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Inventory of Research Centres with a potential for participation in FP6 Carmen Moldovan ROMNET Vice-coordinator IMT-Bucharest (,

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Presentation on theme: "Inventory of Research Centres with a potential for participation in FP6 Carmen Moldovan ROMNET Vice-coordinator IMT-Bucharest (,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Inventory of Research Centres with a potential for participation in FP6 Carmen Moldovan ROMNET Vice-coordinator ( IMT-Bucharest (, Romnet Seminar, April 26, Bucharest

2 The main target of the project is to provide a substantial contribution in bringing Romania in a better position to integrate in ERA The main target groups at the national scale are: a) the scientific community scattered in more than 600 research centres; b) the community of innovative SMEs which do not have yet the experience and motivation to participate in FP 6 The core of the whole process is performing the inventory, the screening and the networking of the high-quality research centres Restructuring for integration in ERA will be the only realistic chance of the Romanian research to become competitive. The consortium putting forward this proposal has the competence and the authority to address the local scientific community and has the full support of national authorities Romnet Seminar, April 26, Bucharest

3 Inventory as a pre-requisite for networking We cannot start directly with the networking. First step: the inventory of the research centres (as well as of innovative SMEs), with their potential and their offer/request for collaboration Identifying of research groups (from three separate research systems: national R&D institutes, university research centers, research units of the Romanian Academy) will be focused on some priorities of FP 6, catalyzing the participation to EU projects. Romnet Seminar, April 26, Bucharest

4 First an inventory of the Romanian centers of research will be realized Today the information about these centres is spread over a large number of sources and difficult to access. The number of centres involved in networks is very small. The visibility of these centres is low and their participation to FP 6 is below expectations. The project will provide public and interactive electronic databases, in English, that will display information about scientists and research centers, about international research projects involving Romania and the external partners of Romanian organizations, as well as the offer/request of collaboration (including scientific services) Romnet Seminar, April 26, Bucharest

5 The first area: Explanation what means centres and contact data Identifying centres questionnaire

6 The second area: Interest in Framework Programme 6 (FP 6 )


8 The third area: Competence and resources relevant to FP 6


10 After registration based on username and password supplied by email you get access on the search form. Search form by keywords

11 Page viewing the information registered in data bases.

12 It is very difficult to know who is who in Romanian research! The fragmentation of research is also a drawback: a)the number of R&D units seems to be around 600, and they belong basically to three separate systems (with no correlation between them): national institutes (coordinated at the ministerial level), units of the Romanian Academy and the universities, respectively b)the research projects are small (mostly below 100,000 Euro) c)There are four centres of excellence recognized by the European Commission. Apart from these, there are dozens of centres of excellence in the three separate systems mentioned above, with a lot of parallelism Romnet Seminar, April 26, Bucharest

13 We need to cooperate all partners of the consortium The Systematic Inventory of the Romanian Centres started ICIA – Already delivered to the consortium the list of Romanian Academy Institutes having competences and potential for participation in FP6 on priorities The Universities area will be covered by CNCSIS and we are expecting to be a hard job but an excellent challenge due to the high potential in Research of the Universities. The Ministry of Education and Research help us in Inventory of Research Institutes – European Integration Department, National Programmes, National Contact Points - Romnet Seminar, April 26, Bucharest

14 Help yourself! If you are interesting in FP6 cooperation, please fill the questionnaire of the database: or fill direct the questionnaires received and return them to us (Secretary or fax: 021-490.82.38) Loocking for news, searching partners, reading e- newsletters, attending the events better connection with Scientific community from Romania and Europe increasing the chances of success in FP6 Romnet Seminar, April 26, Bucharest


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