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1.Introduction 1:1-15 2.Condemnation 1:16 - 3:20 3.Justification 3:21 - 4:25 4.Salvation 5:1 - 8:38 5.Illustration 9:1 - 11:36 6.Application 12:1 - 15:13.

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Presentation on theme: "1.Introduction 1:1-15 2.Condemnation 1:16 - 3:20 3.Justification 3:21 - 4:25 4.Salvation 5:1 - 8:38 5.Illustration 9:1 - 11:36 6.Application 12:1 - 15:13."— Presentation transcript:

1 1.Introduction 1:1-15 2.Condemnation 1:16 - 3:20 3.Justification 3:21 - 4:25 4.Salvation 5:1 - 8:38 5.Illustration 9:1 - 11:36 6.Application 12:1 - 15:13 7.Conclusion 15:14 - 16:27

2 Four words: Romans 8 - Condemnation “Wrath” = the enslaving consequences of sin Romans 1:18, 24, 26, 28

3 Four words: Romans 8 - Condemnation Warning: Technical stuff!

4 Four words: Romans 8 - Condemnation But, there’s a payoff!

5 Four words: Romans 8 - Condemnation “Condemnation” ( Moulton-Milligan, pp. 327-328) “A burden ensuing from a judicial pronouncement - a servitude” Not ‘condemnation’, “but the punishment following the sentence” “Penal servitude”

6 Four words: Romans 8 - Condemnation What happened? Romans 5:16 … “the judgment which came from one offense resulted in condemnation”…

7 Four words: Romans 8 - Condemnation What happened? Romans 5:16 Adam’s sin resulted in death and enslavement.

8 Four words: Romans 8 – Death and Condemnation Sin brought the experience of “death”, immediately and ultimately.

9 Four words: Romans 8 – Life and freedom Romans 5:9-10 When we are justified, we can be delivered from wrath and enslavement by His life!

10 Four words: Romans 8 – Life and freedom We not only possess eternal life, we can experience life now!

11 Four words: Romans 8 – Life and freedom We not only possess eternal life, we can experience life now!

12 Four words: Romans 8 – Life and freedom So, having received the “gift of righteousness”, Paul explains that we can “reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ” Rom. 5:17

13 Four words: Romans 8 – Life and freedom Adam’s sin ended in a situation in which sin “abounded” and led to more enslavement to sin. Romans 5:20

14 Four words: Romans 8 – Life and freedom But, Paul goes on to say that “where sin abounded, grace abounded much more, so that as sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord”. Romans 5:20-21

15 Four words: Romans 8 – Life and freedom In chapter 6, Paul explained that we have been united to Christ and given an sin-free nature.

16 Four words: Romans 8 – Life and freedom God “downloaded” what we need to live new lives.

17 Four words: Romans 8 – Life and freedom However, we need to “unpack” that because enslavement to sin is still possible. Romans 6:15-23

18 Four words: Romans 8 – Life and freedom In fact, Romans 7 tells us that we are still in a body that in bent on sin and enslaves believers.

19 Four words: Romans 8 – Life and freedom As born-again people, trapped in sinful bodies, we can’t do what we want to do. Romans 7:15-23

20 Four words: Romans 8 – Life and freedom Sin is easy for us and doing good is hard. Romans 7:21

21 Four words: Romans 8 – Life and freedom Paul then cries out for a Savior from this “jail sentence” of being trapped inside this body. Romans 7:24

22 Four words: Romans 8 – Life and freedom His Hope and Solution is Jesus Christ! Romans 7:25

23 Four words: Romans 8 – Life and freedom Now, we come to the solution in Romans 8

24 Four words: Romans 8 – Life and freedom Word #1: Condemnation We are enslaved to sin inside of sinful bodies.

25 Four words: Romans 8 – Life and freedom Word #2: Death While we are going to eventually die because of Adam’s sin, Paul’s focus here is the reality is that our bodies are “dead” now, i.e. they are “uncooperative”.

26 Four words: Romans 8 – Life and freedom Word #2: Death Our bodies are “dead” now, i.e. they are “uncooperative”; the life of Christ can’t be lived through them.

27 Four words: Romans 8 – Life and freedom Word #3: Life Paul explains that we can experience life, or freedom from enslavement to sin, because of His life! Romans 5:9-10; 6:3-14

28 Four words: Romans 8 – Life and freedom Word #3: Life The life of Christ is literally lived through us! Romans 5:9-10; 6:3-14; Galatians 2:20

29 Four words: Romans 8 – Life and freedom Word #4: Mind set Means something like “to be focused, absorbed” Mk. 8:31-33; Phil. 2:3-11; Col. 3:1-4

30 Romans 8:1 – No enslavement! The believer does not have to serve sin and the flesh!

31 Romans 8:2 – New principle of life! There’s a new sheriff in town!

32 Romans 8:3-4 – New principle of life! Sin has been “thrown into jail” so that I can live the godly lifestyle the Law could not bring!

33 Romans 8:4 – New principle of life! The “key” to freedom starts with the Spirit’s power.

34 Romans 8:5 – New principle of life! It is our mind set that unleashes the Spirit’s power.

35 Romans 8:5 – New principle of life! Getting the Spirit’s “perspective” may involve reading the world, orienting our hearts by repentance, listening to Christian music, memorizing the Word…

36 Romans 8:5 – New principle of life! It is wonderfully general and relational, like being commanded to love your spouse.

37 Romans 8:5 – New principle of life! What is critical is that our mind set is on the things of the Spirit.

38 Romans 8:6 – New principle of life! The result is that we experience life and peace instead of the experience of death.

39 Romans 8:6 – New principle of life! Notice that this makes clear that it is our experience in time that is the focus.

40 Romans 8:7 – War! When we don’t live according the Spirit, we are inevitably at war with God and unable to live godly lives.

41 Romans 8:7 – War! Failure is inevitable and, potentially, valuable.

42 Romans 8:8 – War! Because of the inability of the flesh to serve God, it is impossible for unbelievers to please Him… They don’t have the Spirit.

43 Romans 8:8 – War! Because of the inability of the flesh to serve God, it is impossible for unbelievers to please Him. They don’t have the Spirit.

44 Romans 8:8 – War! They are “in the flesh” and without the Spirit.

45 Romans 8:8 – War! Any godliness, then, is not because believers are “better” but result when we walk according to the Spirit!

46 Romans 8:9 – Power! Since only believers are “in the Spirit”, we have the potential to live “according the Spirit”.

47 Romans 8:10 – Power! Every believer is trapped in a dead, uncooperative body, unable to have the life of Christ expressed through him.

48 Romans 8:10 – Power! Every believer has the ability to experience life and have Christ live through him by the Spirit’s power!

49 Romans 8:10 – Power! This started with the gift of justification, freely given.

50 Romans 8:11 – Power! The Spirit gave life to Jesus’ dead body.

51 Romans 8:11 – Power! The Spirit can give life to your dead body!

52 Romans 8:11 – Power! The Baby born in a manger came to give life.

53 Romans 8:11 – Power! But, He didn’t come just to save us from our sins eternally.

54 Romans 8:11 – Power! The Baby is now the risen Son of God who will save His people from their sins…TODAY!

55 Romans 8:11 – Power! The Baby is now the risen Son of God who will save His people from their sins…TODAY!

56 Romans 8:11 – Power! That Baby lives in us today to give us power over sin.

57 Romans 8:11 – Power! May God grant us the right mind set, the right focus, this Christmas!

58 Romans 8:11 – Power! He is still bringing joy to the world!

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