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“How Do I Help My Child Succeed in Math?”. Traits of Successful Math Students Has a “can do” attitude. Does not give up easily. Follows directions well.

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Presentation on theme: "“How Do I Help My Child Succeed in Math?”. Traits of Successful Math Students Has a “can do” attitude. Does not give up easily. Follows directions well."— Presentation transcript:

1 “How Do I Help My Child Succeed in Math?”

2 Traits of Successful Math Students Has a “can do” attitude. Does not give up easily. Follows directions well. Shows all work when completing problems. Has multiplication facts memorized. Has basic mathematical foundation on which to build (i.e. understand fraction/decimal concepts and operations) Writes good notes and refer to notes when needed.

3 How Do I Help My Student Learn Multiplication Facts? Help your child “bone up” on basic skills by practicing multiplication facts. Knowing multiplication facts quickly and accurately is one of the most important skills they need to ensure success in math. Good old flashcards work best!

4 How Do I Help My Student Practice Basic Skills? Take advantage of the internet using fun websites designed to help kids strengthen their basic skills in math. A list of websites will be provided to you to take home if desired.

5 How Do I Help My Student Complete Homework? Help your child set up a consistent schedule (one both of you can live with) for completing homework and additional study, if needed. Find an area in your house where your child can complete their homework without distractions. Check their agendas daily.

6 How Do I Help My Student Complete Homework? Encourage your child to use their notes taken in class to complete problems. If they are struggling, have them explain their notes to you on problems completed in class. Most often they will answer their own questions. Help guide them to an answer using their notes. Don’t just tell them the answer.

7 How Do I Help My Student Complete Homework? Encourage your child to “Show All Work” when completing homework. Compare their homework to the examples on their notes to see if they look similar. While problems will become more difficult as they advance in math, the process of solving stays the same!! Encourage showing all work!

8 How Do I Help My Student Use All Resources Available? ENCOURAGE YOUR CHILD TO ASK QUESTIONS IF CONFUSED!!! Teachers cannot help unless they know someone is in need.

9 How Do I Help My Student Use All Resources Available? Utilize school tutoring opportunities. All teachers have weekly tutoring times posted. BJHS also has a homework hub available Monday-Thursday, a.m. and p.m. Encourage your child to use all resources available.

10 How Do I Help My Student Study for a Test/Quiz? Go over the vocabulary of the lessons. Ask them for definitions or give them a definition and ask for the name. Have them show you a couple problems and have them explain how they solved them. Encourage students to study nightly for an upcoming test/quiz. Don’t cram the night before. Complete all study review guides given.

11 Lastly, Allow your child to “vent” to you and then try to work together to find a solution to their dilemma. Reinforce “The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary!” Don’t give up!!

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