

7 Images 1-4 marketing images for each plant attached to the ‘master’ plant record – Supplied by breeder/sponsor Trial Gardens will upload at least one image for each variety they trial each year.

8 Online Breeder Reports Secure Breeder Login By Plant – View results for a single variety from all trial garden locations By Trial Location – View all results by trial location

9 Finances Initiation fee of $3,000 Annual participation fee of $1,200 – Payable annually starting w/2 nd year in program Breeders still pay Trial Gardens as per their agreements Only the plants from the breeders that pay the initial participation fee, plus the yearly maintenance fee will be entered into the National Trials Database

10 Timeline September 2011 – Breeders Pay Initiation fee to AAS – AAS Contracts w/Clarity Connect October – Clarity Connect starts to build new website November – Clarity completes Beta Version of website – Clarity trains select beta Trial Gardens and Breeders on complete use of site – All Breeders add plant information for 2012 trials

11 Timeline (continued) December 2011 – Clarity completes site taking into account feedback from beta users – Breeders finishing adding plant information for 2012 trials January 2012 – Clarity trains all participating trial gardens on how to submit results

12 Phase I Site Map

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